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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/19 in Posts

  1. I apologize for the bad photo, but here’s a 4J Pine Bush Doe. Man... what a season already... Many thanks to Canis Latrans whom I met on this here forum for help tracking and dragging. I’d still be out there if it weren’t for his eyes. I'm all thumbs when using Tapatalk
    28 points
  2. What a morning! I had a small six come in and eat some apples then walk out right by me. Then that nice 8 and nice 6 were in the same apple tree sparring and eating apples and I can’t get an arrow in there to save my life! It’s 25 yards max but super thick. While they’re in there a spike or 4 comes in and locks up ten yards from my tree, he finally walks into the apples with the other two and all three walk out the back side and out of my life. I saw a big troop of does later, out of range. Got me a selfie with the 6 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    21 points
  3. My favorite sight...the new Prime is officially a killer!
    21 points
  4. With the temperatures set to drop opening weekend i decided to take Friday off from work last minute. Ended up tagging this guy at 9:40 Friday morning. My best bow buck to date.
    20 points
  5. I’m in a climber close to home as well, got a couple deer on cam that I’d have a hard time passing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    17 points
  6. Just got a few of him on my scrape cam when I checked it on the way in tonight. Also had this guy come by at 15 yds this morning. I would have been up in this stand but I was at home watching the kids while my wife worked an overnight...didn't see these pics until after it was too late. My wife is happy though cause I'm the designated babysitter now while she goes after this buck..;)
    17 points
  7. I sat in this stand opening morning until 1015 am then had to go to work look whos should up and hung around 10 yards from my stand.
    13 points
  8. I've had 2 bucks come by this morning. One nice one, but he either had a broken off drivers side or just had a spike on that side. We'll have to see if the pics post ok.... Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    12 points
  9. Hello all! I am new to this page but my buddy robhuntandfish has been a member for a while now. Hope I enjoy the site as much as he does. Looking forward to reading comments, looking at others hunting/fishing pics and posting pics of my own deer/fish. Hope everyone has a great hunting season. Enjoy the outdoors all.
    11 points
  10. Hi everybody! Been following this since page 6. Feels like I know some of you by now lol. Finally granted access and am here to represent Long Island (1C). Stuck at my desk wishing I was in the woods!! Only got out once so far. Be back at it Saturday morning. Can't wait!
    11 points
  11. 10 points
  12. Hi there... been waiting a long time to join this forum..I finally got approved!!. I hunt in Orleans County and I'm looking to hunt a little in the Iroquois National Wildlife refuge. I'm 49 and I've been hunting basically all my life but I'm finally making the switch to hunting mobile after years of sitting in ladder stands and mostly shooting does. Looking forward to learning a lot here. Thanks for letting me post!!
    9 points
  13. 8 points
  14. Hello everyone. Let’s see how my first official post goes. I’ve been hunting for white tails for the last 13 years (2 years of which I walked the woods with unloaded rifles with other very well experienced hunters). I love being out in the woods during the fall where the time silently passes by. The challenge of finding deer is rewarding every year for me. I learn something new every year even if I don’t harvest a deer. Bow hunting is on my wish list, and I look forward to learning all that I can from a community of people like this. Finally, I am a Sullivan county resident who has been fortunate enough to hunt 40 acres, but the upcoming move (still in Sullivan county) is forcing me to think about alternate hunting locations. How was that? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  15. Back at it with bankers hours today. Have seen many bucks take a line along far hedge row this year just before closing time. Assume heading to food source off property. Being the hunting genius I am, I set a stand on far hedge row this afternoon since wind was right. We shall see. If there is action, it will be after 6 I think.
    7 points
  16. This button buck piebald comes in every 5 days or so.
    7 points
  17. Checked a cam on my way in this morning. Had a nice one come by the stand at 9:15 yesterday morning. Hoping for a repeat apearance this morning! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    7 points
  18. Finally got approval to join. Formerly known as kpkot- I had to make a new acct. passed this six point last night at 24 yards. he was with a great 8 point that stayed its distance at about 80.
    7 points
  19. He was a gift, and an offering. I had him patterned on our backyard acorns around mid-day, and knew he'd come out an hour or two after the furnace maintenance fella drove off. A few weeks earlier, the wife mentioned that she liked the way his antlers looked, a first for her... When I saw him, I grabbed the bow from the basement, and headed outside, heart pounding. The wind was favorable. I stalked him in plainclothes and moccasins to within 20 yards, and peered up over my cover. I watched him for a few minutes, munching on acorns, and lazily popping his head up every few seconds to check his surroundings. I couldn't decide on whether to let him walk, or to kill him. I would need to get closer, or for him to walk towards me so I could shoot. Then he saw me, and we locked eyes for what felt like minutes, but must have only been a few dozen seconds. He started head-bobbing, and as he dropped his head, I dropped to a knee and drew the bow. I figured his curiosity was going to pull him around the corner, and present me with an opportunity. It did, but he quartered-to at 10 yards. I'll let him walk. I didn't want to punch a hole in his front left shoulder and ruin that meat. Seconds went by, and while on my knee, full-drawn in jeans and a grey fleece, waiting for him to bust out, he stayed curious, and that quartered-to shot slowly became a perfect broad-side at 10 yards. I let the arrow fly. I honored him with a quick, and clean kill through both lungs. He honors my family with his gifts and his offering. SIDE NOTES: I might pack moccasins now; they were silent on the somewhat wet leaves and twigs. Also - note that the shot was a little high, because I didn't correctly account for how close he was. The high lung shot killed him within 100 yards of arrow impact, but there was no blood after the initial 30 yards, and he died prior to any exhalation of blood. It takes a while for the lungs to fill. I tracked him on my instinct after re-starting the blood trail, and came up on him laying in a depression.
    7 points
  20. Good evening all. Thanks for the add, figured I'd Just introduce my self here. Ryan from schoharie county. Ive Been hunting sence I was 12 and love the out doors. Boe trying to pass it down to my 11 year old step daughter and 2 year old son.
    6 points
  21. Made it out for a morning sit. 40 degrees and a little foggy. Had a basket rack come out of the corn @ 35 yds. right front of me on the way in and saw two others in the field that I couldn't make out what they were. In about 1/2 hr. the fog rolled in big time but was all gone by 8:00. Got down and walked a little bit and found a small scrape and a fresh decent size rub just inside the woods.. Great morning to be out
    6 points
  22. Local today 42 with 5 mph SE wind. Using climber stand so going in early. Should see a few flat tops Good luck y’all. Who’s with me today? And the stars are fantastic so going to take a few minutes to soak that in.
    6 points
  23. After 6 years I got my first my bear. Spent hundreds of hours in the stand waiting to cross paths with one and it finally happened. I had major eye surgery 4 weeks ago and almost went blind in my shooting eye. I was laid up for a few weeks and to come back and get him with the bow is huge for me. One Very happy hunter Steve S Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  24. Stand worked. Passed a pretty nice 8 past ears at 17yds. Didn’t have much mass but a nice buck. If it were the last day of bow I would have let an arrow fly but plenty of season left. Didn’t recognize him either.
    5 points
  25. Correct. A "book" squirrel is not a "book squirrel" unless it is actually inside of the record book. Which actually just gave the greatest idea ever. What if I create minimums for the Hunting NY Form Record Books? We could have several official scorers around the state and issue an actually book every 2-3 years with the entries inside! First order of business is I measure @Moho81's 2018 buck. Whatever it is, the minimum will be under that. This is an offseason project, so 2020 it will begin.
    5 points
  26. Photos of the deer. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
    5 points
  27. Yesterday 10/5 was a perfect day to hunt but I decided to blow it off to do something else that is important to me. We have a favorite spot in the Adirondacks with a lot of history and decided since the forecast didn't look to promising for the upcoming days....some other upcoming obligations....the leaves at 80%, to take a day trip. It was a beautiful day with lots of color with some great scenery and good company. There are plenty of reasons to go but it could more than likely be the last hoorah for one of us so we couldn't pass up the opportunity to go and I don't regret it a bit. Even hiked to and climbed a firetower.
    4 points
  28. Nice 8 just showed. Let’s see if he exits by me. Good to see
    4 points
  29. Scallops Sautéed in pressed garlic , lemon juice , brown sugar and butter Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  30. Breaded haddock seasoned with Greek seasoning fried in olive oil.
    4 points
  31. Finally saw some does today (at my doe first spot). Had 4 of them walking in towards me from 100 yards out. Problem was they never stopped to graze. They just trucked along without stoping. I decided to take a chance with the last one in the line and pulled back my bow, but she saw me and jumped into the woods. I find ground hunting more enjoyable, but it sure has its challenges. Every single little movement must be calculated. Getting better every mistake though.
    4 points
  32. Not yet. He's probably the buck I've gotten the most pics of in the past 6 weeks though. Not an albino. Genes came from the Seneca Army Depot at some point... Black eyes. When I checked my cam last week, he was walking by at 1:00pm and I got to the stand at 2:30pm. One of these days, I'll lay eyes on him! LOL He's usually with pretty good company, so seeing that white figure will help tip me off! (So I can put the coffee down anyways!) Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    4 points
  33. I thought that was called Pygmying......
    4 points
  34. Nixon lost to JFK. She may run again, but she will lose by a landslide this time. Trump now has a record to run on and it's a good one. Hillary is an unindicted criminal. That's all she can show for all the years she's been in the swamp.
    4 points
  35. He was 122lbs. Didnt weigh him all dressed out Gonna make a rug for my sons room. The wife is due in 7 weeks with a little boy. So there goes my rut 🤪!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  36. Turkey burgers, with some bbq sauce @Robhuntandfish sent me thanks buddy!
    4 points
  37. Venison stakes on the grill Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  38. Crockpot venison ribs absolutely amazing and no fat sticking to your mouth at all
    4 points
  39. 4 points
  40. I was out hunting gmans place this past saturday. We hung a ladder stand back in May in a nice thick area just above an apple orchard. All summer I kept saying that I wanted to hunt this stand opening weekend even though we built a huge sweet tower stand in my favorite spot and gman put in a food plot in front of the tower and there were deer on camera in front of the tower stand morning and evening. I still went with my plan to sit the ladder on the far end of the property. At 930 i look over my left shoulder and see a big bodied deer coming in through the thick stuff I see what appears to be a nice rack. I take my eyes off the deer grab my bow stand up and draw aiming at the opening where I seen him heading for as soon as he stepped that front shoulder out i released and my arrow and could see it was a perfect it he turned and ran the direction he came from. I could see a ton of blood on the ground from the initial impact and heard him crash but decided to relax and wait an hour. 5 minutes in to the wait is when the adrenaline set in and I started to shake for 5 minutes. I called greg and he said he would be there in about an hour. I called the wife and another buddy to tell them the news. I normally would wait to spread the word but it was a 4-5 yard shot and i seen where the arrow hit. Gman and Brandon arrived at 1030 and we had a short 75 yard track until we find my buck. I entered high lung and exited the heart. The buck died in front of the pop up blind and food plot. Gman has this buck on camera eating in the food plot 20 min before i shot it. The 4 wheeler was broke so i dragged her across the bridge of death lol. Thank you Greg for allowing me to hunt your place and set up and build stands on your property and thank you for all of the hard work that you do with the food plots and prep work that you do that allows us to see and and hunt such a variety of wildlife.
    4 points
  41. 3 points
  42. Settle down @turkeyfeathers we know you have 2 screen names so that you have can double the doe and buck tags!
    3 points
  43. Eggplant, spegetti squash with venison sausage
    3 points
  44. I just hunt the days I have off work .
    3 points
  45. Sons buck he shot on Friday 9:20 am. Following a basket six, shot at 15 yds. Weighed 167 with guts out.
    3 points
  46. What a satisfying day. Got up at 3:45 , quick scent free shower. Arrive at Gman’s at 6 am. Day before we discussed which stand I should sit in so I went to bed dreaming on that one. But with highish south winds he advises me of another. I climb up into a large permanent wooden stand with roof and settle in. Stand overlooks a small clover plot and pretty close to a ridge high atop a long way down. Just getting light I hear blowing and foot stomping into the woods along said ridge probably 50 yards from me. I think great , there goes the woods for awhile. At about 7:45 2 good sized doe and a fawn come into the clover. I had lasered trees, plot edge earlier to know the distances. Big doe at 24 yards quartering hard , I draw in anticipation of her shifting a bit , holding for what seemed forever and proceed to let off as other nice doe now in field grazing and broadside. I know she’s 30 years on the button. I quickly calm my nerves , draw, noting anchor point , loose grip with bow hand and gently hit the release. She was quartering just a little away. I see the nocturnal hit and know I hit a little high and back of intended. Arrow blows through and sticks in ground. She takes off down a lane and think I hear her crash. Then emotions take over , I question the hit , will I find her. Replay everything over and over in my mind. I’ve killed a decent amount of deer with gun and used to watching them pile up right there so this running away stuff panicking me. I climb down to look at arrow and have good blood. I text Gman I shot one and sent pic of arrow but pic not going through as poor reception, same scenario with academy group and treeguy in the mix. Andrew calls and says she’s dead within 50 yards after I described hit and reaction of doe . Gman finally acknowledges text and says hang tight ill be there shortly. As he approaches stand low and behold the other 2 doe are coming down the trail to right below me again. I hand signal to Greg and wearing a blue sweatshirt and jeans these doe keep coming in not caring about him nor I just shot there friend an hour earlier. They feed into the small plot exactly where their friend took the arrow. At 24 yards the big one offering me a perfect shot but unsure of status of shot one I can’t shoot this one too. They eventually meander off into the woods the way they came in I climb down and we start to track. Good blood , more good blood every 6” or so. Found where she tried to get up a little hill but couldn’t and turned around now heading towards the ravine. No not the ravine I think. She went about 50 yards to here and we peer into ravine and see white belly fur. Thankfully she only went down about 15-20 yards into ravine. Shot indeed was a smidge too far back but got lung(s) as had good bubbles along the short track. Think she stepped a step forward as she was feeding. I’m overcome with emotion as I did it I did it I think. Last year the first time at the academy I couldn’t even draw this bow. 2 years of academy shooting , few 3d shoots with some academy guys , bow tech old glory The Real Tc gave me , arrows Moog sent to me , 2nd year hunting Gman’s land After my brother sold his land I hunted I had nowhere to hunt and Gman hearing this quickly invited me down. Thank you all to have helped me along the way. I’ve drawn on goiter buck and let off , drew on big nanny doe moments later to get busted by her , let 12 small bucks walk inside 20 yards last year , numerous fawns and a spike this year. I’ve also never had the joy of deer Uber and have previously dragged them all out a mile to mile and half. Today I got to enjoy something very familiar to me , a golf cart The hour n half ride home I had to avoid wooly bear caterpillars one after another ( like hundreds ) on the road and fluttering monarch butterflies What a day !
    3 points
  47. Sat my first watch of the year this morning. I have been skunked a lot recently during bow season and with two kids we really go through the meat. I saw antler and a big body and it didn't take long to decide even though it's opening weekend to pull the bow back. My kids and I really cut out some good lanes this year and luckily this guy walked right through one at 38 yards. I saw him coming slowly, he stopped just before the lane and I thought maybe it wasn't gonna happen. He then took about 3 more steps. He was quartering away ever so slightly but stopped perfect in the lane. I put the pin on him and followed up my shot. I heard it hit really hard and at first thought it was to far forward, but it turns out it tucked just behind the closer shoulder/leg and buried into the opposite side. I watched him run and watched the arrow sticking out about half way and then the arrow disappeared. I heard him crash at least once then nothing. Gave it a good hour and went to the spot, not good blood which had me super nervous. About 20 yards away however I had great blood and a good tracks. Followed it for about 60 yards and saw a white stomach. I will be honest that one little tiny part of me thought wow no more hunting for 6 weeks but I got over it pretty quick. I can find some time to take the kids duck hunting now. I know I never post but I do read almost every post all day in the Live from the Woods thread. It's great to read all the stories and I am thankful I have meat in the freezer.
    3 points
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