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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/12 in Posts
4 points
It certainly is frustrating to have laws that are written in terms that can cause 10 pages of discussion as to how those laws are to be applied. The legal system is guaranteed to make a criminal out of you just about any time a LEO wants to make an arrest. Yes they say that ignorance of the law is no excuse. And then we have laws that are misinterpreted by even the people who enforce them, and cause ten forum pages of widely differing interpretations. Frankly, these clowns that write the laws don't seem to have even the basic understanding of communication skills. And these are supposed to be our trained, super-educated, legal minds that are conjuring up these fiascos. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just this one law, but a quick review of some of the topics that show up here, indicates that almost every law has many interpretations. Oh, and that's only conservation laws that we are talking about here. Imagine the laws you are inadvertantly breaking daily when we consider the rest of the legal system. We're all a bunch of crooks .... lol.4 points
Culver just PM's me to tell me that he will be the first paying customer of my contraption when I start my production run, just so he can send it to you. LOL2 points
Well WNY it isn't my forum so John can do what ever he wants. But it is a fraking ad. It should be in a section for that and NOT in the deer hunting forum. He is pushing a product...plain an simple. If the forum want to whore itself out in every sectio of the forum ...it is what it is... As for me being on a high horse...not really . call it what you want. I was really speaking to those type of terms being used in an ad to sell a product. seems cheesey and disrespectful to me. IMO2 points
Also, another piece of advice. You might want to proof-read your posts and correct with some proper grammar. I think it'll only help get your point across. Dont worry, no one give a crap about your grammer skills.2 points
After 9 days of hunting in PA that was almost a total bust until I got this with only a few mins of light left. The exciting part to me was this was the first time in 18 years of bow hunting that the deer didn't know it was hit. She jumped and ran about 10 yards and looked around for about 4 or 5 seconds and her legs went stiff and she flopped over.2 points
thank you. I try my best to foster he sport. I have a friend who come sup from cicero. He has a camp on black lake. I fish there in the summer with him. Anyway he has had bilateral knee replacement and does not get around like he used to. This year his daughter and he came up. I have one ground blind that is easy to get to. He sat in that and did get a deer, but he was so happy to be able to get out. His daughter has been hunting for probably 15 years. She missed a decent deer during muzzleoading. But, she was happy to have a chance. During youth weekend, I had a young man and his mom come over. They took my class this summer The mom was trying her best to be a fill in dad. Anyway they hunted the Sunday of youth weekend. She was so appreciative for the hospitality and the opportunity to hunt. We ate well and they had a ball. Both are now hooked. I guess I am rambling, but to me that is what it is all about. The simple truth is I have killed plenty of deer in my life. I get much more enjoyment watching another get a chance.2 points
No second thoughts on lowering the boom. Fully body mount. Don't care if I have to sleep in the doghouse forever.2 points
It's a tribal warning... The Kensico is a sacred hunting ground of the FUZZYBUMPER tribe, a tribe of primitive lesbian Amazons. If they catch you there they'll dress you up in leather, engineer boots and a chain drive wallet and lock you up in a mud hut as a love slave.2 points
DeerLogic success!!!! After a few scouting trips off and on since July, in an area I frequently hunted about 15 years ago. I was studying my DL, and started to see a pattern of trails, rubs, scrapes, and sighting logged by myself and some hunt group members. I used all the data, and the map itself to make my decision on where I would use my climber. I set a way point on the map, and away I went the next morning. I followed my DL straight to where I wanted to sit, and sat the area for 2 days. I saw 7 deer, at all times of the day. The last one to came in was this nice 8ptr. He came into 12yds, I was able to make a great lung shot, and he took a dirt nap about 50 yds away. Bitter sweet taking a deer after putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, using my DL. Then being able to log a mint "Harvested Deer!!", and knowing that an alert went out to all my hunt group members leting them know that I just harvested a buck. Can't wait to see who will be next!!!1 point
He doesn't look like he'll starve any time soon.1 point
This is the biggest bear i have ever seen in NY. Picture was taken by my friend in Orange county a few months ago.1 point
do you have a cam running in there? my spot where i have a ton a doe in noticed the bigger boys are showing up and are sticking around close by, they are waiting for these does to start coming into heat. im hunting my doe spot this weekend after i pulled my card yesterday and discovered a giant buck showing up. its been at night but i would love to be there when he shows himself in the day time. i have alot of does that use this trail past my tree in very thick cover. the bucks been coming in nose to the ground the past week and half. 2 of them i have in the day time now so its a matter of time the way i see it until one of them slips up1 point
1 point
Thought is was gonna be some fancy wind drift ballistic App or program. Who bring an I pad to the range...lol1 point
Criminals here in the city are a lot more civilized than their upstate counterparts. They'll wait for you to grab your pistol and reload out of the spirit of sportsmanship so long as you say "please".1 point
It was a beautiful morning and I just got back...did a bad bad thing this a.m....about 9:30 sitting in shooting house...due to wind...Had to go!...Too much water...so took care of business and I crawl out on to the deck ...so as not to get caught...reach over blind material and empty container...There's a rush of noise running away then stops...I... still on hands and knees brace for what I thought would be skunk...no...I peek over blind and there 12yrds away are a buck and doe fawn...he has 4 in spikes and is sniffing like crazy... she on the other hand is violently shaking her head ...with my urine spraying of her ears....OOOPPPPssss...Lord what are the chances...she starts the one foot stomp and turning where she stands...trying to figure out what just happened.... ears rotating every which way...I back up into the shooting house and try to get cam but she decides to trot away up through the woods buck in tow...I think I popped a vein trying not to laugh out loud...They surely creeped in on me...The wind had the leafs very noisy this morning...lol1 point
Maybe I should get a prototype made and then get a patent on it. Obviously there are people interested in it! LOL1 point
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Yeah, I have been known to do the same. When I run across an old skull, rather than just leave it semi-concealed on the ground, I will stick it up where people can see it. It's just a way of sharing the find with any other people walking through the area. I never thought that anyone would be creeped-out by seeing where a deer had died. Is that really a concern to many of you? Does that upset you all? Maybe I shouldn't be doing that.1 point
Phade...she asked for suggestions...OP on the 9 acres being over hunted were given...all she did was reply with the facts as she has lived them...That is not ignorance...I have been told so many times don't do this or that for you'll never get a nice buck they'll all run for the hills and it just isn't the reality that I've experienced..period....not every thing in deer hunting is set in stone...some times...some ppl....not saying YOU in particular...read too many magazines.... Getting nasty because she answered with something you can't imagine is not ignorance1 point
1 point
Got mine sometime in the '80's. No classes to take or other bs,no restrictions ,wife has hers,oldest daughter getting hers,most guys i work with,neighbors etc. full carry.Love Monroe county for that anyway. Also got Fla. and Utah, permits so I'm good in 38 states . pre ban mags,black talons God bless America ! Interview, classes, renew ? WTF.....1 point
2nd week in. This one came to 20 yds. Big 10 Kept going. Good start.1 point
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Ahhh ...see being a woman... my mind had to go to a certain type of "bank " withdraw...Ohhh you guys are wishful thinkers...lol1 point
Simple biological fact, Growie... If they don't have MALES, they can't reproduce... I'm sure the poor girls grit thier teeth and close thier eyes.... Kinda reminds me of...Nope..I won't go there...<wink>...1 point
I am up to 6 this year, on a good run with them. My kids like to go in the basement with me and get them out of the traps and carry them around by the tail. Crazy redneck kids..hehe1 point
1 point
Okay Growie...I'll try to stay on subject...It's just that thinking of Consuela brought back some fond memories <<sigh>>... What a woman...If it were not for her rotten teeth, harelip and that embarassing feminine hygiene problem she would have been darn near perfect. We'd probably still be together if she hadn't run off with that Armenian Bed Pan Technician....1 point
They have a vacancy. Pygmy knows exactly what he is talking about too. He has been captive their 5 times and his finial freedom didn't occur until the Fuzzubumpers filed a restraining order to keep him away1 point
I think this is the effect his mother was trying to get by telling him to sit by the window.1 point
Aren't you one of the folks that "NEVER" get poison ivy !1 point
Im not superstitious. All that bad luck juju nonsense means nada to me.1 point
I love how everyone becomes some kind of medical expert with their own remedies when someone else gets poison ivy or sprayed by a skunk. Just very humours. Myself I don't react to poison ivy, i do react to getting sprayed by a skunk.1 point
I just choked on my coffee. .....That has to be the funny post of the week!!!1 point
Smear dog poo on it it won't make it go away but you wont want to itch it cause of the smell1 point
Uncle Ted is behind it!! That guy can't kill a deer unless its over kmeer deer laced corn.1 point
All I've seen the last 4 times I've been out is squirrels. Missed a doe a week ago with the muzzeloader and haven't seen one since. I take whatever walks in front of me because you can't eat horns. I hunt to fill my freezer, not to decorate the wall. If I get that chance, great. If not, I still have meat in the freezer. And I'll need that espeically w/ the new baby coming1 point
Back on topic......... I killed a doe yesterday. 15 yards, coming to grab one of the last apples on the ground from the tree. East wind dictated using one of my favorite stands. East wind and a little drizzle.........works almost every time! Spent a few hours taking care of business due to the warm temps. Hang, skin, run to town for a couple bags of frozen water, quarter, bone, bag (2.5gal ZipLocks) put on ice in cooler, clean up, wash up, change, drop off hide at friends, dispose of parts, beat feet for home.1 point
I find it quite rediculous the way things have turned on this site. Bubba started his own thread, you guys attack him and redicule him and you are calling him names? Why would you comment on his thread if you had no other objective than to redicule him? I find it rather disturbing from the point Grow just couldnt keep her HMMMMMMMMM out of this thread right up to Tughill and his Kotex comments. And to think I got a pm from a moderator for saying bullshit. I got to tell you the disrespect that I read post after post is unhealthy and its pretty sad what this site is becoming. Its sad a guy cant say something about trespassers on his land and get this crap in return. What a joke some of you are becoming. Good Luck Bubba hope you have a great season.1 point
Thats the clarrification I was looking for. I am not personally interested, but figure anyone that might be would be wanting some specifics.1 point
Dog gum it that is a big bear. It looks like Gentle Ben from Grizzly Adams.1 point
$2k per pesron? Just for the season, and someone will walk the property daily to keep tabs on you? Good luck.1 point
1 point
lol, isnt every political post pretty much trolling I personally cant wait till the election is over, Ive had enough.1 point
I took a tractor ride out to the woods last night and smelled the distinct smell of "buck" as I entered a recently bush hogged golden rod field. Once I cleared the field and got back into the woods I spotted a fresh rub on a 3 inch diameter tree, and then to top it off I entered another recently bush hogged field and found a fresh scrape. It was pretty nice to see all this sign just as the season is about to open up. Now I gotta get some cameras closer to the action!1 point