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So Thanks for that Grampy and Ants...I'm now a bee keepers assistant...Looks like I best get some clothes...at least a hat ...lol


Looks like this winter wasn't just bad for deer...he lost a 100 hives to the subzero weather


At least wear a veil with a safari hat. I don't like them in my face when they get nasty.

They sure can tell you if a thunder shower is coming, LOL.

Betterbee in Greewich, New York are some great  bee equipment suppliers.



Nosema disease takes it toll when bee have NFW in the winter. Last winter was bad enough.This winter was far worse.



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Going for a beekeeping apprentice job today...I have wanted hives for a while now so this would be a great opportunity to help the guy oHut and learn what I need to get started here.


Great way to learn. I started back in the mid 70"s with a family friend that managed 100+ swarm.  He taught me things most books don't touch.

I only wish I knew half the knowledge he did, and was lost when he passed. This is my 43rd year, on a small scale and I still enjoy the time in the middle of bee haven.   Good luck and "bee safe."


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Well he called and it looks like I'm starting early...He just called and asked what time I can show up in the morning...I said well I'm up at 4am so what time would you like...he laughed and told me a much later hour...lol


It's going to be in the high 20's low 30's  with 15-18 mph winds...thinking we'll probably be cleaning and repairing hives...perhaps feeding?...He was getting ready to make syrup when we last spoke...

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OMG he kicked my arse today... :O I carried 45# boxes of honey through 2Ft of snow that had a crust on it...so Oh ya of course bad leg went plummeting through..... landing the full force of my body with hive straight on the knee with the torn ACL...then I had help with a couple but yep ..yet again I went through up to my knee and we lost the box..get to the van and what is at the back door...blk ice and down I went nearly taking out his wife who then dropped the hive on my shin...When is this snow going away!!!!!!

He wasn't kidding, it's dang hard work....but I learned a ton...and Wow they fed me a great lunch and packed me off with a bag of goodies....working tomorrow as well  but no more retrieving dead hives...now its setting up transport hives so when he orders new queens he can divide his live hives and replace all the ones that died...it was sad seeing all those dead bees...Well I'm stinky and sticky and need to go soak before dinner...It was a long day...





Edited by growalot
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No I wouldnt have missed it...though the knee is pretty black and blue ...back the the ibuprophen...and no they wouldn't have...too much time and he had hives every where in and out of the van all morning...I traveled back roads I've never been on and man there were some awsome scenery in the hills around Conesus...Geeze it's snowing out now...We saw a ton of deer today... He was telling me of all the hive losses this year...one guy with 1500 hives had a total loss and another with 450 over half loss...he was telling me he has a year around bear permit from the DEC for any that bother his hives...he had 15 totally destroyed  in our area a few years ago.


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No I wouldnt have missed it...though the knee is pretty black and blue ...back the the ibuprophen...and no they wouldn't have...too much time and he had hives every where in and out of the van all morning...I traveled back roads I've never been on and man there were some awsome scenery in the hills around Conesus...Geeze it's snowing out now...We saw a ton of deer today... He was telling me of all the hive losses this year...one guy with 1500 hives had a total loss and another with 450 over half loss...he was telling me he has a year around bear permit from the DEC for any that bother his hives...he had 15 totally destroyed  in our area a few years ago.


15 hives or 15 bear destroyed?


Sometimes when I would go home from my uncles place in Naples I would travel up and over the hills into Springwater then head up to the north west on Rt 15 and then turning to the west and going around the south end of Conesus Lake and ending up by the bus garage in Geneseo.  I always enjoyed that one area after you climbed out of Springwater and were in a little valley with that beautiful hillside to your east.  I don't know the names of towns and roads, the GPS took care of that stuff. :)


Webster's Crossing-that was a neat area for some reason!

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Friends of mine had to hire a bee keeper from Florida to come up with his bees and pollinate their orchards .

Just talked to an apple farmer this AM that has a number of orchards of varied fruits, mostly apples. They use/hire a company out of Flordia also. He mentioned most of local fruit farmers do the same. Also said beekeepers won't allow them to use pesticides until bees have done thier pollination duties & are gone. Interesting stuff!

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