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Funny.... when the government buys up ammo they are accused by gun owners of hoarding.  However if gun owners buy up ammo they claim they are stock piling.


It all the same,  You are all hoarding.


I stopped by Gander Mountain yesterday about 25 min. after they opened and they were out of .22 ammo.  I was talking with clerk and he said its the same 20 or so guys who line up at the door before the store opens.  He said, that these guys have bought thousands of rounds that they will never use in their lifetime.

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Those repeat buyers are likely buying to resell.  They make a few bucks on each box.  Some buy and resell to their LGS.  This is part of the problem.  I'm fed up and am now buying a press to start reloading my own pistol ammo, but now I can't find primers.  Powder is scarce too.

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I'm sure the hoarding / stockiling is creating the lack of availability more so than the lack of production..........does anyone know if there's any current regulation on the resale of ammo, is it legal for someone to buy up as much as possible and then turn around and sell it to small shops or at gun shows for a profit?

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Funny.... when the government buys up ammo they are accused by gun owners of hoarding.  However if gun owners buy up ammo they claim they are stock piling.


It all the same,  You are all hoarding.


I stopped by Gander Mountain yesterday about 25 min. after they opened and they were out of .22 ammo.  I was talking with clerk and he said its the same 20 or so guys who line up at the door before the store opens.  He said, that these guys have bought thousands of rounds that they will never use in their lifetime.


10 to 1 they are reselling it on the net for a large profit. If people would just stop panic buying ammo from the guys online, etc at inflated prices and the problem will go away.

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I'm sure the hoarding / stockiling is creating the lack of availability more so than the lack of production..........does anyone know if there's any current regulation on the resale of ammo, is it legal for someone to buy up as much as possible and then turn around and sell it to small shops or at gun shows for a profit?


Yes its legal, but youd better watch yourself on how much you are making and not reporting to the IRS.

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Yes its legal, but youd better watch yourself on how much you are making and not reporting to the IRS.

I was wondering more about the buying side of it where gun shops are concerned.......don't know if it's the policy of all shops, but my experience has been that they won't even accept returns on ammo, because "we don't know what we're getting back". I think that they normally get shipments in sealed cases from the warehouse, I would hope they're not buying from anyone who walks in with 5 or 10 boxes.

Edited by jjb4900
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They might be. Now that I think about it, Im not sure what the legality would be for a shop to buy it from a private person, but I would think that it wouldnt be any different than buying anything else from a private person and reselling it. They do it with guns, accessories, etc all the time.

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There is a law coming our way that will require background checks prior to ammunition sales .... right? That may put an end to these wild-catters reselling ammo when they don't have the capability of performing back-ground checks. Could be that a lot of these guys will get stuck with a lot of ammo that they cannot sell without resorting to illegal black-market methods.

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on second thought, if you're the type of person who does a lot of shooting throughout the year, I can understand stocking up with as much as possible now to avoid dealing with the ammo background check that's waiting for all of us in the near future......personally I make 2 or 3 trips to the range pre season and if the gun's on that may only cost me 3-6 shots after that it's just what I shoot hunting.

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I spend a fair amount of time bench-rest shooting at targets. So my stock requirements may make some think that I am hoarding ammo components. In reality, I go through a lot of ammo, and therefore need a lot of ammo. And I know a lot of people that shoot way more than I do. I have no problem with people who buy large quantities because that is what they always have done and because they intend to use it all. The ones that I have a problem with are those who buy up way more than they will ever use, and of course I have a real big problem with those that buy up gobs of ammo for the sole purpose of ripping off other gunners with exhorbitant re-selling prices and I really do hope that they get their hoarded ammo shoved right up their ........

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Always seems that the people who complain the most and loudest about "hoarders" whether it be ammo, soup, plywood or TP are the ones who didn't have the foresight to put some aside when it was cheap and available.  Not directed at anyone in particular, more of a general observation.

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Funny.... when the government buys up ammo they are accused by gun owners of hoarding.  However if gun owners buy up ammo they claim they are stock piling.


It all the same,  You are all hoarding.


I stopped by Gander Mountain yesterday about 25 min. after they opened and they were out of .22 ammo.  I was talking with clerk and he said its the same 20 or so guys who line up at the door before the store opens.  He said, that these guys have bought thousands of rounds that they will never use in their lifetime.


They're not all out , my buddy won a 22 at a raffle and when he picked it up they sold him ammo from a stash set aside for people who buy a new rifle , i thought that was decent of them.

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I think hoarding is wise.... so long as you leave some on the shelf for the next guy... its wrong to take it all yourself... ESP if your just gonna resell it...


there is nothing wrong with preparing for a rainy day but i cant think of anyone who is gonna go thru 100,000,000 rounds on a rainy day! lol if its 500 or 1,000 rounds thats different...

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Always seems that the people who complain the most and loudest about "hoarders" whether it be ammo, soup, plywood or TP are the ones who didn't have the foresight to put some aside when it was cheap and available.  Not directed at anyone in particular, more of a general observation.

Lol .... or those that have just bought a new rifle and now can't find any ammo to shoot through it. 


I think we all thought it was inconceivable that we would see a time when you couldn't buy any kind of ammo whenever you needed. Just like no one could believe that Cuomo could get away with his over-nite assault on the 2nd Amendment, this ammo shortage came on so quick that few could react to it. So now what looked like a reasonable supply that could be replentished at any time is now starting to diminish and maybe not be able to be replaced this time. So yeah, there is a bit of a panic. Even those who have a pretty reasonable stock laid in are questioning whether it will be enough given that the supplies have so completely dried up. To make matters even worse, this shortage seems to be self-inflicted ..... on gunners - by gunners. And then, on top of that there are fellow gun-owners making profits off the misfortune of others and sustaining the shortages with their "scalping" techniques. Yeah, I think there is plenty of reason to be a bit angry about the situation. I don't remember anyone warning of ammo shortages of this scale (or any scale), and I think most people simply got blind-sided. It's not their fault that they didn't have a crystal ball.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Late to the party I know....I don't have a crystal ball either, what I do have is life experience.

I ve had guys call to do some last minute shooting and had little or no ammo on hand for a gun or 2 .

I've watched politicians from King Andy's Dad on down come after guns.I saw Obama elected TWICE .

I jumped on the .380 craze a few years back and could buy one box on ball ammo with the gun for thirty some dollars....

I remember buying reloads for 5 bucks a box,getting 50 cents back when I turned the cases back in. Hum could it be ammo will always trend up? Who could have thought that ?

Crap it was in the '80 s when we were visiting the great state of AZ that my wife suggested we buy some handguns there,so NYS would not know of them, even an almost non gun person knew they would not stop coming after our guns . note the word suggested...... In case anyone out there wants to collect the $500 reward!

I don't line up at stores, I buy bulk ammo when I can , sure smooths out the bumps in the supply chain.

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Late to the party I know....I don't have a crystal ball either, what I do have is life experience.

I ve had guys call to do some last minute shooting and had little or no ammo on hand for a gun or 2 .

I've watched politicians from King Andy's Dad on down come after guns.I saw Obama elected TWICE .

I jumped on the .380 craze a few years back and could buy one box on ball ammo with the gun for thirty some dollars....

I remember buying reloads for 5 bucks a box,getting 50 cents back when I turned the cases back in. Hum could it be ammo will always trend up? Who could have thought that ?

Crap it was in the '80 s when we were visiting the great state of AZ that my wife suggested we buy some handguns there,so NYS would not know of them, even an almost non gun person knew they would not stop coming after our guns . note the word suggested...... In case anyone out there wants to collect the $500 reward!

I don't line up at stores, I buy bulk ammo when I can , sure smooths out the bumps in the supply chain.

buying handguns out of state and smuggling them back to NY so no one would know about them.........interesting thought...note I said "thought".

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