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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. Congrats that is awesome! Best of luck to you both this season!
  2. I would do like Moog5050 says and get up top that ridge and carefully still hunt it. Then I would make my way down towards the swampy area's and look for pinch points and sign by number 1. I would also check the South West area where it rises in elevation and go up top those hills and look for more sign and pinch points. Good luck, get the big one!
  3. Nice buck Renegade Hunter, congrats he is a real beauty!
  4. Today 79 yards MISS! Needless to say I will not be taking shots this far but its good to see if my form is off, readjusted the peep again, shooting good at 70 and under but past that I am having issue, lucky for me I will not be shooting any deer at long distance.
  5. First shot was 80 yards but I did cheat on this one, first shot was a head shot! (Hole just below eye back 2 inches.) Found my peep was slightly out of alignment, did it again on the 60 yard shot(2nd pic) last shot was good at 70. Dam peep! Slight mis-alignment makes such a difference at long distance! So fist pic in reality would have been a really bad shot this is only after I fixed the peep! Then I did it again at 60 and must have dropped my arm, arg! Last was 70 yards and looking like I am back on target! Please no heavy rain this weekend ! First pic Oct 16, 2nd was 17th bottom was Friday, forgot to take a pic of Mondays shot, was good at 30. Form feels good, normally I do not hit this well for my first shots but I am focusing! lol
  6. Got out once for 3 hours more of a scout vs hunt. Best times are coming! Don't wear yourselves out and get ready as this weekend is the shotgun start for the RUT!!! Get out an enjoy the woods! Best thing about just enjoying what you are doing is having no expectations, then if something does happen its all good! Good luck, keep at it guys and girls! Rut is almost here!!!
  7. 2 - 3 good buck high 90's. Pics are hard to judge the body for age. A good 2.5 or a below average 3.5, good food in the area I would say 2 bad food then 3.
  8. In the ADK I am usually the last into camp, mostly because I am a ways into the woods. Hard for me to leave a good spot till its not legal, that said once the time is up I am heading out, that last 15-30 minutes of light helps me get close to an exit. Long Island my buddy would always say stay in the tree till dark but I would not and always met him at the truck. No deer is worth loosing my hunting rights! I don't bust chops of those who do, I understand why they do it just not for me.
  9. Happy Birthday! Hope a slob comes in for a nice broadside shot at 20!
  10. Welcome aboard, great to have you!
  11. Snake? Not sure what is in your area that big that would eat it but its the only other thing than a bird I could think of.
  12. Today 43 yards, been over a week since I shot, happy with results. 90 yards, nice shooting Buckmaster7600! Went out to Otis Pike today after my warm up, saw no deer but it was nice just to get out for the first time and do some scouting/hunting for 3 hours. Truck was in the shop since Sat so I was itching to get out, looks good for the ADK trip!
  13. WoW what a story! Unreal! lol on the comments! That's just crazy. Have any video? That would be the icing on the cake.
  14. Don't do it! Simply put anything that deflects your arrow will have an impact on how it flies and where it hits. Only thing you should shoot through is the deer! Good luck.
  15. Looks like good weather, good luck! Going to soak the clothes tonight and try to get out myself tomorrow for my opener.
  16. Agreed they are all over now and more rain is on the way. Friday looks like it will dip in temp hopefully enough to keep them at bay and get myself out for my first day.
  17. Congratulations! Nice buck!
  18. What a horrible tragedy. RIP prays to family, so sad.
  19. Sounds like it could be a high lung, I agree that waiting at least 2 hours is a minimum. If you can wait till noon you have a better chance at getting him, I also agree to get help with tracking, high hits can be hard to track as the blood needs to fill the cavity. Best of luck, keep us posted.
  20. Only takes one hot doe to get them going! This would be the time and then about 30 days later the same thing, best of luck sounds like you have a great spot!
  21. Like stated above if you are covering some miles weight is an issue. I use a light model 94 in 44 mag for long hikes and scouting while hunting. If I have a spot within 2-3 miles I might bring the 30-06 if I can shoot more than 80 yards. Usually those are sit and post spots. Otherwise take the gun you are most accurate with and can shoulder quickly for quick shots VIP as sometimes the only shot you have is a quick standing shot with nothing to lean on.
  22. Nice congrats to you both! That's a great day!
  23. Yes I remember that going around as a NY deer, it happens every year. Someone punks a hunter into believing an Ohio 230 inch was shot in NY. Then he sends it to friends as such. Original post is def a LI buck and a good one.
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