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Carry permits, jokes on you suckers !

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  On 7/20/2022 at 1:33 PM, DirtTime said:

Will do.


I just got an email back from the owner of the place we rent the cabin. He had no clue about any of this. I replied with a link to this mess and simply said I just needed clarification so no one risks felony charges for having a gun where we can't have a gun.


Why would a rental cabin be affected by the new law?  My understanding/assumption was that it applies to public places like business, parks, etc- and not private residences, no?

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  On 7/20/2022 at 1:46 PM, virgil said:

Why would a rental cabin be affected by the new law?  My understanding/assumption was that it applies to public places like business, parks, etc- and not private residences, no?


I believe it’s homes as well , I don’t have time to sort through the 130 some pages right now ,the Mrs and I are going for a walk on the beach .

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If you own land and allow others to have a firearm on that land in any manner, you have to post signs. So it's private land that the owner allows the public to rent cabins on. So they need to post signs if they will allow guests to have firearms on the land. Just like a restaurant, general store etc. .


If you own land and plan to allow others to hunt the land, you need to put up signs stating you allow firearms on your land.


The landowner themselves do not have to do any of this if they don't allow others to hunt the land.





You have to read the whole thing and pay attention to the wording, it was written like the SAFE Act, so it's not fully stated exactly how all this shit is going to work. They did that purposely, so they have a broader range to drop the gavel on us. It really surprises me how many gun owners aren't paying attention to this in detail. This isn't a parking ticket, these are felony charges if the laws aren't followed.

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  On 7/20/2022 at 1:46 PM, virgil said:

Why would a rental cabin be affected by the new law?  My understanding/assumption was that it applies to public places like business, parks, etc- and not private residences, no?


Because those cabins that are seasonal rentals by the day, by the week or month whether in the woods or on a lake pay " rooms and meals tax " just like any hotel and restaurant. They are considered a business . The brainless Libs  really outdid themselves this time coming up with laws this stupid . 

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  On 7/20/2022 at 2:39 PM, DirtTime said:

If you own land and allow others to have a firearm on that land in any manner, you have to post signs. So it's private land that the owner allows the public to rent cabins on. So they need to post signs if they will allow guests to have firearms on the land. Just like a restaurant, general store etc. .


If you own land and plan to allow others to hunt the land, you need to put up signs stating you allow firearms on your land.


The landowner themselves do not have to do any of this if they don't allow others to hunt the land.





You have to read the whole thing and pay attention to the wording, it was written like the SAFE Act, so it's not fully stated exactly how all this shit is going to work. They did that purposely, so they have a broader range to drop the gavel on us. It really surprises me how many gun owners aren't paying attention to this in detail. This isn't a parking ticket, these are felony charges if the laws aren't followed.



Here's another scenario for you.  Someone is going on a hunt in another state and is flying out of an airport in NYS to get there.  I have no doubt airports will NOT be putting up signs that guns are allowed.  What you are saying is that the hunter bringing his firearm even if it is cased and locked into the airport to check it in for the flight will be violating the law subject to felony charges.  NO way that something like this will ever get enforced no matter what the dumbass Governor along with the state representatives and senators who voted for these laws say.  I can guarantee you this.  Just like Cuomo thought that he'd get to have everyone go thru a background check to buy ammo, it NEVER happened and was pretty much ignored.  Hochul is trying that again, too, but I can assure her that it won't happen this time either just as these signs won't be going up, especially at places like private homes or land.  Half the BS in this new gun bill is unenforceable.  These politicians are too stupid to realize that it can never be enforced.







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  On 7/20/2022 at 3:10 PM, steve863 said:


Here's another scenario for you.  Someone is going on a hunt in another state and is flying out of an airport in NYS to get there.  I have no doubt airports will NOT be putting up signs that guns are allowed.  What you are saying is that the hunter bringing his firearm even if it is cased and locked into the airport to check it in for the flight will be violating the law subject to felony charges.  NO way that something like this will ever get enforced no matter what the dumbass Governor along with the state representatives and senators who voted for these laws say.  I can guarantee you this.  Just like Cuomo thought that he'd get to have everyone go thru a background check to buy ammo, it NEVER happened and was pretty much ignored.  Hochul is trying that again, too, but I can assure her that it won't happen this time either just as these signs won't be going up, especially at places like private homes or land.  Half the BS in this new gun bill is unenforceable.  These politicians are too stupid to realize that it can never be enforced.








I'm not saying anything. The morons who made the laws are saying it. The background check is already in those laws and will go into effect on 9/1/22. None of us like it, but these are the facts, not some opinion I made up.


As for enforcement, I think a lot of people are writing this off. I think a lot of it can and will be enforced. No judge or LEO is risking a pension to give gun owners a pass for carrying a firearm where they aren't supposed too. This isn't the SAFE Act where a blind eye can be turned on some things and no one would be the wiser here, people. It's time to wake up and realize they are actually coming for us and our guns. Make no mistake here, the NYSP Commissioner is backing all of this. I used to think this sort of bullshit would never happen. But we now have to have a license to buy a modern sporting rifle, background checks for ammo, and as those laws stand right now they have successfully banned hunting certain areas with firearms. People need to stop underestimating how far the anti's are willing to go. If they're willing flip off a Supreme Court ruling, you think they give a crap about us? Time people pulled their heads out of the sand and took notice that this is happening.

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  On 7/20/2022 at 3:47 PM, DirtTime said:

I'm not saying anything. The morons who made the laws are saying it. The background check is already in those laws and will go into effect on 9/1/22. None of us like it, but these are the facts, not some opinion I made up.


As for enforcement, I think a lot of people are writing this off. I think a lot of it can and will be enforced. No judge or LEO is risking a pension to give gun owners a pass for carrying a firearm where they aren't supposed too. This isn't the SAFE Act where a blind eye can be turned on some things and no one would be the wiser here, people. It's time to wake up and realize they are actually coming for us and our guns. Make no mistake here, the NYSP Commissioner is backing all of this. I used to think this sort of bullshit would never happen. But we now have to have a license to buy a modern sporting rifle, background checks for ammo, and as those laws stand right now they have successfully banned hunting certain areas with firearms. People need to stop underestimating how far the anti's are willing to go. If they're willing flip off a Supreme Court ruling, you think they give a crap about us? Time people pulled their heads out of the sand and took notice that this is happening.



I'm not underestimating this law, only saying that many things in it can't and won't be enforced.  What should happen, and I am not fully up to speed on how the Supreme Court could and would do this, but what the court should do is address this law on 9/1, the very day it takes effect and somehow deem it null and void because of it trying to circumvent a decision the Supreme Court has just made.  There has got to be some sort of penalties for not following a Supreme Court decision, should there not?  What's the point of them making a decision if states immediately come up with their own laws to side step it?  NYS should be made an example out of what happens when a Supreme Court makes a decision and the decision is not followed.  If we ever had a bunch of justices to make this happen I think we most certainly currently do with the likes of Alito, Thomas, etc.



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  On 7/20/2022 at 3:10 PM, steve863 said:


Here's another scenario for you.  Someone is going on a hunt in another state and is flying out of an airport in NYS to get there.  I have no doubt airports will NOT be putting up signs that guns are allowed.  What you are saying is that the hunter bringing his firearm even if it is cased and locked into the airport to check it in for the flight will be violating the law subject to felony charges.  NO way that something like this will ever get enforced no matter what the dumbass Governor along with the state representatives and senators who voted for these laws say.  I can guarantee you this.  Just like Cuomo thought that he'd get to have everyone go thru a background check to buy ammo, it NEVER happened and was pretty much ignored.  Hochul is trying that again, too, but I can assure her that it won't happen this time either just as these signs won't be going up, especially at places like private homes or land.  Half the BS in this new gun bill is unenforceable.  These politicians are too stupid to realize that it can never be enforced.








Why stop there ! What about all the Non Resident deer hunters driving to NY to go hunting . Do all their semi auto rifles , pistols , and shotguns need to registered now with the state in order to go hunting since they are " semi auto " firearms ?   Or is Hochul going to set up Border Patrol stations on every road coming into NY to arrest everyone that hasn't registered their semi auto rifle with the state ? I saw on a few posts that this law includes ANY semi auto firearm . Not sure if I am reading it correctly . 

By the way since I haven't seen any posts reflecting Biden's NEW Assault Weapons Ban that has silently made it over to the house for a vote . According to the little info that slipped out it counts EVERY rifle that is a semi auto . This new ban will outlaw every semi auto weapon regardless of magazine capacity. 

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Regarding signage on private property, it looks to me that this wouldn't apply to long guns.  This is what i found on the NYS website:

Property owners who do decide to allow concealed carry will have to disclose with signage saying concealed carry is allowed on the premises.


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Also found this on the NYS Senate website:

  • Creates a list of sensitive locations where concealed carry is prohibited, makes criminal possession of a weapon in a prohibited area a Class E felony. Prohibited areas include federal, state or local government buildings, including courts; places providing health or medical care such as hospitals, nursing homes, domestic violence shelters, medical campuses, behavioral health and chemical dependency facilities; houses of worship; places where children gather including schools, libraries, daycare centers, playgrounds, parks, and zoos; state regulated facilities under OCFS, OPWDD, OASAS, OMH, and OTDA; public transportation facilities; establishments where alcohol or cannabis are consumed; locations being used as a polling place; educational institutions including schools and colleges; theaters, stadiums, arenas, racetracks, museums, amusement parks, performance venues, casinos, and venues for athletic games or contests; any public sidewalk restricted from access for a permitted special event; any gathering of individuals who are collectively expressing First Amendment rights of protest or assembly; and Times Square in Manhattan. The prohibition of carrying weapons in sensitive areas does not apply to police officers, peace officers, armed security guards, active duty military personnel, or any person who is lawfully engaged in hunting.
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Regarding the Adirondack Park, this statement from the governor's website:

  • The bill language does not specifically reference the Forest Preserve, which is distinguished both in statute and the state constitution from all other public parks in New York State.
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Hey, I'm just trying to tell people be very careful of the wording. The Adirondacks isn't a reserve or preserve, though some areas are, the entire area is classified as a park. Do what you feel is OK for you.



This isn't in NY, but I'll leave this here for the folks who think getting a knock on the door is ridiculous or can't happen here.


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Onodaga Co. DA basically said he will do his sworn duty but would not try for a criminal conviction on a legal gun owner that carries in these areas and he dosn't expect police to be out looking for these offenses , but if a complainant does come in the police would have to look into it and if an arrest takes place his office would have to handle the case but felt charges reduced or dismissed with a conditional discharge.... So basically he also feels there BS

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On the travel thing I think Federal Law on interstate transport would come into play in a NY airport.

Traveled out of JFK many times with bolt action rifle, and seen a fair bit of others with different types of actions; no problems at all (actually in the travel hunting world, JFK is a best kept secret)Transit Authority Police use my US Customs form 4457 for their paperwork, sometimes I have to explain not being from NYC I don’t have a license for a long gun. But its usually a pretty professional exchange. Frankly there’s been some real funny experiences too, never had a bad one yet.

But the basic framework states its legal to transit a state as long as what you have is legal in both where you came from and where you are going.Airports are simply a transit, I don’t need a NYC license even though I’m in Queens.

I often have to provide gun permit info for where I’m going, that might just be an application or a pre approved license. There’s isn’t anywhere internationally I know of that doesn’t have a firearm license requirement for everyone, the US stands alone in that as far as I have ever read. My issued license when “there” acts just like that of a non resident with a specific set of rules. And you need to follow them, its serious stuff.

Sometimes each airline requires additional info; or transiting on a layover. Emirates was like that, Dubai Police are very thorough about transiting ammo and firearms. But when all is in order its a breeze, can even check location on a smart phone where your cases are located.


Edited by Dinsdale
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Funny add on I sometimes get a question about what’s in my gun case, usually on JFK’s Air Train.

I tell them I’m a symphony player and carrying a bassoon. 

I just like the way it sounds, and its esoteric enough to get some interesting replies.

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  On 7/20/2022 at 11:27 PM, Dinsdale said:
Funny add on I sometimes get a question about what’s in my gun case, usually on JFK’s Air Train.
I tell them I’m a symphony player and carrying a bassoon. 
I just like the way it sounds, and its esoteric enough to get some interesting replies.

+1 on JFK with guns. Always a quick process for me and the cops are cool.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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  On 7/20/2022 at 11:27 PM, Dinsdale said:

Funny add on I sometimes get a question about what’s in my gun case, usually on JFK’s Air Train.

I tell them I’m a symphony player and carrying a bassoon. 

I just like the way it sounds, and its esoteric enough to get some interesting replies.


What do you do when they ask which movement of Galliard's "Six Sonatas for Bassoon" is your favourite?

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  On 7/20/2022 at 2:39 PM, DirtTime said:

If you own land and allow others to have a firearm on that land in any manner, you have to post signs. So it's private land that the owner allows the public to rent cabins on. So they need to post signs if they will allow guests to have firearms on the land. Just like a restaurant, general store etc. .


If you own land and plan to allow others to hunt the land, you need to put up signs stating you allow firearms on your land.


The landowner themselves do not have to do any of this if they don't allow others to hunt the land.





You have to read the whole thing and pay attention to the wording, it was written like the SAFE Act, so it's not fully stated exactly how all this shit is going to work. They did that purposely, so they have a broader range to drop the gavel on us. It really surprises me how many gun owners aren't paying attention to this in detail. This isn't a parking ticket, these are felony charges if the laws aren't followed.


Correct, felony charges!  Why? Because when you get convicted, and you will in a NY court, you are now prohibited from owning any firearms, and that is the ultimate goal!

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well I started actually reading the law instead of just pits and pieces and not done yet but wow this is really crazy... from locking your guns up if you have some under 18 in your house or you go hunting and grab a bite a at local diner mid day and dont have your gun in a secured basically safe in your car or truck ,,no gun case does not cut it. No less where you can carry, No where basically, and even with a full permit . i didnt know these all cover handguns and long guns.... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are getting close to all of the new laws going into effect and this thread hasn’t had any momentum since August 2nd … A local gun shop has made it known he can’t sell any semiautomatic long guns after September 1st until the new semiautomatic long gun permits are available. I’m wondering if all ammunition sales have to stop September 1st as well until the background check system is set up ? Anyone have any factual information on this ?

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  On 8/2/2022 at 7:44 PM, sbuff said:

Recertification done , don't agree with it but its done now . Have to wait and see on the shooting exam for ccw permit. 


You’re recert is done for now, in three years you’ll have to go through the entire process that a person applying for the first time does , that’s when the 16 hour class, two hour live fire and written test comes into play .

  On 8/10/2022 at 10:42 PM, Trad bow said:

We are getting close to all of the new laws going into effect and this thread hasn’t had any momentum since August 2nd … A local gun shop has made it known he can’t sell any semiautomatic long guns after September 1st until the new semiautomatic long gun permits are available. I’m wondering if all ammunition sales have to stop September 1st as well until the background check system is set up ? Anyone have any factual information on this ?


Most guys here don’t care as they think it doesn’t effect them lol . I bought a semi auto rifle two days ago, because of the Sept first deadline . Ammo wise idk the system won’t be in place that’s for sure ,will that stop sales idk that either . If It does I ve got tons of hunting ammo I’ll let go come Oct for $4 Or $5 a bullet , 20 round minimum. Because you know few stocked up , just like every other time ……it’s sad .


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