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Have you been relegated to a guide/ caller?


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Well its happened already phone call ..hey can you take me out the 1st 2 days of turkey season and call me in a bird??? 

I never seem to be able to say no. The man that thought me to turkey hunt use to tell me all the time if I didnt take out one or two guys every time I went out I'd kill more birds. Fact is I enjoy seeing someone else take a bird the look of excitement on their face when a bird lights up to a call, let alone seeing them shake as a bird struts into range, laughing as they miss an easy opportunity and explaining how it ok it happens.. 

Looks like my own season will start a little later this spring. Hope to be able to get a friend his first bird and do a little teaching at the same time....

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26 minutes ago, sodfather said:

I had to ask geez didn’t think you’d post about it ... Kidding aside I love taking first timers duck hunting cause my neighbor and family always took me when I was a kid 

One thing I've always wanted to do but have no knowledge of.. I get wood ducks on the creek a lot and mallards.. several flights of ducks on pond in fall , biffle heads, mergansers, and a few teal.. just not in the loop on ducks and legalities involved

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Turkey hunting has never been a passion for me like deer hunting. Though I do enjoy it. And I've killed a number of birds, and became quite proficient at calling them in. Over the years, I've called in many more for others than I have for myself. 

Most were first timers or youths. Though my hunting partner Gary has got a few of them too.

Feels just as good to me, calling them in for someone else, as shooting them myself. At times even better!

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Been the guide for lots of things....turkey, deer and esp fishing.  

A few years ago when we first got our lease I was setting up my two buddies for the gun opener.  We didn't know much about the new land and I had gotten a deer with the bow already in another spot I hunt.  So I made plans for the opener of gun and got them setup in spots I thought looked the best.  And the day before I thru up a 9ft  stand in some thick stuff for me as a last minute spot. 

And of course I shoot two deer that day. Lol

But my one buddy missed a huge buck so I did have him in the right spot. 

Can't imagine how many times I have guided for fishing.  Rowed a boat while the guy in front and the back would cast in Adirondack lakes.  Always had a great time.   

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I have called for a number of youths and also for my best friend.  I got them all on birds, but they all missed.  I'm not sure what that says about my guiding abilities.  I think I would be plenty busy taking people, but when I tell them what time I get up and they change their minds.

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Not in a while.  My buddy and I are on a pretty even footing for birds.  He's only got one arm, so I wind up shooting more than him that we both call in, simply because I can pivot in any direction.  Helluva good feeling when we get him one though.  Which is usually every year.


I got a good video last year of this nasty old hen beating the crap out of our deek, and then him walking up on her, mid deek beating, and her taking a few steps towards him like "You want a piece too?".  I'll upload it sometime.

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I get those call quite often, and I get excited when I do. 

I've taken many toms. Not bragging, but I know I can get a 3+ yr old tom without too much trouble. 

My excitement level goes through the roof when I'm calling for another person and a tom is on the way in. Seeing the hunter start to shake, their breathing ragged, gets me doing the same thing.  


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37 minutes ago, ODYSSEUS said:

Right Mowin- the Turkey Fever/ Addrenalin Dump!  This is why Beginners- ( without a Mentor) will  Miss over the Top. That could happen a number of times as it did to me--(No Mentor). This is one reason , I tell Hunters to Aim at Mid Neck Level-- not at the Gobblers Head. I still get the Turkey Fever some . 

I've made that mistake a time or three, and a few others.  Lol.

Back in the late 70's early 80's there were few turkey hunters around. And those I knew we're just as green as myself.  I remember shaking so bad I couldn't have hit the inside of a barn if I was standing inside it. Lol.  Definitely some great memories. 


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