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Older Venison

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If you have venison stored in the freezer with No Freezer Burn , how long is it good for to eat safely ?

I have some packaged burger that is a couple years old and looks good . No freezer burn on it . 

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The important thing is getting all the air out of the bag before sealing. I have eaten three year old meat with no problem, but choose to make chili/etc. out of it. Although fine, it may not pass for #1 prime. 

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My freezer is -12 degrees. It's not a matter of "safe" to eat as much as retaining taste. I've noticed that after thawing and cooking meats that have been in the freezer for a few years they seem to lose some of their taste. That's why I write the date on all meats and try to use within the year.

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From what I know it is all about getting exposed to air, as long as it is frozen with no air intrusion it will not spoil, as time goes by it will not have the taste of fresher meat but it won't kill you. LOL

I once watched on TV one of those Discovery Channel shows about excavating Wooly Mammoths out of the frozen tundra of Siberia. One specimen was so well preserved that one of the crew cut off a slab of several thousand year old flesh cooked it and ate some of it. According to that tale it tasted fine and nobody got sick from eating it.


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10 hours ago, airedale said:

From what I know it is all about getting exposed to air, as long as it is frozen with no air intrusion it will not spoil, as time goes by it will not have the taste of fresher meat but it won't kill you. LOL

I once watched on TV one of those Discovery Channel shows about excavating Wooly Mammoths out of the frozen tundra of Siberia. One specimen was so well preserved that one of the crew cut off a slab of several thousand year old flesh cooked it and ate some of it. According to that tale it tasted fine and nobody got sick from eating it.


Tasted like Archaeopteryx!! Lol 

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