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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/16 in all areas

  1. I finally got home from the Shot Show after a storm on the east coast delayed most flights across the country. First real night home so I decided to go hunt my dog. When I got home my wife says I just missed the SPCA. Turns out someone walking down the road (best I can figure from the details I've put together) doesn't understand that hunting hounds are not lazy fat house dogs. They're in shape and they reported me saying he was malnourished. There's my first problem. They didn't come over and talk to me or take the time to learn what is really going on. But they did the "right" thing and reported it. I can get over that until I figure out who it was. What really set me off is that come to find out they showed up with a Sheriff Deputy and before knocking on the door they trespassed to the far end of my yard to inspect my kennel. You can see from the road the dog was obviously not in it. It was night time and the lights in the house were on. There was no reason for them to conduct a warrant less search. Had I been home and they had knocked first I would have shown them the dog. My hound has a feeder. He as access to nearly unlimited food 24/7. He's just active and very fit. Now that they violated my fourth amendment I'm exercising my fifth and they'll never see him. What if the dog was being abused. They would have just thrown out their whole case because they couldn't stop and ask first! Hopefully they learn from all the formal complaints I'm going to file. Oh and neither of them ever identified themselves to my wife. They just knocked on the door and started asking questions. Luckily she had the sense not to open the door until she knew who at least the SPCA person was. The Deputy though never identified himself and my wife thought he was another SPCA officer. Talked to the supervisor at the Sheriff's station late the next afternoon. I tore into him (nice and professional like) about how his officer failed to identify himself to my wife. Then went onto explain how his officer would have been responsible for jeopardizing the case had my dog actually been abused. I made sure to explain to him how I knew the difference between criminal trespassing and technical trespassing (which is what the officer did). Said I would have been nice and assisted in the investigation but now that they violated my fourth amendment I was going to exercise my fifth. Now they can't see the dog without a warrant so don't bother coming back. And I have pictures of both their foot prints in the snow. He said he had to wait a couple of days for the deputy to go back on duty but he was calling the SPCA officer immediately to get their side of the story. I said that's fine but don't come back without a warrant. Know your rights and don't give into the intimidation of law enforcement. Also obey the law and respect your animals.
    8 points
  2. When did standing up for the rights our ancestors died for become a bad thing? Ive seen the video i cant tell who shot him, i cant tell if he went for his gun, The video is the only one being shown because its the only one that almost supports the decision of law enforcement, To shoot and kill the guy, MSM is directing people in what to believe, There is theyre side, His side and some where in the middle the truth, The fact that the Federal Government has been stepping outside its allowed operating parameters for so long, That the MSM believes its ok, They expect it, The current Administration Isnt the only one responsible for this, Its every administration since the start, We the people have allowed them to become the Dictatorship that it has, If we choose to stand up for out rights these days we are insurgents, When they did it back in the day they were rebels, All i can say is those rebels, Laid the groundwork for this nation too become great and to prevent it from becoming what it has, Freedom is a thing of the past, If you dont believe me go try and have fun, Or defend yourself, Then come back and let us know how those steel bracelets feel,
    8 points
  3. Here is another buck a friends father shot a couple years ago in Allegany county. I did this wood buring last year for him.
    6 points
  4. Coyote with the ML'er? Piece of cake............................... Too bad they weren't targeted that day or I'd look pretty proficient. For those that have a foggy mind or are new here...........I killed the doe first, pulled her back across the little gully to my side after gutting her. Climbed back up with the climber. 20 minutes later the first 'yote came mooching along, thinking there might just be a wounded deer or better yet a fresh gut pile. Wrong, just me. Killed that one on the other side of the gully and it ran into the bottom. I thought that was pretty neat! Climbed back down the tree, slid down into the bottom and dragged it back and set it along side of the doe. Stud hunter that I am, I figured I'd climb back up and wait out a buck now. Nope, shortly after getting back up in the stand another song dog shows up. Man what a morning! (oh yea, I used a T/C Encore 50cal. Right now I can't recall the bullet.....Barnes TMZ maybe??)
    6 points
  5. Here are the pics from the progression.
    5 points
  6. Everything about this was handled very poorly, on both sides of the issue, from day one. The occupiers made very poor choices as to time, location, logistics, method of protest, etc. Quite frankly, they underestimated their 'enemy', which is the all-powerful Federal Government and their paid propaganda arm that is the main stream media, and the segment of US society that truly believes the current Federal government to be beneficent in it's intent. The county sheriff and the local judge have their own little racket(?) going on and don't want to have any national scrutiny so they handed it off to the state. The Governor of Oregon wrote a letter to the FBI and the US Attorney General and gave them her blessing (actually begged them) to take control. The Federal Government came in and made very poor choices in their handling of the situation on every level. They could have very simply shut off access to the wildlife refuge and shut off all logistical supply to the occupiers. The occupiers would have gotten hungry and bored and would likely have left the area. This solution would not have been technically legal because it is, after all, a 'public' facility and the occupiers were committing no crime by being there other than refusing to leave, and birdwatchers would have been denied access to the property. The Federal Government could have chosen not to scare the hell out of the local population by presenting a militaristic show of force and instigating unrest in the nearest town. The Federal Government had a choice, early on, between peaceful resolution and violence. They did not choose peaceful resolution. That choice speaks volumes.
    4 points
  7. Now that sure was a stretch. I guess Obama should be in prison then
    4 points
  8. For me personally; the video, and the almost-immediate release of it, raises as many questions as it answers. In the end, the Federal Government has once again clearly demonstrated to The People precisely who is in charge of this country.
    4 points
  9. The video does not show him going for a gun. He was right handed and his gun was also on his right hip. He reached across his body with his right hand away from his pistol. I know it is pretty simple and housecat punkie will not believe it, but that is simple fact
    4 points
  10. During the Bengahzi investigation, Treyvon Martin,the Boston massacre, Michael Brown, Hiliary Clinton Emails. And many more. The one consistent response to any questions asked was, we will not comment on an ongoing investigation. Here one day after the incident the FBI releases a key piece of evidence and provides a complete account of what happened. The inconsistency here is what creates the conspiracy. There is a reason not to trust them. The reason people don't trust the government is because everyone has been screwed over by it one time or another. I say enough! I watched that video of the federal land grabbers celebrating taking advantage of people. It made me sick. Give us our country back!!!
    3 points
  11. They are now saying he had already been hit on that side and was reaching for his wound. Either way the gun was not reached for and someone jumped the gun per say.
    3 points
  12. As far as I can tell the only person who knows if this guy was actually going for his gun is now dead, all else is speculation.
    3 points
  13. I just finished this up for a buddy of mine and member of the forum. He shot this buck a couple years ago. There is 20 hrs in it and I took a photo after every two hours if anyone wants to see the progression.
    3 points
  14. I will be 75 this fall season. I can still pull my 60 and 70 pound bows . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  15. If not full inclusion then 60 + should be exempt and disabled should be able to get permits easily. Full inclusion will probably happen and make it a non issue.
    3 points
  16. Since the Fed that was facing Finicum had full view of Finicum as he moved his arms to possibly keep his balance , why didn't he shoot if it was thought that Finicum might be reaching for a gun ? Instead , the Fed behind Finicum , who had his view obstructed shot Finicum in the back .
    3 points
  17. Fight fight fight. 230pm Monday at the buses Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  18. Mine was lowered into my basement before the house was there. It won't fit through any doors so they would have a hell of a time getting out with it.
    3 points
  19. I saw that video. I think it was taken at a retirement party for some lady that worked for the blm. Pretty sad how that is funny to themSent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  20. If I remember right the government works for the people. The land is federal land is our land. Now no hostages where taken, nothing stolen. A life was taken and until we hear audio all the facts are not in. Pictures and video clips can help but I'd like to hear what the officers said. It's not cop bashing or anti government to want facts when a citizen is shot. Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21. I took my hunter safety course back when Christ was a carpenter, however I distinctly remember my instructor speaking of the " loaded long gun in a vehicle" regulation as a safety issue...And, indeed, I have heard of a number of instances over the years when some dimwit was maneuvering a loaded shotgun or rifle in a vehicle and ended up shooting a hole in the floor, the roof or perhaps his foot. Loaded handguns ? One prime purpose of a handgun is self defense, and it's much harder to defend oneself with an empty pistol than a loaded one, whether you are inside or outside of a motor vehicle.
    2 points
  22. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Planning on going to see my daughter at school later and take her and the family to dinner. Wait! Shouldn't they take me out?? Lol!
    2 points
  23. Don't forget hillary Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  24. They didn't wage war against the United States.
    2 points
  25. These guys were not waging war in the legal sense, and they were shot dead, not fined $10,000 dollars. And let me quote the United States Oath of Allegiance, which trumps all US codes: The Feds have clearly been infringing the Constitution for a long long time in these matters. The have failed to keep their Oath to the laws of the land and the people they were hired to defend. Hence the need for organizations like Oathkeepers.
    2 points
  26. Here is a fact, these guys committed treason!
    2 points
  27. These things are almost always inside jobs
    2 points
  28. Happy Birthday Deerthug! It's my Dad's b-day as well.
    2 points
  29. At least the murder conspiracy has been replaced with a technical and philosophic argument. That's hopeful. I contend it was suicide by cop. When confronted by armed police, you never reach inside your jacket.
    2 points
  30. i I carry my .32 inside my purse then ?!
    2 points
  31. I did not suggest anything. Just a simple history lesson.
    2 points
  32. I absolutely agree with equal rights for all. But you don't seem to. You seem to believe in making excuses and rationalizing based on race. Maybe its that white guilt thing, in your case that REALLY WHITE guilt thing. Im not sure. Information on the Michael Brown incident is out there for all to see and the jury and many black witnesses have spoke. But that does not matter to people like you. In your world under no circumstances is it justified for police, or anyone for that matter, to shoot an unarmed black assailant. Whether the assailant is 20 times stronger than you and will beat you to death or will strip you of your own weapon and kill you with it. Its all about race to people like you. You are lost. If some giant, crazy strong person, of any race, almost got my gun out of my hands, and then charged at me..Im shooting him. I suggest you do the same.
    2 points
  33. Its a wood burning - pyrography. Its burned into the piece of wood with an instrument that is somewhat like a soldering iorn. His name is Josh and he is one of my college roomates. His nickname is trout (his handle on here). I bust his chops about that thing he calls a beard (although Im not one to talk). So I named it the Hairy Trout (Now you can get your mind out of the gutter ) Hobby really. Ive done a couple pieces for money but not a lot. Ive thought about charging for them but it wouldnt be cheep. Im not sure I could do that any cheeper than $400.
    2 points
  34. In Michael Browns case??? Yes. Unless of course you to choose, for some strange reason, to completely ignore Browns history and his actions leading up to the shooting. Which of course you would never do. LOL!!! And if the guy shot by police in Oregon was black, you would be spitting blood right now and you know it.
    2 points
  35. Just a Doctors note and he is in. I have had 2 back operations and a broken collar bone. At 52yrs old i am sure i could get a Doctors excuse myself but that should not be needed. Its a string and an arrow and the arrow does the killing. Hence is an item that should be called archery and included in and archery season.
    2 points
  36. Goulash ( venison ) and garlic knots
    2 points
  37. While those fines are lenient, changes to severity aren't the most effective way to reduce offending. Studies show that deterrence is better achieved when the probability of being caught is increased rather than the severity of punishment. That is, of course, a joke in this context. Poachers are rarely ever caught. First the lack of manpower hurts. Factor in the rampant failure to report violations by civilians and you can practically guarantee getting away with it. You can make the fines as high as you want. I doubt it would make any difference.
    2 points
  38. I don't fight the crossbows. I just don't support them. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  39. As would I but it's not just about me...xbow is a bow no reason it can't be included in the fun for warm, quiet, easily patterned deer of early October....I don't think it should be that big of a debate much worse stuff to worry about with our decSent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  40. technically his dad's safe but it still sucks. guns have great sentimental value. money can't replace that. I may never shoot another deer with my browning slug gun now that we're rifle but I'd never think of selling it.
    2 points
  41. Bacon Swiss Burgers not only stuffed with swiss cheese but topped with swiss cheese fried onions and bacon served on English muffins with A1steaksauce.with a side of Homemade onion rings fried in corn oil
    2 points
  42. Only handgun I have. 357mag/38 special Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  43. One thing about safes is you put everything in one easy to steal box. Bolt it down, keep.it out of sight of the causal visitor, and if it's under 500 pounds consider loading the bottom with bags of shot . Mine is in a hidden room in the basement , bolted to the floor and wall, and not all my guns are valuables are in it . Brain storm , leave a cheap locker type safe out in the open filed with junk.
    2 points
  44. my condolences to your friend and family just a reminder of why you never go to sleep mad at others and say I love you to the ones you do everyday.
    2 points
  45. Had one on my 308 I rarely used it, and this one wouldn't be long enough for you anyway. I took it off for the weight factor- a rem 700 has enough weight imo.
    1 point
  46. But what's disabled? My dad works 50 hrs a week but can't draw a compound and hold it...Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. Something about him being shot in the back just don't sit right with me .I understand that the police can't take chances but in the back ?? Senseless way to die .
    1 point
  48. It would be great to see the elderly and the disabled hunting again I have not been able to bow hunt for over 8 years now do to disability issues. I have a xbow and I shot two does last fall with it and it was a great to be out there again just would like a longer season.
    1 point
  49. I fell in love with the 3D shoots recently,it just like hunting except I get to actually shoot the bow.
    1 point
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