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Identify this animal please

Jeremy K

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Hunting today in southern district 9, my buddy calls me up to his house to show me some pictures him and his wife recently took,first we thought elk but it has a paddle on the antlers.The quality is crappy but tomorrow he will email me the actual pictures instead of the ones i took of his computer screen.

Thanks in advance, Jeremy



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Ill have to stop at the local office get me a fallow deer stamp tomorrow and make it legit , i can hear it "A fallow what stamp" Now im wondering if it will reproduce with a whitetail ,the rut is fastly aproaching and who knows,we might have some funky looking racks popping up in a few years (fingers crossed)

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what would be the rule on shooting it? since its not native to here

Id think you cant shoot. Last year some guys got in trouble for shooting elk that had escaped off a preserve because theres no season or tag. Theres no season or tag for fallow deer so Id imagine same thing.

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