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What scent spray do you use?


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I usually just go with cheapest LOL.  I probably shouldn't but I do.  I couldn't even tell you the brand name of the stuff I'm using now but it is suppose to smell like dirt.  Me and my dad bought it in bulk a few years back and still have some left.  Surprisingly it has worked.  I don't remember the last time I was busted by a deer's nose. 

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Scent Shield this year - I have had great success with Dead Downwind products in the past.  Scent Shield has a lotion which comes in handy when I decide to duck out of work early to hunt.

+1!! great stuff... its a little miricale in a bottle

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  I used sent killer for a year it ran out(bottle got a hole in it my car was invisable) and it made no differnce that I could see, still had deer close by never senting me when i wasn't useing the stuff.  Of course my clothes are hanging out when I am at work and not hunting.  They stay pretty nuetral.  I use a earth sent for a cover and then get a real doe pee for the rut.

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So, how do you guys determine how well any of these things work or even if they work at all? I'm thinking that if I ever got the urge to try any of that stuff, I would probably just go out to Wally World and buy whatever they had on the shelf. What else would I have to go by? If you listen to any of the advertisements, they all will tell you that they are the best.


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Thats not true Doc...

I do not believe scent killer is a scent killer. There are better products then others on the shelf and price difference does not vary as much as you think. when i see scent blocker or scent shield on the shelf for 19.99 for a gallon sprayer and i see joe shmoe blows for 15.99 id spend the extra few buck and buy a brand that has been around a little longer and is name brand.

i know it works because when i hunt on the ground sometimes during gun and i have deer come in 10 yards down wind on multiple occasions id say it gets my vote. i dont vote a product a success because its what i use. ive used a few brands that work great based upon deer activity in accordance with wind direction and how close they are.

the old saying rings volume ---- "you get what you pay for"  and its true

the flip side is look at any scent killer on the market, they dont vary in price drastically as all!

one may be 10 the other 8$.

you wouldn't go with any name brand razor to shave with would you?? you go with what woorks for you and also preference..

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And imo generaly you guys are waisting your money. I do use the scent killer bar soap, but realy because I just want a basic soap to shower with without added scents / perfumes. That and a bit of baking soda for clothes. If you do good at keeping household, garage, restaraunt, oil based scents off yourself & your gear then that is more than 1/2 the battle and you don't have to douche yourself with more nonsence. Not impressed with any of those sprays companys want me to become dependant upon.

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None for me.  I hunt mostly with gun but never felt the need for any of this stuff.  Last year I walked up to within 15 feet of the buck I shot so one can get close without it.  Those deer that DO get to come close probably would have with or without us being sprayed down with this stuff.  Blind luck probably has more to do with it than anything else!

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  You guys that use it all the time, how do you know it works I have been in the woods after a nice breakfest hunting small game and watched deer walk within 5-10 yards downwind of me and never smell me.  I think the scent stuff gives you an ease on you brain and you might not have to do all the prep that the guys that don't use it do but that is it.  I think we all have had deer close to us with the stuff and with out it.  I have never done any real experments with the stuff so I don't know But I know I don't use it and I see deer down wind and they don't smell me.   

  You have to relize too that the wind isn't always just going straight downwind .  If you guys use something that foats on the air it is amazing to see what it actually does when wind get 5 10 feet away from your stand.  I find it very rarly goes straight down to the ground or down wind.  It usually turns and twists goes up and down.

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  I think the scent stuff gives you an ease on you brain and you might not have to do all the prep that the guys that don't use it do but that is it.

I love your "ease on the brain" expression here!!  I'm sure the scent spray manufacturers wished that more of us had this syndrome so that they could sell more of it!

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None for me.  I hunt mostly with gun but never felt the need for any of this stuff.  Last year I walked up to within 15 feet of the buck I shot so one can get close without it.  Those deer that DO get to come close probably would have with or without us being sprayed down with this stuff.  Blind luck probably has more to do with it than anything else!

I see alot more deer since i started using these types of products... Its staple in my hunting strategy especially during bow season. In my eyes getting close is critical and any advantage i can have on an animal that has un godly powers compared to me is a good enough reason for myself to use it. i dont want to make it any easier on the deer and i try to make it alittle easier for me.

I see a noticeable amount more deer and they key to the phrase is , i see them CLOSE!

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I really don't want to upset something that gives another hunter confidence because I know how important that is to hunting success. But honestly, I can probably match anyone, story for story of close encounters with deer including one where I could have reached out and touched a doe on the other side of a tree that I was hiding behind. The only difference is that I have never used any kind of scent killer type products, and in fact was a smoker on many of those occasions. So once again, I have to ask, how does anyone know whether any of this stuff works or not, and therefore which is better than the next?

Again if it does nothing more than simply give you confidence then it probably is worth the money, but I always have some real problems figuring out how to measure effectiveness of these products that use some mysterious science....lol.


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personally dont like the (earth) scent styles,if you can smell it so can deer,some guys go thru all the motions then ride the four wheeler to their stand or grab a quick smoke on the way out,i think it does help to mask some odors

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I do a home made blend - cost is about $2 gal. It takes gas smells of your hand or in your vehicle. 2 treatments will kill skunk scent on a dog.

  That is a great idea using the sent away on a dog.  Does the sent come back after the dogs gets wet or does the stuff wear off?  Never thought to use it in that situation.

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