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Any recommendations for scents to use?

I have a great friend in Pa and he sells 55 gallon drums of urine to Tinks and Code Blue. They also bottle a product called Pure Heat. Him and John Bacon here in Ny are the only 2 guys that i know of that sell 100% pure estrus lure. Many say they bring the does into estrus by limiting daylight. Not sure how that really works but i can tell you these 2 guys do it right and they seperate the does, they put cidr's in them for 14 days and they use pmsg on the does when they pull the cidr's. This will put those does in 100% pure standing heat ready to be bred in 59-62 hours, they only collect from these does and bottle it. Many just collect from a group of does and maybe if you are lucky 1 of those does are in ready.

Its not the scent per say that brings a buck in on the run, its the pheromones and you cant get those with a doe that is not in season 100%. All scents are not created equal.

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I never tried the buck bombs. They seem too gimmicky.

A little scent goes a long way when you're talking about a deers sense of smell. Flooding the area with aerosol urine seems waaay too un-natural

I have used the bombs before. Took a really nice 8 that was my first ML buck with it. You don't have to dispense the can all at once. you can press it and not lock it open and it is just like any other aerosol can.


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I used the thinks last year on a tampon and dragged it in a couple hundred yards to my stand then hung it up. Not twenty minutes later a buck came cruising in right on the line I took. Another half hour later another small buck came in and hung around sniffing it for a good 10 minutes. I'd say it worked that day.

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I used Tinks and some other urine scents many years ago with limited success on small bucks. Now the only scents I use is common sense. I prefer to not not tip off the deer in any way that I can control as to my presence. There have been countless success stories using scents I just prefer not to. 

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My first buck I killed ,back in the '80's came right out of a woods into a winter wheat field nose to the ground right to my film can with cotton balls soaked in Tinks 69 . That was state of the art back then!

Think that was the last buck it worked on......


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My first buck I killed ,back in the '80's came right out of a woods into a winter wheat field nose to the ground right to my film can with cotton balls soaked in Tinks 69 . That was state of the art back then!

Think that was the last buck it worked on......

The first buck I ever got with a bow (a little 3 point) came charging right into my film can with Tinks too…LOL!! I have killed a few more and have had a few come with it into it (all bow) since then.. I think you have a small window when using it. A lone horned up buck thats not on a hot doe or on a hot  doe trail, will hit it.

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I use a dragline and a couple of canisters during the rut.  I've seen it work like they're on a string and other times, they couldn't care less.  Haven't seen it spook them or bolt out of the area after smelling it, so why not use it.  It can be counter-productive if used too early.  I'll start to use it sparingly this weekend, and add a little bit more each weekend.  When rifle starts on the 15th, I'll use a full drag and 2 canisters out.  Hopefully it'll turn em around and head to your area.  I always wondered if a buck picks up the scent halfway on your drag trail, there's a 50/50 chance he heads your way or heads to where you started from.  Therefore, my scent trails start about 200 yds from my stand.  At least I have a chance of seeing him in the distance and see how he reacts. 

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You guys ever have one of those 1/2 used little bottles open up on you walking to the stand? That's bad news.

Something about buying wizz seems wrong you know but I catch myself trying the stuff now and then if anything for a cover scent. Tried that new tinks spray jazz this year, it was quiet and seemed to last, didn't seem to make a difference though.

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