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Opening day observations


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First of all, I noted the first shot of the day to be 6:40 am. There is no way that that is anything close to safe, legal or responsible shooting. I noticed on a few other threads that some heard shots even earlier than that...... Not Good!!!

Second, I noticed that this year like other recent years, the shooting was fairly normal during the first hour of the season and then tailed off dramatically during the second hour and really got sparce after that. Further, all shooting that was occuring was on private land and even though the state land that I hunt is full of deer, it was absolutely silent. Also, my wife checked out the state parking lot yesterday morning and said that there were only a few cars parked there.

Now, I remember a decade or four ago when opening day (same area) was almost non-stop shooting throughout the day. Also, you almost had to get on stand extra early in the dark just to reserve your favorite spot because there were so many hunters there. I also remember state parking lots being full with cars running down both sides of the road for a ways (opening day, first Saturday and Thanksgiving). I also remember driveways down through the valley being clogged with cars of friends and relatives hunting the hills down here. And of course I remember deer hanging in yards, and strapped to fenders of cars, etc. Lately, it is unusual to see a harvested deer anywhere. These are kind of major changes.

Here's another observation. I just finished hunting today and for being a weekend day, it sure was pretty darn quiet. There were a few sporadic shots fired here and there, but for being the second day of the season and a "freebie" as far as not having any interference from work duties, it just didn't seem like anything special.

So the question: Is this just a local phenomenon or are there others around the state who are observing the same kinds of things. I know the number of hunters is heading for the dumper, but what I am seeing goes way beyond that. It looks like actual participation is down much more than a simple slow decline in license sales.


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Here is what I saw not far from you Doc, the state land up the street from my house was loaded yesterday. Its a pretty small area of land, but there were at least 10 cars and trucks, and thats not counting the parking lot, which I couldnt see from where I went by.Its about a 10 minute trip up to my dad's property, and along the way I saw quite a few cars and trucks along the roads and parked on tractor roads. Shooting did start very early, and it was dark out yesterday morning due to the clouds. There is no state land near my father's and shooting was hot and heavy for the first couple of hours, then it died off and picked up again late afternoon.

Today I hunted at my dad's first thing, when I went by the state land at about the same time, zero cars or trucks. Not one. Maybe one or two trucks on the sides of the roads the whole way up. Shooting started even earlier today than yesterday, but petered out quickly. Hunted the farm near my house for a few hours this afternoon, sporadic shooting. Went back to my dads for the evening sit, shots were few and far between.

I have yet to see a single deer strapped to anything or hanging in anyones yard or barn.

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I guess all hunting is local.From my stand in 3H,It did not seem like an average opening day.Not as many shots as usual.I guess the AR and lack of doe permits has the action a little slow.On the ride home on 17 and then all the way to LI,I did not see a single deer on any vehicle,Very strange for opening day.

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Had a great first day.. hunted a new piece of land in central NY in the morning.. in 2hrs walked up on 2 small bucks and passed on them. Went to the adirondacks... saw 14 deer, 3 bucks nothing big. My best buddy got a 6-point that I green scored at 109 net, 5" bases lots of mass...will have a pic soon. Other buddy took a beautiful 9-point. Needless to say their was plenty to celebrate at camp.

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I kind of wonder if this Saturday opener thing is really working. I thought it was a great idea (I was a working stiff with vacation schedule problems once too), but now I'm beginning to wonder. Maybe they shouldn't have messed with it.

In our area, I would be hard pressed to put the total blame on any one thing because over the years the change has been so dramatic. But it does seem like the Saturday opener has not had a significant positive force in making participation any better and perhaps it has even hurt things a bit.


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I heard a lot of shots after sundown (4:34pm) yesterday. The DEC presence was not like it usually was. Normally where I hunt on State Land (dead end road to State Land) the DEC blocks the exit and checks every hunters license etc.

As I was only able to hunt the afternoon yesterday, there were few cars parked along the road. I was stunned for the place is usually crowded.

I hunted this morning and saw only 3 cars parked along the road. Saw two does, allowed each to pass hoping a buck would follow them; no such luck and packed it in at noon. Heard several shots before sunrise. For the most part today, things were pretty quiet after 9am.

Lots of squirrels, had several approach my stand to within arms length. Boy were they surprised when I moved.

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Shots rang out pretty early where I was in 8F.  But thats nothing new. Seems like every year I get in my stand and I hear a shot and go Holy Crap. As for the shots it was pretty regular for about the first couple hours then not a peep from about 10-3. Then it started back up again. For me I saw 2 doe but couldn't get a shot. The 2 other guys in our party each got a doe.

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shots were about the same for me hunters did seem down abit on my usual state tract but quite afew when i went down the road. was only able to hunt ast. one thing to keep in mind is that times are changing and many of us younger generation do not have the normal 5 day work week i for instance work as an auto tech and my weekend is wed& thur.

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1st shot saturday was 6:27 am. I heard hundreds of shots up in Cato, NY. Saw 20 deer- nearly all of them on the run  from the drives that started at around 9am, including 10 does and fawns that went by single file. Only 2 small crotch horn bucks. Some random guys showed up at our farm and pushed out a small patch of woods, shot a big 12 point and left. Thanks for doing deer drives on opening day- really makes the hunting good for the rest of the season. Saw 18 more does and fawns yesterday- all on the run. Had a slug whistle through the top of the tree I was in to boot. I really do not enjoy gun season in my part of the state- deer shut down for the rest of the season and every jackass that thinks they are a hunter is out in the woods- firing off 5 shots at running fawns and not hitting anything but trees and their uncles. (true- nephew shot and killed his uncle in Cortland County on saturday).

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Not to far from you in 8h . I've hunted this piece of ground well over 20 years, I have it all to myself do very little walking etc. Although I saw TONS of deer and many nice bucks in bow,gun was slow.

Lots of driving all around me, which according to what you read should make my thick brush and fields very nice as they all should run to it...... well maybe but they are not moving once they get here !!

I did miss a very nice buck with my ML. better buck then I shot in bow and that one is at the taxadermist .

Heres my take in years past each woods had hunters in it and the deer were pushed form farm woods to farm woods all day and shot at in each woods. Now we have one or two groups of hunters that move from woods to woods but the deer are pushed to woods with no hunters and they lay low.

All I can do is wait for it to slow down and hope they come out in daylight, and sit on the field edges on busy days and hope I catch them crossing at that point.

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First shot was 6:50 and I was surprised at that it has been 6:30 in past years. I always take a mental note of it. As for shooting it was a regular opening day for my area in 9N. The fellas in the land next to the state land I hunt had pretty good string of shots fired from sunup till 9:30 ish. Shots were sparse the rest of the day. I got a doe at 11:30 due to other hunters with less patience then me who leave the woods or walk around. Thanks guys  ;)  - i used to hate those guys but it seems every season I see a lot of deer during lunch hour.

As far as seeing deer on cars I think that big pick up trucks, mini vans, and SUV's are hiding them for us to see. I own a diaper wagon and any deer I shoot goes in the back (on a tarp of course). I saw a lot of deer at the processor yesterday morning.

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Right ! My deer go inside my SHV,(Stealth Hunting Vehical) aka a mini van.No deer stickers, camo this camo that. Great for suburban hunting go  in wearing LL Bean stuff with a .44 under it once off the road out comes orange vest.....

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Heres my take in years past each woods had hunters in it and the deer were pushed form farm woods to farm woods all day and shot at in each woods. Now we have one or two groups of hunters that move from woods to woods but the deer are pushed to woods with no hunters and they lay low.

I would agree with this statement. They will go where there is no activity and just hang up there for the day.

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I did not get out opening day or Sunday. I heard a couple of shots behind my house in Dutchess County around 7 AM opening morning and that was it.  Interesting, I hunted all day Friday, last day of Archery Season and heard shots all around the distant hills around me all day long. This is all private land. I suspect some folk started Gun Season a day early.

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I did not get out opening day or Sunday. I heard a couple of shots behind my house in Dutchess County around 7 AM opening morning and that was it.  Interesting, I hunted all day Friday, last day of Archery Season and heard shots all around the distant hills around me all day long. This is all private land. I suspect some folk started Gun Season a day early.

Lol .... I often have the same suspicion, but I do realize that typically hunters drag out their rifles (shotguns, pistols) and do a bit of last minute sighting in or checking out the accuracy of their weapons. You do have to wonder about some of those single shots in the middle of the woods. I generally give the benefit of a doubt since small game season is still open .........but you never know.

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I was on state land in southern Scholarie county. Saw 4 'groups' of hunters, 3-5 men each, plus a single guy who walked right up & thru a shelf I was posting on for the evening hunt..  >:) but that's about it. I saw one doe hunting all day sat & sun morning, 8 small rubs, and no scat. A group from Westchester & NJ who I talked with coming out sat night said one saw 4 deer on the run, no shot, and another in their group hit a buck but the others in the group were still tracking it when I was leaving. Sunday, the woods were void of hunters & deer as well..  I don't know but the shooting was less than usual, and I'd say the wind had cut down on alot of deer movement. Saw 2 does feeding off the thruway & 3 road kills between exits 19-17, and a grand total of 4 deer strapped to trucks on the way down.. I was successfull at tracking down & eating at 'Five Guys' so it wasn't a total loss.  8)

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I did not get out opening day or Sunday. I heard a couple of shots behind my house in Dutchess County around 7 AM opening morning and that was it.  Interesting, I hunted all day Friday, last day of Archery Season and heard shots all around the distant hills around me all day long. This is all private land. I suspect some folk started Gun Season a day early.

where in dutchess?
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got home last night from my 3 day trip....worst opening trip ever for me.. never saw the woods so quiet.  saw nothing opening day.  saw 3 small doe 830 on sunday. saw nothing at all on monday. my land is heavily populated with deer.  where they were hiding?  who knows??  last 4 years i harvested.  large doe, 8 pointer, 6 pointer, very large doe on opening day...  i have tons of scrapes, rubs and deer track this year. more than i have in years past. i even tried to still hunt late morning yesterday i did not even kick anything up..  if i were bird watching it would of been a banner 3 days. other than that rough weekend.  i am hoping this coming weekend with colder weather returning will turn things around. and i am positive it will.  on my trip down i passed at least 15 other hunters that i could tell. DID NOT SEE ANY DEER HARVESTED on those vehicles. 

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First shot was 6:50 and I was surprised at that it has been 6:30 in past years. I always take a mental note of it. As for shooting it was a regular opening day for my area in 9N. The fellas in the land next to the state land I hunt had pretty good string of shots fired from sunup till 9:30 ish. Shots were sparse the rest of the day. I got a doe at 11:30 due to other hunters with less patience then me who leave the woods or walk around. Thanks guys  :D  - i used to hate those guys but it seems every season I see a lot of deer during lunch hour.

As far as seeing deer on cars I think that big pick up trucks, mini vans, and SUV's are hiding them for us to see. I own a diaper wagon and any deer I shoot goes in the back (on a tarp of course). I saw a lot of deer at the processor yesterday morning.

Instead of the minivan, I would rather see a deer up on top of the hatchback Focus... Maybe this Saturday we will see it!!!

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