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Someone needs to design better locking mechanisms for these cams.

If there was some fool-proof way of locking a cam to a tree, these creeps would use the camera for target practice ........ just because people are what they are. I have seen people come back with heavy bolt-cutters just to steal a tree-stand. And this was more than a mile off the road and one heck of an uphill climb. The amount of effort expended was way more than the thing was worth, but they did it anyway just to feel like they were getting something for nothing. I really believe that they would go get a chain saw if they thought a camera locking system was too much to overcome.

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They should put lojack in these things. This way the police can go directly to the persons house and say KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, yea we tracked a stolen camera to this residence, care to comment or should we get a warrent? Bet they would find a lot of stolen stuff... Makes me second guese using them on public land...

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People are such A-holes. Over the years I cant remember the number of treestands, blinds, decoys and trail cams I've come across out in the woods. The thought of stealing one never even entered my mind. Dirt bags!!

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ive had 7 stands stolen in the last 4 years they cut the locks with bolt cutters some times and i also think some one has been using a cut off wheel. it really sucks this is part of the reason why i havent bought a trail camera yet and i want to bad. a few years ago my favorite stand was stolen my buddy that i hunt with found it it about 400 yards in the river bottom the guy stole it and rehung it for late season. i wish i couldve caught him in the stand.

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on the property I work on, part of my job is to remove equipment, thats not supposed to be there, stands, cameras......... theres not much out there that will keep a determined thief from getting your gear, even locked, its amazing what cable cutters or bolt cutters will do when needed

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I had a camera stolen this past season- also private property, posted. I like the idea of putting them up higher. I'll try that this year. But, i have to agree- if someone's really motivated, they'll find a way to steal your stuff.

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I agree with Doc's earlier statement ---" I really believe that they would go get a chain saw if they thought a camera locking system was too much to overcome" .

I put up 2 cameras on a friend's property yesterday . Hopefully I might get some Turkey pics but I am hoping to get pics of a trespasser who rides the trail on horseback . The ground is real soft and the horse is sinking in the trail and making a mess . The property is POSTED . I have the cameras at least 10' high and tipped down .

I have seen cameras placed at 3 to 4 feet high and they are fairly easy to spot . I never look up in the trees to see if there are any more .

If you see a guy walking into the woods with bolt cutters or a hack-saw you might just assume he is up to no good or he could have lost the key to his own stand or camera lock box . :rolleyes:

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