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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. ECO use to have the ability to check your freezer and refrigerator in your house with no warrant if justified. Not sure if they still have that ability but a search warrant is real easy for them to get if needed.
  2. My best friend Shawn's son was up for his second year hunting, it was real nice having him at camp and I think he enjoyed the comradery of dragging a buck out. Amazing how even a small buck can change attitudes in camp. So much for me telling them we need more than 3 days hunting to get a buck! Usually it takes me 3 days to get on a good track and make a game plan to get the deer. Think it would have taken me a few hours to drag him out solo, really thinking about butchering them in the woods. No so bad if they are not to far in but sometimes low elevation and uphill drags make me contemplate skinning and butchering at the location.
  3. Looking forward to doing some tracking with the bow tomorrow. Hope it sticks on LI!
  4. We only had 3 days of hunting and with not finding the big supposed 8 pt or 12 pt in the area this guy went to the number one spot real quick once identified on day 2. Between my back aches and ankle issues the choice was made real quick. One thing I can say is that a slob of a flat footer was in the area and a bunch of hunters where after them. Could see his tracks in the dirt going after the doe and he was at least 240 lbs. Day one had me wondering if my ankle was going to blow up once I got back to camp, lucky for me it was ok. I did not cover that much area day one but was stuck in a swamp for about an hour just before dark. Went back to check for the doe crossing again and saw two hunters basically blocking the area off to look for them doing the same thing sitting in there trucks. So much for hunting that spot last light, I ended up going back to camp and lick my wounds. lol
  5. Model 94 in 44 Mag. my 4th ADK buck with it! Love that gun first time using it in a few years as my eyes have been getting worse. That is ok now that I have glasses and can see past 20 yards again.
  6. Day 2 Nov 10th Set up the game plan that I would push to Mike, Dominick, Shawn and Connor. Wind was perfect South East blowing my smell back to the river area. I pushed but did not see any deer until I was about a mile plus into the drive. Doe busted me smoking directly on the trail (High ridge line.) and headed North then West I believe. Kept pushing East and Slightly South. At about 2:30 I saw a deer but could not identify if it was a buck. I tried a few calls but it was so windy I do not think he heard me or was not paying attention to my calls. Real high winds this day! Regardless I lost him and could not see him after scanning for a few minutes then stalking upon the area I last saw him. Found his tracks where still going east but he was heading south going downhill towards Moose River. After sneaking and peaking for about an hour I still could not see him and decided to pick up the pace and go after him even if just to push him into my other hunters who were supposed to be in the area, it was getting late. About 20 minutes later I was able to see him from a ridge and identify him as a young buck. At about 100 yards I wanted to get a bit closer for a good shot and slow stalked to about 75 yards. I found a nice seat with a tree and steadied my shot even though he was not the stud I was looking for I still had to calm myself as my aim was sloppy. Steady on second attempt with good breathing and squeezing the trigger I cracked the silence of the woods. He bucked good and started to head back to my location. After about 45 seconds he was perfect broadside again at 50 yards, I shot again as he kicked again, good hit. He dropped about 70 yards from the last hit as the radios where going crazy with chatter, I let everyone know a buck was down. With everyone wanting to know where I was I let them know I was going to clean out the deer and start the drag. I wanted to save the heart but it was split in two. I made it about 20 yards before calling back for help! lol This was not a big deer (165-170) but my ankle is in bad shape! After changing batteries in the radio and GPS to give my location it was starting to get close to dark. I was able to drag the deer about 120 yards before the NFA crew caught up to me, it was also nice seeing two more deer as a Doe and her yearling daughter passed my location. That made my total sightings for deer at 4 in two days. About 700 more yards to get the deer out and we were back to a camp site where we could retrieve our vehicles. We got out about 15 minutes after dark and I traveled about 3 miles for the day. We cheered to the buck who gave its life so that we may enjoy the thrill of the chase and the bounty he provides. We enjoyed the tenderloins with barbeque sauce and it was delicious. Mike, Shawn, Connor and Dominick helped with the drag and Jason who arrived the same day was able to enjoy the bounty. Hats off to Jason for trying with a traditional bow. Like the new transition glasses but they get real dark in snow conditions even without the sun out. Definitely helped with me seeing deer better. My smallest racked buck yet we had one of the best times in camp ever, thanks guys for a memorable NFA 2018 hunting trip! We dedicated this buck to our dear departed best friend and longtime hunting partner Greg Fives. We were on channel 5.5 had 5 guys who helped drag out the deer and we got out of the woods at 5:55. Last waypoint was 505 and I probably covered about 5.5 miles total in two days. That’s my story and I am sticking to it! RIP Greg Fives your spirit was with us the entire trip and we could not stop talking about you and the stories you left us!
  7. Venison stew is a good one but we ended up having tenderloins from the buck I got that day instead due to the fact that I did not shoot one before the trip.
  8. Happy B-Day hope your out chasing a big one! Heading up tomorrow! Celebrating my B-Day by packing up the truck and resting for the ADK trip. Just need to get some batteries and I am all set!
  9. Arrow (Bolt) is a big issue, need to find that as it will give valuable info. Look within 10-20 yards you should find it unless it skipped, ask the shooter to recall the sound. Thud or did he hear it skip? Next like stated above look for blood in the first 100 yards, if no blood found he hit low and just grazed him. Even if you find blood it could just be a scratch. Track it for as long as possible but it sounds like a survivable wound if that. Good luck! This is with thinking it was a fairly level shot, if in a stand it could be different. Find the blood if you cant find the arrow, try to remember where he stood and scope that area with a fine tooth comb!
  10. 2.5 in 90's Nice buck, congrats!
  11. Hope to get some in the ADK also, Moose River here we come! Hope it stays!
  12. Having a great year in Suffolk so far, seen about 10 plus bucks in 4 days hunting, one was a shooter but I did not have any shot opportunity. 2 Buttons, 5 spikes, 4 pt and a brute and one other something with antlers. Had a few encounters with doe also. Heading up North this week for a few days of futility. lol I try to tell the guys 3-4 days in the ADK simply is not enough time to usually get onto a buck. Usually takes me a few days to find the patterns and key off them, I will have to rely on old routes and see if they produce. Hope they snow stays for a shot at tracking one down!
  13. Keep going guys and gals, I was out today and jumped a buck, his tarsal glands stunk to high heaven! Member here also saw a buck with a doe today. Right now is the time of year to get pumped! The next 18 days anything can happen, get out and be ready. Find the doe groups and key in on them, that's what the bucks will be doing! Good luck and keep going, things can change in a NY minute!
  14. I think I meet him a few years ago, wont say where in case that was the spot, seemed like a really down to earth guy, hats off to him, I think I would loose it if I knew something like that was in my area! Don't think it was Pine Barrens, I have hunted those areas and it has very little food, they do pass through though, numbers are low. The ones who are present are real big if you can find when they pass through!
  15. Get 4wd! Front wheel drive is ok on main roads but in back roads you need all or 4wd. No big deal if you want to spend 300+ dollars on a tow. If you are really in back country add 200$ more.
  16. I use both but can say the single pin is really nice. Optimizer's are good I am using one now. I always have my first pin at 35 yards and compensate out to 40 or less than 30, relatively fast bow so compensation is minor. Makes shooting anything under 40 yards simple using one pin with no adjusting. Past 45 and I adjust the sight, not usually needed for hunting. FYI most guys who shoot under when using a higher pin are not looking through the peep properly because they are using there arms to aim instead of bending at the hips, this can cause misalignment of the peep resulting in high or low shots.
  17. It is starting to ramp up on Long Island. Great time to be out hunting the next month!
  18. You are a bit low on your shot from a stand. On the ground this would be perfect but from a stand you need to pick your aim up about 3-4 inches.
  19. They are survivors! I try to get my shooting skills as good as I am capable, that said ANYONE can loose a deer and most do if you shoot enough of them. Simple answer is yes. If it happens to you then you have to get back on the horse!
  20. Things are looking up for you my friend, best of luck hope everything works out for the best. They could not have picked a better person!
  21. Stupid me, thought they where the same buck. When the antlers go past the ears I say over 2 but the first buck is not so I think both are 2 year olds. Would be easier with better pics. Food and genetics make a big difference also time of birth. Top one could be a 3 year old but he does not look it to me. Possibly a better side pic would help to see if his body look like a 3.5. Second one is no older than 2.5.
  22. Most guys that get big bucks on LI don't even want it posted on social media. The 167 taken 2 years ago I was after was very hush hush. Some would rather keep to themselves so no other hunters infringe on there hunting grounds. Guy showed me a pic of the deer opening day last year, talk about putting a dampener to your opening day. Good dedicated hunter but sucks when the deer you are after for 3 years is gone.
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