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Primitive ML Season Next Year............


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we have one here in pa. and it is one of my favorite seasons nobody in the woods that time of year you can also use archery gear in pa.i don't think you see it in ny. due to the snow mobile season and trail system in ny.i think it would be a good thing .


The snowmobiles and the hunters could work something out. Other states do it!


Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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To many bucks would be killed if they made the season to late into December.

Too many bucks for who, you?  Their job was done during the rut.


Have you spent much time with an open sighted flintlock or percussion cap rifle, in the winter?


My proposal to the DEC would have the season end in the month of January, not December.


I doubt many deer would be killed but it would offer another opportunity to fill unused DMP tags and get the numbers more in line for the DEC biologists.


I've had this plan in the works now for almost 24 hours and it has been reviewed and endorsed by my Black Lab. :bye:   I am NOT flying by the seat of my pants on this...................................

Edited by Lawdwaz
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I've never hunted with anything but primitive muzzlerloader with patch and roundball during the late season...never even shot a modern inline... it would be nice to hunt into January... even a doe only season would be great... it'll never happen but nice to dream... :)

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I'm a traditional guy anyways I would love it also give us a week before regular season while your at it . Most states have  muzzleloading before regular season anyway. The only down fall is finding blackpowder in this liberal state. I had to go to pennslyvania for it.

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I'm a traditional guy anyways I would love it also give us a week before regular season while your at it . Most states have  muzzleloading before regular season anyway. The only down fall is finding blackpowder in this liberal state. I had to go to pennslyvania for it.



I hate to keep bringing this up, but there is a NY north of t he thruway.  We do have a week early season before regular season.  We share it with archery, and no one complains we ruin hunting for the elite bow guys.  Try that south of the thruway and there will be a war with the archery guys.  But I realize not many know about the above the thruway part of NY.  Part of why the state is in the shape it is now.   

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Assuming the real interest in any primitive cap or flintlock ML season would be among the older more mature hunting population..!?! How about a split two week special season, 1st weeks of October (anterless) & January (either sex)? As enticing as it would be to dust off my T/C Renegade, not sure I'd be too eager to endure the typical weather (temps & snowfall) after Dec 25th for a two week season during that timeframe. Would the harvest during the proposed late season even justify implementing a special primitive ML season?

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Too many bucks for who, you?  Their job was done during the rut.


Have you spent much time with an open sighted flintlock or percussion cap rifle, in the winter?


My proposal to the DEC would have the season end in the month of January, not December.


I doubt many deer would be killed but it would offer another opportunity to fill unused DMP tags and get the numbers more in line for the DEC biologists.


I've had this plan in the works now for almost 24 hours and it has been reviewed and endorsed by my Black Lab. :bye:   I am NOT flying by the seat of my pants on this...................................

So your trying to say any kind of antlerless season reguardless of weapon would not put a hurt on the bucks that have dropped antlers?


Did you ever think that could be the reason of the early muzzleloading season in the north.  They wont do antler restricts in some places and then give you a late antlerless season so you can shoot the little guys they just protected the last couple months!

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Put a hurt?  No..........


In PA they will/might shoot 1200 antlered bucks.  How many antlerless bucks, who knows??  The state says we need to kill deer.  How many guys have unused tags sitting on their workbench right now?


The rest of your post makes no sense. 

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Put a hurt?  No..........


In PA they will/might shoot 1200 antlered bucks.  How many antlerless bucks, who knows??  The state says we need to kill deer.  How many guys have unused tags sitting on their workbench right now?


The rest of your post makes no sense. 

This must be coming from a guy that hunts where there is a deer behind every tree!!  The state has no clue what most of us need to do with our deer!  For all the rest of us in the real deer world that do not have your problem, The rest of that post makes all the sence!

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As Bubba said, us northern guys are in the minority, but we have had an early muzzleloader season for years.  I hear more shots fired opening day of ML than any other day.  There are also more deer killed on that one day then any other day during regular season.  So it is working out well for those that ML.  However, I don't own one... I'm just one of the elitist bowhunters.  

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