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Uncle Ted was in town last night.


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Damn,I live 3 minutes from the Paramount. I would have went. Yes, He has some issues and a past. However, He is a positive spokesmen for the the right to bear arms and gives an educated response to anti's who are trying to take your right to hunt away. As far as what the "General Public" thinks,Those same people think Obama is a God. He does a ton of work for Wounded Warriors and Vet groups.

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Nugent may be a lot of things (some good some not so good), but one thing he is not and that is an idiot. Rough around the edges ..... abrasive ..... a bit prone to making bad decisions in his personal life ..... but there is no one who can beat him when it comes to arguing gun and hunting issues armed with facts. I have seen him make complete babbling idiots out of some people that are supposedly professional debaters who make their living destroying opponents to liberal ideologies. Perhaps he doesn't always conduct his personal life in the positive fashion, but he does know his gun and hunting debate facts better than any other person that I have seen arguing pro-gun positions. Is he a good or bad representative of the gun and hunting community? Well, That is still up for debate. But the guy is not stupid.

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"Draft dodger, skipped out on child support, his music sucks" Blah.Blah..Blah…He will destroy anyone in a debate on the 2nd amendment & gun ownership and he is at the top of the list when it comes to charity work.

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we've had President's who ran this Country who have done questionable things in their past and even during their presidency...........I'm not too concerned about what Ted has or hasn't done, like Doc said, he's very intelligent and articulate and there aren't too many who can hold a candle to him when it comes to debating.

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Nugent may be a lot of things (some good some not so good), but one thing he is not and that is an idiot. Rough around the edges ..... abrasive ..... a bit prone to making bad decisions in his personal life ..... but there is no one who can beat him when it comes to arguing gun and hunting issues armed with facts. I have seen him make complete babbling idiots out of some people that are supposedly professional debaters who make their living destroying opponents to liberal ideologies. Perhaps he doesn't always conduct his personal life in the positive fashion, but he does know his gun and hunting debate facts better than any other person that I have seen arguing pro-gun positions. Is he a good or bad representative of the gun and hunting community? Well, That is still up for debate. But the guy is not stupid.



He just debates other IDIOTS, so he probably doesn't look too bad compared to them. LOL  If he has ever converted someone who was anti-gun/hunting or even on the fence about it to our side, I'd really love to hear from that person.  I would say he impresses mighty few people out there.  Hell, many of us hunters and gun owners don't think much of him, so I can't imagine he impresses too many others.  The guy looks like he is one step above barbarian, so if you think that will put gun owners/hunters in a more positive light amongst the public, you can believe what you want.

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Well at least he has the you know what to do what he feels is right.  I do not agree with everything he has done and sometimes he causes more harm than good.  That said, No one else is doing what he does or is as outspoken as he is and plain and simple most politician can not defeat his logic.


Find a better representative of my gun rights and I will support him, until then Uncle Ted gets my approval. 

God bless him!  I would have gone just to support him! 

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He just debates other IDIOTS, so he probably doesn't look too bad compared to them. LOL  If he has ever converted someone who was anti-gun/hunting or even on the fence about it to our side, I'd really love to hear from that person.  I would say he impresses mighty few people out there.  Hell, many of us hunters and gun owners don't think much of him, so I can't imagine he impresses too many others.  The guy looks like he is one step above barbarian, so if you think that will put gun owners/hunters in a more positive light amongst the public, you can believe what you want.

So you don't agree with his stance on gun rights. What brilliant anti gun person would win in a debate against him?? Hillary? Dianne Fienstien?? Obama?   Believe what you want. I'll bet that most gun owners like the guy. He looks like one step above barbarian?? You mean the long hair?? 

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He's an excellent debater and his knowledge and passion are what impress gun owners.  He's also an extremist and a bit of a crackpot- and that's why he probably does more harm than good for his own causes.  His tv show where he hunts exotic animals in game preserves and rants about trying to kill as many animals as possible so as to taunt anti-hunters probably doesn't win anyone over either.

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Look, I personally think he is pretty obnoxious, and probably is someone I wouldn't care to hunt with or hang around with. Yup it was his music that drove me from rock to country and western. That shrieking, squealing guitar noise sent me running. Ok that takes care of all my personal hang-ups on the guy. And when you get finished with all that, it all has to be followed up with a big, "So what!" I don't hear anyone saying they want to be his buddy. But when it comes to hunting and gun issues, the guy has done his homework and can likely out-debate anyone on this forum who refuse to give him credit for that.


The other thing I credit him for is the fact that he is one of the few that is actually voicing a public opinion in our support. I hear a lot of people whining about him, but I don't hear any of those people conducting public debate or basically anything else in real support of gun and hunting rights. We always like to kill our own, thinking we are somehow enhancing our own self-image. But the fact of the matter is that damn few people can or will actually speak their beliefs on these subjects publicly.

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So you don't agree with his stance on gun rights. What brilliant anti gun person would win in a debate against him?? Hillary? Dianne Fienstien?? Obama?   Believe what you want. I'll bet that most gun owners like the guy. He looks like one step above barbarian?? You mean the long hair?? 



Actually I DON'T agree with his stances entirely.  There are lies and half-truths from both sides, but I surely have better things to do than to discuss it with you Nugent lovers.  LOL


And YES, he is just above a barbarian in my view.  Maybe not even a WHOLE step above.  The freak feels the need to howl like a wolf after his kills, so what else should I call him?  If he'd do such a howl in some true wilderness area after a kill, maybe I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, but the last time he killed anything outside a fenced in pen was probably decades ago.


You'd bet wrong if you think most gun owners like him.  This is a small sample here on this forum, and I know for a fact there are quite a few that have no use for him.

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He preaches to the choir for a paycheck and attaboys.



Absolutely.  If you think anyone on either side of any issue would be as passionate if there wasn't some financial incentive in it for them, than some of you live in LALA land.  That's the main reason NOTHING ever gets resolved in this country.  How would special interest groups, politicians, spokespeople, etc. on any side of any issue continue making money if somehow the issue actually got resolved??  Stop and think about it for a second or two.  Big money corrupts everything. 

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You'd bet wrong if you think most gun owners like him.  This is a small sample here on this forum, and I know for a fact there are quite a few that have no use for him.

Well that proves it right there doesn't it? .... lol

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Yeah, I know......all the rock stars have gotten on the pro-hunting and gun ownership bandwagon. It's such a lucrative position to take.



In his case, the pro-gun/hunting stance probably helped him a great deal.  Do you think most people would even know or give a hoot about Ted Nugent at this point in his life?? Would any want to attend his concerts?  No way.  I for one could give a crap about any rock star, but Nugent would have been long forgotten if it wasn't for him keeping his own name in the news thru the gun issue.

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He has been playing concerts forever and when he first  began to get really vocal about gun rights, he was still a popular draw. He didn't have to begin to speak out to get people to go to his shows. But hey ..what about the way he dresses?? 

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What brilliant anti gun person would win in a debate against him?? Hillary? Dianne Fienstien?? Obama?

I don't think you understand how a debate works. Shouting, saying inflammatory things, and making a spectacle of yourself may be a good way to fire up people who already agree with you but it's not how to win a debate. It's actually more likely to have a negative impact on the audience you should be trying to reach. Being right isn't enough. Judged on an unbiased basis, I have no doubt Obama and Hillary would both absolutely trounce Ted in a debate. They would be wrong, but they would still win. Pelosi is the same kind of crazy as Ted, just from the opposite side of the coin; so that's a draw (edit: oops, meant Feinstein but the same applies to both).

Ted is a cheerleader, not a debater.

Edited by alloutdoors
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