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What happened to the Xbow inclusion thread?

Steuben Jerry

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11 minutes ago, LJC said:

Yea I think so actually, let the guys who want to hunt with xyz hunt with there owm season why not .

Im just going to say that I disagree with that. Im also going to say that most hunters that I know dont just hunt with one weapon. Most bow hunters also hunt with guns. Personally I hunt with a little bit of everything, the only types of weapon that are currently legal that I havent killed a deer with would be a recurve or a crossbow.

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18 minutes ago, airedale said:

Well I think if there is full inclusion for crossbows that it is only fair that those hunters who demand to use such weapons have to follow the same route traditional bowhunters had to follow and earn your full inclusion stripes by having the several decades the incremental changes and improvements our bows went through instead of going to the head of the class right off the get go with one of these.


We started out with long bows and recurves that had to have a minimum weight of pull, we shot cedar arrows, our bows had to be able to shoot an arrow a certain distance, also no mechanical release, finger tabs or glove only.

Something along these lines should be good for starters the first few seasons, BWHAHAHAHHA!:rofl:        Al


When bow season was first implemented, they made the latest and greatest legal right off the bat. Compounds didnt become available for @ 10 years after NY created archery season.

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14 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Ok, calm down and type so that everyone can understand you.....


Some pretty substantial accusations you are throwing around there.

I did not mention anyone did I but we all know it happens or just range exaggerations you no that 8 yard recurve shot magically becomes a 25 yard shot lol  after the guy says the story a few times lol 

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21 minutes ago, BigVal said:

Point is your calling people out on an Internet forum with no reason to like a dumb ass 


we we get that you don't like xbows now move on start another thread or something. Lol

I did not call anyone out they probably sell 10 or more  compound bows  for ever 1 recurve these days nothing to call out .about now figure the odds of that 1 percent taking a huge buck at 25 yards  lol  the odds are rediculusly low . Just saying . 


Edited by LJC
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Maybe we could get LGBT to post some of his numerous x-bow kills from over the years before he gets this thread locked up like the rest of them!

I mean he must have albums upon albums just full of x-bow kills by the sounds of it..... or NOT!

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8 minutes ago, LJC said:

I did not call anyone out they probably sell 10 or more  compound bow for ever 1 recurve these days nothing to call out .about now figure the odds of that 1 percent taking a huge buck at 25 yards  lol  the odds are rediculusly low . Just saying . 


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32 minutes ago, LJC said:


Let's not mention the guys who us  compound bows and then bs everyone on here saying they took a huge buck at 25 yards with a recurve lol 

Not to mention anyone but lol 


Just so we are clear, are you calling me a liar LJC?  I have nothing to prove to you or anyone, but to doubt me (well, more than doubt) simply shows YOU have no idea of what is possible, either on state land or private, with any type of bow and even a modicum (meaning small quantity) of effort.  The fact that you gave up on the recurve (too difficult perhaps or lack of work ethic?) and claim its so difficult to shoot public land deer (the huge threat brought by the crossbow hunters) may be an indication of your level of skill, as a hunter and archer, more than anything else.  The fact that its too far for you to travel to your private property (which according to you is so much easier to hunt) and then complain about public land overcrowding is also ridiculous.  The word lazy comes to mind.  But hey, what do I know?  I couldn't carry your backpack in terms of skill levels I am sure.  Heck this is only my 5th season.  The good news is that the 22 deer I have killed in that time, the vast majority with bow, don't care.  I hope the crossbow army doesn't shoot all YOUR deer, since its clear that is what concerns you.  For some odd reason, I am happy to share my woods with those that may have a better weapon as you confirm.  Doesn't threaten me in the least.  My satisfaction comes from putting in effort and achieving goals, and sharing time and excitement with my buddies when they do the same.  Best of luck to you. 

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28 minutes ago, LJC said:

I did not call anyone out they probably sell 10 or more  compound bows  for ever 1 recurve these days nothing to call out .about now figure the odds of that 1 percent taking a huge buck at 25 yards  lol  the odds are rediculusly low . Just saying . 


I should have played the lottery instead I guess.  And its spelled "ridiculously".  By the way - people do it all the time with recurves, not just me.  Then again, they probably spend time practicing instead of arguing about others stealing their deer and how unfair life is.

Edited by moog5050
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25 minutes ago, LJC said:

I did not call anyone out they probably sell 10 or more  compound bows  for ever 1 recurve these days nothing to call out .about now figure the odds of that 1 percent taking a huge buck at 25 yards  lol  the odds are rediculusly low . Just saying . 


A rather ridiculous statement . Long Bow and Recurve shooters were taking deer at farther distances yhan 25 yards before compounds came about . Not many shoot the longbow or recurve any more because it is so much more difficult to do than with what is available now . 

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41 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Compounds didnt become available for @ 10 years after NY created archery season.

I know all about it I was there and I can tell you what we had was nothing close to a crossbow.


Edited by airedale
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I wish my buddy who hunts with a primitive bow he made, his arrows he made, string he made, and arrow heads he made was a member of this forum. He'd love to share some information. Pics of nice deer. He practices all year, scouts and prepares  and a lot. His brothers hunt the same property with compounds and xbows. He just prefers traditional and he's darn good at it too.

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Wow I made it to page 10 and can go no further in one sitting. At the beginning I was swayed more away from full inclusion. For one it seemed like an "every kid gets a trophy" thing. Instead of changing your way to hunt a certain season, the season should change for you so you're not excluded. My opinion is partially out of jealousy too, I've had a lot of deer bust me while drawing that I feel wouldn't have if I just had to raise a crossbow and wait for my shot. I was also worried about this "easier" hunting causing a larger number of deer to be taken in areas with already low deer numbers. My home state of pa allowed full inclusion several years back and seems to have caused no negative impact to deer numbers. After hearing opinions on both sides and seeing no major impact from full inclusion I don't see what it could hurt to allow them.

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My matthews htx is not top line it's pretty close tho. It shoot 300 ish fps. And I have absolutly no issue shooting to 60 yards (furthest I practice as of now) my bow is extremely quiet that being said 40 yards is my max unless deer is laying down so it can't string jump. I have yet to see or hear of a xbow that is even as quiet as a 1980 pse I have in garage. So the argument of range goes out window. I'd be surprised to see to many xbow kills outside 40 as they will string jump every time bc of the noise. An xbow is just a horizontal draw lock. He'll even go full inclusion with no scope go old school like my dad's that has pins on it. Then is there an argument. No longer becomes point and shoot?

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Guys, I have nothing against LJC other than him doubting my integrity (but really who cares) and he is entitled to his opinion regarding xbows and anything else, whether I agree or not.  I was kind of angry at first, but just laughing now.  Lots of naysayers out there.  I have learned to pay them no mind.  Not worth the effort.  In my experience, setting a goal and working my butt off to achieve it has paid off every time.  Some do, some complain about or have excuses for not doing.  So be it.  Moving on to something more productive, like pulling for my buddies to shoot a bigger buck than mine so I don't have to pay for dinner at season's end.  lol

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