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this group is a pretty good one for tick born illness info.  they say stuff like the oil and others work well as repellent.  highly recommend permethrin.  anything 20% or higher in DEET works well too and better than natural remedies i think they say.

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3 hours ago, Belo said:

even without lyme there's something unsettling about a bug buried into your skin feasting off you.

Well, they don't really bury themselves (embed) into your skin. They do, however, insert their mouthparts into the host! So, sleep easy! LOL.

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7 hours ago, Belo said:

that's pretty cool. wish she did some better editing though. can't hear her over the music. where do you get this stuff?

Walgreens, Walmart...just about anywhere:


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Instead of the Sawyers brand, I bought one gallon of $averPak Single – 1 One Gallon Container of JT Eaton Kills Bedbugs, Ticks & Mosquitoes Permethrin Clothing & Gear Treatment with Sprayer for $35. Almost half the price. Gets decent reviews.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Pulled 4 off our dog in the past week. 3 around her eyes and one by her ear. We check her daily ( and ourselves ), she gets her vacs like clockwork, and use Seresto for collar.

The damn ticks seem to be getting used to the chemicals used to keep them off us and our pets.

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As long as the attachment duration is short (less than 10-12 hours) you should be GTG with no worries. 

Yup. It was 2-3 hours max. I always have my wife check me, shower, then have her check me again.

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I pulled one off my arm this morning, noticed it when I was brushing my teeth. I was at my sisters property on Monday to check my cams, and flicked 2 off me when i got back up to her house. So this morning I pulled it off and put it in zip loc and called my doctors office, just checking what if anything I should do. I was told to drop it off at the lab at his office for analysis. I just got home and this is first time I ever had one on me like that. My doctor said in the mean time if it gets sore or swollen to call them right away. I have enough health issues and do not need any more.

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My Dr. Had me come right in and took a blood sample and started me on meds that day not waiting for he test results to come,back .

Everytime you find a tick on you?

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