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When president Obama won I excerpted him as the president. I did not like it but I except  it. I did not disrespect him or the office he held just his polices. I used my vote to change that. Now we must come together. So give him a chance like we gave president Obama. God bless the president of the United State of America.

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5 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Actually Little Hitler's victory holds out the hope of great humor as the world watches as, from this time forward he will now be known as President A-Hole, as his misguided policies plunges the country into ruins. It will be very ironic watching this happen being all his idiot supporters voted for him fearing it would be Hilary instead of President A-Hole who will ultimately be held responsible for the destruction of America. 

And just to be clear, "THE PRICK'S NOT MY PRESIDENT"

Sorry but thats, not going to happen trump is a  businessman if he trys something and its going wrong he will change direction plus having a president that doesn't spit out of his   dirty pie hole  of a mouth anti  American garbage every other day of the week is a big Improvement. 

Unlike the current guy who sounds like he is president of a foreign country when he talks.

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6 hours ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Unless you're renouncing your citizenship and moving offshore with all the celebs, he certainly is your President. 

Or just enjoy your divisiveness. After all, it's the democratic way!

Does that mean that Obama has been your President for the last 7+ years?

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5 hours ago, wildcat junkie said:

Does that mean that Obama has been your President for the last 7+ years?

It is an unfortunate fact of life that Obama has been the President of this entire country. And being a citizen of this country that unfortunately made him my president. No, unfortunately there was nothing in my power to "will him away" as he went about trashing the country and stuffing us further down the socialist hole. But yes the bad news was that he did occupy the office of President for all that time and was indeed "our" president, one that represents a tragic period in our country's history.

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10 minutes ago, Doc said:

It is an unfortunate fact of life that Obama has been the President of this entire country. And being a citizen of this country that unfortunately made him my president. No, unfortunately there was nothing in my power to "will him away" as he went about trashing the country and stuffing us further down the socialist hole. But yes the bad news was that he did occupy the office of President for all that time and was indeed "our" president, one that represents a tragic period in our country's history.

I dont know about that i think when he started bad mouthing this country in front of the world he technically disqualified him self from that job in my opinion

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10 hours ago, wildcat junkie said:

Does that mean that Obama has been your President for the last 7+ years?

Unfortunately, yes. While I wasn't at all happy with the things he did, the way he did them, and the things he said both domestically and abroad, I actually did consider him my President. He was lawfully elected by the people twice to hold that dignified office. How could I not? It's not like there was another POTUS.

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19 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Actually Little Hitler's victory holds out the hope of great humor as the world watches as, from this time forward he will now be known as President A-Hole, as his misguided policies plunges the country into ruins. It will be very ironic watching this happen being all his idiot supporters voted for him fearing it would be Hilary instead of President A-Hole who will ultimately be held responsible for the destruction of America. 

And just to be clear, "THE PRICK'S NOT MY PRESIDENT"

Uptown....Serious question...

What policies of Trump are misguided?

Repeal and replace Obama care? A law that has negatively affected every person I know

Strong borders and national security?

Adding SCOTUS that believe in the constitution? (you know, the document that has separated us from the rest of the world for 240 years)

Ending tax dollars for illegal immigrants and support for sanctuary cities?

Extreme vetting of any refugees that want to come to our land?

Lowering the corporate tax rate (one of the highest in the world) so we can compete with other nations and hopefully bring back some jobs?

Tax cuts for the middle class?

Support for our veterans?

Putting America first?

Admitting we have a huge Islamic terrorism problem and taking the fight to them?

An all of the above approach on energy?

Renegotiating trade deals that have left us unable to compete in the world in manufacturing anything?

Those are the few I could come up with as fast as I could type. What exactly is there to disagree with there? I would seriously like to know....




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Accusing people of hatred is the coward's way.

I don't hate Leftists, Obama or Redneck.  I just despise what they DO!  You don't hate your child when that child burns your house down playing with matches, but you sure as hell hate what the child did.

In response, you rectify the situation, make sure it can never happen again and continue on with your life.

The hate is all coming from the side that really does hate Trump and his supporters.  Not for what he does, but for what he represents, freedom, liberty, smaller government and the "Rule of Law" by the US Constitution.

The "progress" Progressives have been forcing on the country has been stopped.  That's got them all throwing a childish temper tantrum.  They all need to grow up and accept the reality of the situation and choose to deal with it like adults, not criminals.

You can choose not to "accept" Trump is the POTUS, but you cannot deny that he is.



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1 hour ago, Rattler said:

The hate is all coming from the side that really does hate Trump and his supporters.  

That was loud and clear throughout the election. The voters that turned out for Trump heard that and it fueled them. The Liberal news comments, social media comments and comments from the candidate herself all were down this line. 

I know it is kind of an emotional response after being force fed for the last 8 years and hating it. I am sure it will wain and I will be more focused at the business at hand for the country, but right now I have a burning in my gut that keeps pushing towards, "We have control, crush them under our boots so they don't ever stand a chance to have power again" 

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4 hours ago, Rattler said:

Accusing people of hatred is the coward's way.

I don't hate Leftists, Obama or Redneck.  I just despise what they DO!  You don't hate your child when that child burns your house down playing with matches, but you sure as hell hate what the child did.

In response, you rectify the situation, make sure it can never happen again and continue on with your life.

The hate is all coming from the side that really does hate Trump and his supporters.  Not for what he does, but for what he represents, freedom, liberty, smaller government and the "Rule of Law" by the US Constitution.

The "progress" Progressives have been forcing on the country has been stopped.  That's got them all throwing a childish temper tantrum.  They all need to grow up and accept the reality of the situation and choose to deal with it like adults, not criminals.

You can choose not to "accept" Trump is the POTUS, but you cannot deny that he is.



Repeal and replace Obama care? A law that has negatively affected every person I know- I am all for Nationalized healthcare however ObamaCare is not working as designed and does need to undergo change

Strong borders and national security? Against the wall, and against his radical proposals such as nation-wide stop and frisk as well as giving the police any more authority. It is a known fact that police consistently abuse the powers they already have and therefore can not be trusted with any more

Adding SCOTUS that believe in the constitution? (you know, the document that has separated us from the rest of the world for 240 years)- I oppose the selection of any conservative leaning judge 

Ending tax dollars for illegal immigrants and support for sanctuary cities?Yes and no, allow cities to operate as they see fit. I thought one of the republican's guiding principles was "Limited Government" on the local level?

Extreme vetting of any refugees that want to come to our land? No, this will lead to overt racism and as with the police as stated earlier lead to the abuse of power by those doing such vetting. 

Lowering the corporate tax rate (one of the highest in the world) so we can compete with other nations and hopefully bring back some jobs? Agree

Tax cuts for the middle class? Agree

Support for our veterans? No problem here

Putting America first? In principal, but at what cost? Trump's threats of trade wars will lead to the destruction of the American economy, especially since a large majority of what American's buy on a daily basis isn't made here. A trade war with any of our major trade partners, I.E. China will lead to higher costs for consumers dampening demand for such products leading to less sales and all the consequences this will entail

Admitting we have a huge Islamic terrorism problem and taking the fight to them? Agreed

An all of the above approach on energy? Need to be a bit more specific on this one.

Renegotiating trade deals that have left us unable to compete in the world in manufacturing anything? We manufacture nothing here anymore because the costs to do so here make such products unaffordable and therefore uncompetitive when compared to the lower prices of foreign made goods. 

As you can see there are some policies I agree with and since the decision on who will sit in the Oval Office has been made all I can do, expect for speaking out against what i disagree with, is to simply hope for the best.

Hopefully this answers your questions 

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Uptown doesn't believe in the Constitution? That my friend is about the dumbest thing an American citizen can say. The Constitution protects you and your rights. It allows you to shoot your mouth off, write what you want, be tried by a juror of yours and on and on. Hell it allows you to hunt through the second amendment. Why do you think that when we swear into the service we swear to defend that very piece of paper? We do this because its what makes America America. If you don't like this country and its laws you can move to a different one, but don't just jump the border some of those places will kill you. You may not like the President Elect but he is still your president along with every other American living in this great country. Many people have sacrificed life and limb for you to able say the stuff that you do, myself included. So please if you don't believe in America or its founding principles, please see your way out.

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7 minutes ago, Trailer said:

Uptown doesn't believe in the Constitution? That my friend is about the dumbest thing an American citizen can say. The Constitution protects you and your rights. It allows you to shoot your mouth off, write what you want, be tried by a juror of yours and on and on. Hell it allows you to hunt through the second amendment. Why do you think that when we swear into the service we swear to defend that very piece of paper? We do this because its what makes America America. If you don't like this country and its laws you can move to a different one, but don't just jump the border some of those places will kill you. You may not like the President Elect but he is still your president along with every other American living in this great country. Many people have sacrificed life and limb for you to able say the stuff that you do, myself included. So please if you don't believe in America or its founding principles, please see your way out.

Thats the problem with the left they only want to follow the laws that they like.

But now that everything is going not in their favor they riot . And everyone against them is some how racist .


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5 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Repeal and replace Obama care? A law that has negatively affected every person I know- I am all for Nationalized healthcare however ObamaCare is not working as designed and does need to undergo change

Strong borders and national security? Against the wall, and against his radical proposals such as nation-wide stop and frisk as well as giving the police any more authority. It is a known fact that police consistently abuse the powers they already have and therefore can not be trusted with any more

Adding SCOTUS that believe in the constitution? (you know, the document that has separated us from the rest of the world for 240 years)- I oppose the selection of any conservative leaning judge 

Ending tax dollars for illegal immigrants and support for sanctuary cities?Yes and no, allow cities to operate as they see fit. I thought one of the republican's guiding principles was "Limited Government" on the local level?

Extreme vetting of any refugees that want to come to our land? No, this will lead to overt racism and as with the police as stated earlier lead to the abuse of power by those doing such vetting. 

Lowering the corporate tax rate (one of the highest in the world) so we can compete with other nations and hopefully bring back some jobs? Agree

Tax cuts for the middle class? Agree

Support for our veterans? No problem here

Putting America first? In principal, but at what cost? Trump's threats of trade wars will lead to the destruction of the American economy, especially since a large majority of what American's buy on a daily basis isn't made here. A trade war with any of our major trade partners, I.E. China will lead to higher costs for consumers dampening demand for such products leading to less sales and all the consequences this will entail

Admitting we have a huge Islamic terrorism problem and taking the fight to them? Agreed

An all of the above approach on energy? Need to be a bit more specific on this one.

Renegotiating trade deals that have left us unable to compete in the world in manufacturing anything? We manufacture nothing here anymore because the costs to do so here make such products unaffordable and therefore uncompetitive when compared to the lower prices of foreign made goods. 

As you can see there are some policies I agree with and since the decision on who will sit in the Oval Office has been made all I can do, expect for speaking out against what i disagree with, is to simply hope for the best.

Hopefully this answers your questions 

Thanks for taking the time...

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9 minutes ago, Papist said:


The hard left  does not  realize that ,   these people that  act up like that and the rioting   is why Trump won. People are  sick of that  garbage  .  WHICH BTW IS ALL FAKE PAID FOR BY SCUMBAGS LIKE George Soros and friends. 

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43 minutes ago, Papist said:


If that is their representative for promoting violence against Trump supporters, then shes got a long way to go before she scares any one.....lay off the doughnuts and lose 100lbs you tub of lard. And get a real life while your losing that dozen dounuts

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18 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Repeal and replace Obama care? A law that has negatively affected every person I know- I am all for Nationalized healthcare however ObamaCare is not working as designed and does need to undergo change

Strong borders and national security? Against the wall, and against his radical proposals such as nation-wide stop and frisk as well as giving the police any more authority. It is a known fact that police consistently abuse the powers they already have and therefore can not be trusted with any more

Adding SCOTUS that believe in the constitution? (you know, the document that has separated us from the rest of the world for 240 years)- I oppose the selection of any conservative leaning judge 

Ending tax dollars for illegal immigrants and support for sanctuary cities?Yes and no, allow cities to operate as they see fit. I thought one of the republican's guiding principles was "Limited Government" on the local level?

Extreme vetting of any refugees that want to come to our land? No, this will lead to overt racism and as with the police as stated earlier lead to the abuse of power by those doing such vetting. 

Lowering the corporate tax rate (one of the highest in the world) so we can compete with other nations and hopefully bring back some jobs? Agree

Tax cuts for the middle class? Agree

Support for our veterans? No problem here

Putting America first? In principal, but at what cost? Trump's threats of trade wars will lead to the destruction of the American economy, especially since a large majority of what American's buy on a daily basis isn't made here. A trade war with any of our major trade partners, I.E. China will lead to higher costs for consumers dampening demand for such products leading to less sales and all the consequences this will entail

Admitting we have a huge Islamic terrorism problem and taking the fight to them? Agreed

An all of the above approach on energy? Need to be a bit more specific on this one.

Renegotiating trade deals that have left us unable to compete in the world in manufacturing anything? We manufacture nothing here anymore because the costs to do so here make such products unaffordable and therefore uncompetitive when compared to the lower prices of foreign made goods. 

As you can see there are some policies I agree with and since the decision on who will sit in the Oval Office has been made all I can do, expect for speaking out against what i disagree with, is to simply hope for the best.

Hopefully this answers your questions 

I disagree with some of your positions and premises, but I appreciate the coherent statement(s) being made without the usual derogatory inferences regarding President Elect Trump. The man has every intention of doing good things for the country, and he deserves a chance. That's all.

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