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King Andy & his illegal Road signs


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 King Andy put his road signs up after being told they were illegal in the first place which we paid for & now they need to be taken down which we will pay for.. & they said they will be revamped & put up again.   I think King Andy should pay for all this nonsense with his  campaign funds & leave us tax payers out of this mess! Total BS!  Where does he come up with all his stupid ideas & why doesn't someone stop him?   rant over.

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He gets away with it because he is the best Governor that money can buy.  Politics isn't about doing right and good for the people you represent; it's about conning them into believing they need you so you can stay in office and get fat on the gravy train! 

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He put them up on federal right of ways even after he was told not to.  They spent 8.8 million on these signs.  Not the Fed is gonna withhold 14 mil of highway funds til they are taken down.  

Now who got this contract......gotta be one of his buddies for sure.  8.8 million on I love ny signs that could've been done for about 500,000.  There was a sign company in syr saying they would have gladly done it for under 500k but they never saw an open bid.....I'm sure they did their typical 3 bid state system and handpicked it for some one in the click.  More Misuses of your tax dollars.

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12 hours ago, hunter49 said:

 King Andy put his road signs up after being told they were illegal in the first place which we paid for & now they need to be taken down which we will pay for.. & they said they will be revamped & put up again.   I think King Andy should pay for all this nonsense with his  campaign funds & leave us tax payers out of this mess! Total BS!  Where does he come up with all his stupid ideas & why doesn't someone stop him?   rant over.

Now don't put all the blame on Mr. Cuomo. The state senate and assembly are just as bad.

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Andy's fine. It's you guys that are the problem..... He knows what's best for our great state. He's creating jobs over this sign ordeal, somebody's gotta make em and put em up....And giving them job security, when they have to take them down too.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

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14 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

Color me stupid ....but why were these signs illegal ?

The signs were basically NYS advertising billboards and NOT pointing or directing to any specific tourism sites. IRC, the total bill of ~$8m included ~$6 to install. Is that what it'll cost to take down also? Dumb-a$$ politicians!!!!!!!

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