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New Man Cave? Bow Shop

Hoyt 300

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For the past 10 tears I have kept all my hunting stuff and Bow shpost-112-0-87547800-1368100933_thumb.jpgpost-112-0-44263600-1368100955_thumb.jpgpost-112-0-11060500-1368100972_thumb.jpgpost-112-0-65673200-1368100989_thumb.jpgpost-112-0-68023800-1368101008_thumb.jpgpost-112-0-51762700-1368101024_thumb.jpgop in a spare room in the house.Last summer I started on my new area. Finally it is done.12'x 16' just the right size. All built on a tight budget. I had to purchase the lumber and roofing the rest was free or cheap. All the insulation came from the local appliance store 1" ridgid foam 5" in the cieling and 3" in the walls. The plywood for the cabinets is 1/2 " all from a friends roof tearoff. After all these years somewhere I can keep all my gear without fear of my wife " cleaning up my area "

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Very nice!! I'm not sure if you just put your guns there for display for the pictures but I don't know if I would keep my guns in there permanently . . . especially with the windows . . . it's an invitation for a broken window and missing guns among other things. 

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As far as security. There are 2 St Bernards loose on the property all the time. No one shows up here un announced. And at tis time the only real gun is my Shotgun for Turkey, the rest are Air rifles. All the other real guns are safely locked in my safe.

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Very nice. All of my stuff is scattered between my basement, garage and truck. If I had a set up like yours, I would live out there. The wife probably wouldn't mind at all now that I think of it.

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The ridgid foam comes packed on all four sides of high end fridges. The owner saves it. I got lucky and he gave me a whole bunch. It pays to shop local. We have purchased all our appliances and hardware from him for 20 years.

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