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Stand with Phil


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Religion is not Bigotry


Free speech does not afford you the right to say what you want without repercussions


all he did was quote the bible and voice that he believes what the bible says, BUT has nothing wrong with people living that lifestyle.


his right to say it nothing new here.


A&E simply feels that he is going to cost them money (which they are right) if they don't punish him.


Free speech don't cover private business.

Edited by Vince1
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I don't understand the controversy here. He has the constitutional right to make ignorant and silly statements and his employer has the right to suspend or terminate him if they feel that his statements reflect negatively on the company. His right to free speech was not taken away. He's simply being held accountable for his statements. The company has the right to make sure that the shows that they air reflect well on them.

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It's about free speech, for both sides. Gay or anti-gay. Just remember freedom of speech was intended to protect offensive speech, not polite conversations. A&E viewers should decide if he leaves by changing the channel. Not a group trying to stifle freedom of speech.

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I don't understand the controversy here. He has the constitutional right to make ignorant and silly statements and his employer has the right to suspend or terminate him if they feel that his statements reflect negatively on the company. His right to free speech was not taken away. He's simply being held accountable for his statements. The company has the right to make sure that the shows that they air reflect well on them.

And people that see that what A&E did was nothing but cowtowing to the liberal extremist minority, have the right to speak their minds on it. Face it, its just more bowing down to the PC bull crap that is so prevalent now days. a&E will face the repercussions of their actions as well.

Btw, did you read what the man actually said. Not really much ignorance in it. Im not religious, and dont necessarilly agree with everything he said, but none of it was ignorant. The only ignorance has been from the people saying it was some kind of hate mongering. Id be willing to bet most of them havent read the whole statement, in its full context.

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Oh my ..... Good ol' Early has been taking a whuppin. But then, that's what he/she/it comes here for, isn't it? ..... ha-ha. Stir the pot and get thumped .... lol.


I'm sorry, but I really can't get into this discussion too easily since I have never really watched a complete episode of that program. And if it weren't for this thread, I would have never even known this guys name. Also, I don't see this as a free-speech issue, since obviously when you work for somebody else, they do have the right to monitor and control how you represent them and to take punitive measures if they feel you are not following their corporate policies. Having worked for a major corporation, I was constantly made aware of that fact (through actual training) as I'm sure a lot of you have.


But anyway, carry on. Reality shows have nothing on some of these threads .... lol.  And this one is about as entertaining as they come.

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I always thought it was the govt who kept whittling at our freedoms.  i was misled.  It is the people like a lot of them on here who defend taking them being taken away.  it is no wonder we are in the state we are in.  This si how the govt does it with the support if the zombies who follow along and are afraid to take a stand or if they do not agree with it, it has to go. be scared, be very scared..   

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Funny....I did not see anyone here suggesting that rights be taken away.  Be specific, Bubbs.....What are you talking about.  No more of your senseless ranting, just pull up the quotes where anyone supported the taking away of rights.


No one suggested rights be taken away , the gripe is that these small groups of people who get all pissed off every time somebody makes a public comment that doesn't jive with their beliefs.

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ROBERTSON FAMILY STATEMENT: "We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate. We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.

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I won't sign it: Ducky Phil cannot say what he wants ... where he wants. He should know that with Sarah Palin supporting him...HE IS WRONG!!!! Sad, that in America, a ****** like Ducky Phil can get rich by providing nothing of substance to society. He is a Jerk!!! And, his supporters are more so!!



Based on this, maybe you should be suspended like Phil was fior answering honestly... Ah... but unlike A & E, HuntingNy.com believes in free speech and being able to answer honestly... Lucky for you huh???

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I never said rights were taken away I said freedoms were being whittled away with the assistance of people who think like you do. You added the word rights. I simply said as things are going it will make it to rights.  Keep spinning to try to justify why you think peoples freedoms should be taken away of they do not agrees with yours.  You have called people names as well as insinuated they were dumb hicks etc.  You are the one who is killing America.  Phil Robertson is a self made man.  He gave up a professional football contract to pursue his dream.  He made a product that was better. patented it and sold it.  People bought it.  He has an MBA.  believe me he is no hick or dummy.  I know people who do not believe in government supporting them is odd to you, but there are a lot of us out here.  I know that scares you as you like being taken care of.    You work harder at trying to quiet the "opposition" than if you had a real job.  Now if you have something intelligent to add feel free.  I doubt you do but give it a whirl.  I see a lot of people on this thread have asked you a lot of questions you spun and did not answer.  YOUR TURN  I know you will want me to point them all out for you and you will say you answered them.  But you keep living in that delusion. 

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Bubba, you do realize that this is all just theatre, right?  The Duck Boys' profits will soar after this.  I'm sure you have already purchased Duck Dynasty products...and will now buy more.  Do you wear your DD stuff to church?  I would agree with you on one thing:  Those Duck Boys are sharp....They know how to play their fans like fiddles.

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I truthfully do not own anything from DD.  If you took the time to read, you would see where I posted about 2 pages ago it was all a set up.  Now about those questions you did not answer.  Where in any of my posts did you get I go to church?  You sure assume a lot and try to turn it into a slam.  Honestly I do not attend church.  But that does not mean that anyone who does is eval as you think.  They as well as you and I still have the ability to speak our minds without being hacked to pieces by the likes of you or anyone else.  When did it become so horrible to say what is on your mind?  Oh yeah when a liberal thought everyone had to think and act alike.  And if you don't, you get degraded called names and chastised for it. 

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