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Everything posted by phade

  1. I poured a gallon of cold creek water out of each boot at 1130 last night. Walked through briars in my fancy new $500 rain suit. Fun times, ha. Knew that buck was dead. Nothing like working a plan! A happy hunter to boot. Worth it.
  2. Video capabilities on cameras are increasing pretty fast. Most have sound nowadays. I most run pics preseason but will move to videos on certain sets such as scrapes that get hit often but bucks don't necessarily park there for hours as compared to a destination food source like a dropping apple tree. Also like certain trails where the cam can adequately fire up and adjust for detail. Close in trails are not good fits for videos. Most trail cams have slightly slower speeds before recording data on video than pics. Videos eat batteries fast, and take up card space. You should really be using the max card size allowable for that cam as a practice. Some cams though now take 512GB cards. Massive. Blackflash is important IMO for video. I have and do use red IR but it is risky. I figure why give a buck another reason to not want to come back to that spot. Every deer has its own disposition, but blackflash is safer IMO. Even if night vids are slightly more grainy comparatively.
  3. When Baltimore had that snow storm a few years ago, our buddy went down and plowed on city contracts ad hoc. Made a pile of cash. Said that's the closest he ever came to dying in his life. Said the inner city areas were unlike anything he had ever seen. Worst of humanity in America.
  4. Me Moog and my buddy David do a dinner before each year. Biggest buck pays. Split decision this year. Food was still good. Company and laughs better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I have encountered my own health challenges to deal with this past week, too, but not as serious as yours. Best of luck with your recovery. Same to your pops, John.
  6. The NW and SE corners stand out to me. NW is an easy set-up and map shows some sort of clear terrain change - either in the form of edge change - taller trees vs short, or elevation rise...something is there that the deer are traversing and funneling into just beyond the boundary line. I like this spot for access assuming you aren't burning clear bedding on the north side. If so, you can hunt it probably more than other stands without as much burned ground. I have to assume the deer veer off that feature into the field. If I were to have my druthers with no eyeball scouting, this is where I'd be first sit in the PM with a predominant wind of W NW, or SW. I am assuming that NW field is a swamp or marsh or brushy open ground. Prime spot IMO. The SE is a no-brainer on a W or SW wind should a deer want to move along that corner/edge. Stand 4 is in a decent spot for deer that "pop the corner" from where I circled, too.
  7. Ok, so I am making heads or tails of this. Tough property to hunt. When the corn comes down - have a plan at best how you might hunt this in the AMs. It may not take much AM hunting pressure post-harvest. Deer will be on those fields heavily in the dark hours and you'll booger them out routinely getting to any of those stands. If you can somehow get a line of cover either in the hedgerow or otherwise, then that might help. You need to overlay a topo map and see if any portions of the field have a low spot. This low spot will likely be a focus area for evening deer entry should thermals drop down to it. I also would highly consider setting up stands in the northern section - these are less likely to expose you and with the SW or WSW predominant wind direction, you're likely seeing a lot of action along that N line and the corners as bucks scent check and scan for does. Depending on exactly where the property lines are, it appears as if there are a lot of stand locations that could work with the terrain/topo/wind. I'd also be very alert to that hedgerow while the corn is up. Any low spots in relation to it where the corn didn't grow as well....magnet for deer action while corn is up.
  8. I'm not following the property line descriptions. You noted the property lines end at field edge, but stands are in woods. Might just be orientation, but I can't offer advice unless it's clear what is NEWS and overlayed property lines of some sort.
  9. Lots of game to hunt in NV, with a few parks where the mornings will see sheep drop down. I have seen a few, but a friend of mine who goes there several times a year has hundreds if not thousands of pics of rams up close and personal.
  10. Same. With Moog OOA and getting play by plays of some final prep and trimming, I was done. Sore this morning from clearing, trimming, and restrapping 20 or so stands. I barely had eyes open at 8pm last night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. If anyone wants some cams, I can bring them. Might bring one to raffle off as well if people are interested.
  12. You also left out the air horn on opening weekend...lol.
  13. Exodus has a unique model dealing direct to consumer. Not an easy thing to do. I always go back to the question whether I want to pay that much money for a cam with a 5-year warranty from a company that hasn't been around 5 years. That part just makes me nervous. Too many companies have done that, issued such large proclamations, sold a pile of cams on pre-order, and then issued crummy cams, and folded up shop. I am not saying they are doing this, but I've seen it happen to not want to sink my funds in a company that isn't proven when their differentiator is lifespan. Their cam performance isn't exactly a differentiator from other cam lines. The other thing is that they've been around for about what, 2 years technically? Maybe 2.5? Have you noticed a huge shift in the market? I haven't. When a product or model forces others to innovate, then you have something important. The "regular" cam companies aren't exactly changing their behavior. Maybe that's a mistake on their part and Exodus will take over the world soon. I enjoy humor, it's a great way to advertise. But, I would think a company like this wouldn't need humor if their product/model could differentiate on its own. I think they'd need to offer a cam at or slightly above normal prices with the 5 year warranty to change the game. They can't do that due to scale of their production and the fact that they are doing all of the legwork themselves with direct to consumer.
  14. I've seen enough correlation with cam use and mature bucks that you can increase your odds by paying attention to ranges and when particular doe groups go into estrous and drag in the bucks. I also believe some bucks show up or leave at very specific timeframes.
  15. Time, money, location, and skill. All four make for a pretty wall or full freezer. But, you need at least three of them to play, except maybe the time/location combo.
  16. Yeah that model is the X D lol! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Not sure why but the shows as an emoji. Haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. 2017 Dark Ops HD 940 - $120 shipped 2018 Spec Ops Advantage - $175 shipped 2018 Browning Dark Ops Pro - $200 shipped All prices via PayPal friends and family to avoid fees, or check/MO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. More than happy to help any customers with info. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I turn my cams over too often to let them age beyond a year or two. I actually think cams are lasting longer now. My personal return rate in the past two years has been the lowest it’s ever been and I’ve had more cams in my fleet than ever before. I believe I’ve sent back 5 in two years. Probably cycled through 100 personal cams in that time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I bet he has it mounted in a location that is humid. Probably gets it some daylight from time to time to kill any mildew or something. Too much sun is a bad thing for mounts but so is none and humid.
  22. Video??? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. The buck moog posted measured out at 176 and 5/8. Buck lost 18” from prior year rack when assuming the same spread measurement. It was also featured on national television and print. Not here to partake in the back and forth, just providing some details. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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