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Best Valentines Day in a long time !


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I had to twist my wife's arm a little on Wednesday, to convince her to make me pickled deer hearts, like she has done every year for Valentine's day, since we have been married.  I only got two last year, so I asked that she add a couple of beef tongues to the mix.   She dutifully performed the task.   I got her a half dozen yellow roses, from the local produce market, on my way home from work yesterday.  Those are her favorites.  She was overjoyed with that $ 10.99 token of my appreciation.  I am enjoying some of that pickled tongue right now as I type, and saving the heart to take Ice-fishing up at the in-laws this weekend.   They love the heart but won't touch the tongue. 

 I always preferred tongue and it is too bad that deer don't have bigger ones.   Pickled moose tongue is my all time favorite wild game meat (they are bigger than beef tongues), but those from Black Angus or Holstein is almost as good.   My wife does not mind preparing the hearts, but always complains a bit about the tongues.  She says that skinning them, after they are cooked, grosses her out a bit.  It has been a few years, since I had tongue on Valentine's day, so I will agree that this was the best Valentine's day in a long time.                 

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I will be taking my wife of 57 1/2 years of marriage to dinner . I buy her a Rose Plant every Valentine's Day . It's something that lasts . I put a bunch of lottery tickets in with the Valentine Card . If she wins big , she may leave .........
If I understood this correctly that you've been married for 57 1/2 years that is amazing. Congrats.

Tomorrow I hit 35 years of marriage. Didnt think there were many people left married as long as me.

Enjoy your time with each other.

Bought my wife some live tulip bulbs and they started sprouting today!

Dinner tomorrow after the renaissance festival!

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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I got myself a vasectomy one Valentines Day. It didn't go over very well at the time, especially when I asked her for a ride. But now she admits it was one of the best Valentine's gifts ever. I always get her a dozen roses every year and she's happy with that. 

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55 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

GF ended up being able to make dinner last night.  I made bacon wrapped pork tenderloin and mashed.  And she even brought me a gift..... TF did you give her a hint.....lol.  


oh no ! She bought the upside down model.  Whatcha making first ?

this ?! https://forktospoon.com/air-fryer-air-fried-pineapple-upside-down-cake/

Edited by turkeyfeathers
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will you be my valentine?
I assume that means I can shoot all your bows and hunt all your stands so yes you can.

Disclaimer wife and daughter broke into the basket again this morning. Couldn't even wait until lunch. lol must be worth it.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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