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trespasser rant


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So I pull into my field yesterday and see a deer feeding. dont know what it was. figured I should wait so as not to spook it. I can my truck from my stand so where I park my truck I know the area to look where my stand is. So as I watch the field I see something in the area of my stand. NowI know it wasnt an alien ship, bigfoot, or a cougar. It was a flashlight halfway up the treeline that descended to the ground then disapeared. I know it was my neighbor that decided he was gonna sit in my stand. I have noticed as well that the deer do not want anything to do with that area as of late. cam pics are next to nothing. I have had problems with them before and all they do is deny hunting my property. I am to say the least P#ssed off!!! They need to get the point that trespassing will not be tolerated. Any ideas on how to get my point across? any thoughts on what to do? Talking doesnt work. An a##whooping seems like a good idea but I dont need a police record

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yup. dont lock the cameras, but I think I will from now on. I was looking for a reason to go ape sh!t on them so left the cameras easy access to steal. maybe they just erase the pic it takes of them.

set the camera up in a tree the same height as the stand.......it'll take their photo when they get up in the stand, but they won't be able to access it without a lot of effort.

Edited by jjb4900
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if you have a general routine of when you hunt you may want to break it up a bit,keep them guessing.Once you catch them,throw the book at them.Dont give in,make sure you press charges.Lock all your stands and cams for sure because once you take action they will try to get even with you

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I'd set up a cam up high looking down or angles in the general area you think they are coming in from

Or buy one of the broken trail cams that people get rid of for next to nothing, set it up a few yards from your stand and then put your good one high up facing that broken cam and see if you get them either stealing it or what not.

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Give them one warning that you do not want people trespassing on your property.  If they continue, have them charged with trespassing.  This is the only way you will stop this.  After your warning, you must follow through or it will become a game.  You may not want to do this to a neighbor, but it is truly the only way to stop it.  I know from painful experience

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Remember my sign?..."game on"....attach one to your ladder and add did you remember to smile?... on it as well...they'll look for the cam and then sit at their house fretting about not finding it....it should work for a while...the best revenge is the one that lasts a long while....

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Remember my sign?..."game on"....attach one to your ladder and add did you remember to smile?... on it as well...they'll look for the cam and then sit at their house fretting about not finding it....it should work for a while...the best revenge is the one that lasts a long while....

This sounds awesome! Id do it!

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Does the neighbor own property? If so, tell'em your hunting on his.


We had a situation a few years back just like yours. Told the neighbor if he's coming on ours, we're going on his. It all ended when we started hauling some fine deer off his property, and we made dam sure he knew it. Never trespassed again. Ended up selling the property to some real friendly people that don't hunt, but let us.

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you have no idea how bad it is. I could write a book on what goofs these guys are. their land is posted like crazy. dont go on their land, but they figure they can go on anyone elses land and nothing happens to them. When I told them I hunt and I dont want them on my land they hunt stands that are right on the property line or within 5ft of it. there are 3 that I found. nosey sob's. always driving by slow and staring. then try to be buddy buddy with ya. If you looked up a-holes in the dictionary you would see a picture of them. every dog has his day, but I hope mine comes soon

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He's probably trying to sabotage your hunting or he's trying to spook the deer over to his property. He could even be throwing deer-b-gone around your stand!


Carry a digital camera with you and catch him personally. 

What if he were to throw a pile of sweet feed under your stand and then call an ECO? You need to send a message and press charges!

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I always have my iphone with me in case of emergency. DEC wasnt helpful last year. either were state police. town police wouldnt press charges, only go talk to them. wouldnt even go and look at what was cut down by them. You try to do things within the law, but after a while enough is enough.

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