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Received this (crazy) message on the HuntingNY Facebook page...


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Received this message on the HuntingNY Facebook page... Apparently this guy likes to use a lot of... To be honest I didn't even read this whole deal. Not even sure what this guy was referring to.  Actually now that I am looking at his profile, it seems he is a "Dove" lover... In fact it says he rescued a dove and takes showers with it (no joke). 


The message:


Stumbled apron your page and it was like stumbling on a pile of manure....what kind of human being would sit at a feeder when a trusting creature like the dove comes to eat and feel safe and someone not only kills it but,,,Brags about it,,,you should be ashamed...but maybe your heart is so full of hatred and rebellion you think it's cool to kill innocent trusting things,,I've shot and killed as a sportsman my entire life but your grandpa was right about the connection between these precious pets of God...I will tell you that you WILL answer to god on judgement day about why you mercilessly killed one of the few creates that feel safe and are drawn to humans for safety and companion ship..the majority of Gus that I know that hunt doves have terrible, lonely egotistical lives that amount to a bunch of plaques on their wall,,,but no merit in their heart,...I seen a dove come back and fly in the path of an attacking hawk because his mate didn't see what was about to happen, and he came back for his mate when the small group of doves took off and she hopped up to see what was happening and her mate came back for her and risked his own life to not only warn the dove but also stand in the line of the attack long enough for the mate of his to fly off to the side as he hawk attacked and taking feathered but no dove...it reminded me of a story from some friends of mine who were in Iraq outside of camp anaconda when their was a sneak attack and the convoy never seen the attack coming but one guy did and drove his hum eye in the line of fire long enough to shield his best friend from he attack ....so these birds that you take so much pride in killing are really no different from any other hero in the battlefield..that risk their lives for another...doves are the most affectionate and most loyal creatures that god created they serve a incredible service or farmers and horticulture alike not to mention providing endless apron endless hours of enjoyment and companionship for those that love them....the Holy Spirit of Christ came down in the form of a dove...so think about that the next time you take so much pride in killing something so wonderful and graceful that one day will be sitting with Christ on the throne of heaven...so why should he let you in.....who knows he may place you in an environment where you'll be hunted and killed when all you wanted was a safe place to live in peace....


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Well John, he/she didn't contact us on our NY Dove Hunting Face book page. If they did, we would delete and block them.


And by the way, the biblical reference to doves is not about mourning doves. However, the Turtle Dove, the dove native to that part of the world described in the bible, is found in a few states in the USA and is treated as an INVASIVE SPECIES...


If you equate the mourning dove with the turtle dove, you might as well do the same with the NYC pigeon, as they are correctly named "rock doves" not pigeons. Same for about a dozen other doves/pigeons in North America, including some considered game species in addition to the mourning dove, such as the  band tailed pigeon and the white wing dove (both natives), and another invasive - the eurasion collared dove. (The white wing & EC Dove are both expanding there range though not reported in the northeast yet)


If you are told by an anti-hunter the mourning dove is the dove of piece in the bible, ask them if the rock dove is also the dove of piece....


This persons writing reeks of (other) HSUS propaganda. Doves, and all birds, do NOT reduce the spread of weeds or other seeds. They in fact do exactly the opposite. This is an accepted ecological fact among scientists. The Humane Society has used this 100% erroneous argument in court for over 20 years and in that many states. In their propaganda, they describe the Mourning Dove as the "friend of the farmer... Every thing this guy wrote and every (other) argument that the Humane society has used, is addressed on our face book page.


PS: Its also illegal to rescue wildlife or keep them as pets or captive unless you have a special license. In the case of migratory species, like the mourning dove, you will be hit with a dual violation - federal and state...

Edited by mike rossi
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Well John, he/she didn't contact us on our NY Dove Hunting Face book page. If they did, we would delete and block them.



PS: Its also illegal to rescue wildlife or keep them as pets or captive unless you have a special license. In the case of migratory species, like the mourning dove, you will be hit with a dual violation - federal and state...


Why would you delete and block them?

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Why would you delete and block them?

Before I answer that, I want to clarify that is what I would do, I am not trying to influence what John or others do. The message John got is taken directly off of the HSUS anti-dove hunting page off their main website. We addressed all that and more. It would be redundant and only serve to annoy our readers. These people also start using inappropriate words and make irrational rants when they are called on their BS. I don't want that.


That being said, a number of our followers have read this post and I am a bit disappointed that they did not offer the correct information. (Hi there Elmo, buddy...) Our face book page is not only to keep people engaged in the issue, but also to be used as a tool to respond with rebuttals. Me and one or two other people cannot do it alone, and even if we could, a law change wont be made for three people, at least not unimportant peasants like us.... So thanks to those who follow our page, but we need you folks to help us hold people to the facts!


Another thing, by the way, we don't shoot wildlife over feeders, we don't even think feeding wildlife should be legal...

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Genesis 9:3


Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.


Romans 14 :21

Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.


Romans 14:2


One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.








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Genesis 9:3


Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.


Romans 14 :21

Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.


Romans 14:2


One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.

As I said earlier, whoever contacted John cut and pasted the entire drivel off of the HSUS website with some "personalization" and "modification".


What I failed to mention is that both the HSUS and PETA, while making a religious argument against dove hunting, have also stated that in order to advance animal rights in the United States it is necessary to rid America of Christianity and Judism. Really now, when Senator Grisanti ( and others before him) bow down to form letters sent off of the websites of these DC based organizations and stall dove bills makes a normal person shake their head...

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