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New Setback Rules proposed by Cuomo


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Having hunted the suburban setting for a pretty long time on LI, having to ask permission doesn't seem like it will accomplish the desired effect of taking more deer. It will do little for opening up the little nooks and cranny woods to hunting, on the whole.

What I can't underastand is why they would drop it all the way to 150 from 500. Seems like zero thought was put into it. 150 feet is 50 yds! In my mind, 300 ft would have been a more reasonable number.

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how is 350 feet less than 300 feet.



A football field is 360 feet long.  The field of play is 300 feet, plus 2 30 foot end zones.


I like the proposed change.  It may open up some suburban areas that are now using tax payer money to deal with their deer problems.

Edited by Sogaard
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In terms of recovery, I think a lot of people forget that there are a ton of fenced backyards in these suburban areas. The fences provide a physical barrier. In most of the areas I hunt thisa is how it is. Also, a lot of the properties are set on decent sized parcels. The fencelines can be set back pretty far from the homes. For what its worth...

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Why are we talking like this is something new, or that Cuomo came up with? This is the second or third year in a row its been proposed, and it was no idea of his.

The difference is that he is what he is, and that he is also in a position to add the weight of the governorship behind the idea. the way the legislators have been bowing down and kissing his feet lately, that makes it as close to a done-deal as you can get. That's the "new" part. No, it's not his original idea, but somehow he has gotten  the idea that if throws a few bones to the hunters, all will be forgiven for his midnight raid on the 2nd Amendment. And, who knows .... maybe he's right.

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Why are we talking like this is something new, or that Cuomo came up with? This is the second or third year in a row its been proposed, and it was no idea of his.

yeah. do people really think Cuomo was sitting around one day thinking about his reelection and came up with this idea as a way to win votes? I think not.

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yeah. do people really think Cuomo was sitting around one day thinking about his reelection and came up with this idea as a way to win votes? I think not.

Actually I think his handlers did. Not the idea of changing the setback rule, but more relating to the question of how can we sooth these crazy hunters now that we have stirred up the hornet's nest. What other logical explanation is there for all this sudden attention to hunting issues? He and his people may very well be sensing that there is a significant dedicated voting block that his actions have irritated. The man may be a lot of things, but stupid he is not.

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As I said before, I don't like AC or what he stands for/does, but him and his team are super polished and very good at what they do to gather the support to keep him in office.


I really can't think of a conservative politician with a team like his. And, that's scary. If I were one of the RNC front runners, I'd be backing up the darn Brinks truck to some of his people. I'm talking Mario Williams/A-Rod/Cano kind of back up the Brinks truck.

Edited by phade
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Actually I think his handlers did. Not the idea of changing the setback rule, but more relating to the question of how can we sooth these crazy hunters now that we have stirred up the hornet's nest. What other logical explanation is there for all this sudden attention to hunting issues? He and his people may very well be sensing that there is a significant dedicated voting block that his actions have irritated. The man may be a lot of things, but stupid he is not.

even scarier is the thought that there are those who would vote for someone based on these petty issues..............there are much more important things to worry about.

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I'm surprised to see the divide on this subject. Like many have mentioned you can legally hunt very close today so long as you have permission and I suspect those looking to take advantage of the regulation change will still need to work with their neighbors. Imagine shooting a deer and having it die in a kids sandbox. You need to be ready for that conversation. I think the advantage of the rule helps in public hunting areas or urban areas looking to start deer management programs and will have little affect on the traditional woodland area hunter.

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How soon we forget things like the 3 deer in 9 seconds post..the stands and cams being stolen the trespassing posts of last year and the disdain voiced at the seemingly increase in such things...keep that in the back of your minds for a moment....


1 acre = 208' 9" per side  How many guys have that or 5 acres and have had to drive to go hunting while watching the deer sit in the neighbors yard or walk through their back yards...or the guy that bought 5 acres and placed their home in the woods but close to the line so they had lots of open space to view..and they have the 1 acre guy next door....that is the reality of many country set ups now

So the guy that is tired of driving figures...as long as I hit the shoulder or the spine I just may drop that deer on my place....think back to the spine shot and reactions in the 3 in 9 video think about the blatting a spined deer makes and how loud it can be...


Human nature ppl...the cross bow will have many New hunters in not only bow season but switching those to the gun season as well..Why...because of the lower set back rules...then you'll have...hey so and so is off gun hunting...I can hunt his line near the house now...but..he left the wife and perhaps kids home...they will be the ones that have to deal with the guy insisting on retrieving his oopppss the shoulder shot didn't quite work deer...

Then the ppl that will not be so nice about stands or blinds so close...and they disappear..completely... for who's going to be dumb enough to keep them any wheres where they could be found....prove it and the fights begin.....


For the guys that don't live in the country...you do not realize how ppl that moved out to the country and chose to drive  such long distances to work  feel about their privacy... their personal space...someone mentioned fencing...is the fence 10ft high? for even 6ft fence won't stop a running deer unless it is a stockade fence...They jump my fence 3ft from the unfinished open end ..that is standard 48" with a 4" ground clearance


Wow this passes and I predicted the forums lighting up in a blistering mess next season...50-60 pagers no doubt...but I'm sure the news papers will love it as well....


There is a reason that ppl need to have rules...because human nature never changes...it is just suppressed for good reasons

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Some of the above May well happen. It has not been my experience though, the town of Irondequoit had for years and years a controlled bow hunt right in peoples back yards,while it was controlled by a SGT from IPD so it was a little differant.

Webster has one as well I hunted in it,houses near by, dog walkers,hikers you name it,runs pretty smooth. I know tons of stands up in Webster that are way under 500 feet now,I've bow hunted 30 yards from a home,they never knew when I was on stand,yes I had permission.

A buddy hunted a great spot in Brighton for years, what was it called? Some sort of nice Glen type place,the spot he set up in he could shoot the width with his bow,housing tracks all around. No issues .

The problems may be when a bunch of guys all want the one small spot.

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I think in some situations that could get pretty uncomfortable.  however, he's only doing it to try and win hunter votes.  it's an election year. 

The last thing that ever enters my mind when I'm choosing who to vote for is hunting and fishing regulations.............

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The last thing that ever enters my mind when I'm choosing who to vote for is hunting and fishing regulations.............


that's a good thing.  I'm more concerned with the economic climate of NY and how it effects me living and working here, because if that's not all fine I'm going to be thinking much about hunting.  that said I'm absolutely sure that some voters out there are bowhunters and have a real pet peeve over setback rules.  I hate to think that would convince someone to vote for him but it will to a small extent.  this is only one thing out of many he's supporting now.  the hunting and shooting communities are closely knit and he's just trying to win back as much of it as he can.


anyway even if it's supported until the end, which I hope it will be, you still have to tread lightly.  if you post up right behind someones back yard and they suddenly feel bothered, I wouldn't expect to track a deer across their yard.  in a sense the rules still apply to an extent that you'll probably end up at least talking to them. 

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grow they've been proposing these changes for years. Stop freaking out like they're already a done deal.

I stopped freaking out years ago...unless some yahoo is point shot guns in my or live stocks directions....but I will continue to point out human nature...and MO on how things will go down Larry is very correct in this


The problems may be when a bunch of guys all want the one small spot.

but not just the same small spot but when this happens across the state on a larger scale...also I think the biggest conflicts will happen farther from the suburbs...time will show...Personal this would open up some of my own PRIME real estate...but will also cause me many more headaches with the idiots we deal with out here...

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grow they've been proposing these changes for years. Stop freaking out like they're already a done deal.

Those changes that you are referring to have never had the full weight of the Governor's office behind them. And it's not like this Governor does not get what he wants, is it? Done-deal?? .... Tell me just who is going to go up against him on this and actually stop him.


I don't know about freaking out, but I do see reason for concern and a whole lot of things that could go very wrong with a shrunken set-back.

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I'm surprised to see the divide on this subject. Like many have mentioned you can legally hunt very close today so long as you have permission  .........

You should have bolded those words, "so long as you have permission". That's a huge difference from what is being proposed.

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