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The posts in the General Chit Chat Forum don't relate to hunting any more than the posts in the Politics Forum.  Nobody is complaining about that forum though.


I think the 4 or 5 people on here who are protesting the most aren't upset with the political posts that support their views, as much as they're upset with the ones that oppose them.


It angers them to see posts that factually disprove their committed beliefs and opinions to the point they demand they be stopped.


If you're worried about outsiders seeing too many political posts, you better ante up and post more hunting stuff.  I come on here looking for good hunting stuff too.  Unfortunately, I find very little of it, and what I do find is often mundane, uninspiring or not interesting .  


Even when a good hunting related post is put up, a lot of guys on here like to jump on it by tearing into to OP and arguing with the post, rather than adding to it, or simply staying out of it.  They're often just as vile and argumentative as the political posts are.  If new people are going to look at this site and leave, it will also be because the hunting posts are not civil and often don't inspire interest.


Now, that may annoy many of you guys, but I think it needed to be said.  If you're really worried about the future of this site, some of you need to do some real soul searching.


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Seems posts to Political topics are no longer going to the recent topics list anymore.  The site has caved to the whiners I guess.


Can't help but see the parallel with the current state of Liberal demands for banning things in this country.  Cry me a river boys.



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I have to be honest about this topic, I used to say the same "if you dont like it dont open it" thing as some, but thats back when the political posts used to USUALLY have something to do with hunting, gun rights or conservation. In the last 9 to 12 months, things took a turn on here, and my opinion has changed a bit. I dont hardly go into any of the political threads anymore, and its gotten tiresome trying to keep any kind of order around here, even with the extremely loose rules. I dont have nearly as much time to be on here anymore, and I like to read the threads and whatnot, not babysit, edit posts and slap hands all the time. Im annoyed by it alot of the time anymore really.


Just my 2 cents

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I think the 4 or 5 people on here who are protesting the most aren't upset with the political posts that support their views, as much as they're upset with the ones that oppose them.


It angers them to see posts that factually disprove their committed beliefs and opinions to the point they demand they be stopped.

Just proved you don't have a clue.

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It's July everyone's bored, idle hands are the devils workshop. Come September we will all be back and focused on what brought us to this site in the first place.


Then the site will be active for 4 months until it dies again.

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Hey look at that..... someone finally gave this site a shot of Febreeze!

I can still see the big poop pile, but it smells a lot nicer in here already since everyone's not tracking through it at the front door.

Is that lavender...,lol!

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So , I take it some members want Censorship on the site  ........ Is that correct ?


it's not censorship if it's a private business. Fox chooses which programs to air, so does NBC and CBS. The purpose of this site is to make money, and it does so because we all visit it and generate money through ads. We should all do burm a favor and click a few ;)


anyhow, the provider of the education/entertainment value of this board has a right to "show" what he wants. Furthermore, if I can't swear (in the rules), how is that not censorship?


This reminds me of a time when I was in a store and the guy next to me picked up a Playboy magazine . He was flipping pages saying "this is terrible , this is terrible" but kept flipping the pages looking at the pictures . IF YOU DON'T LIKE A TOPIC / THREAD , DON'T LOOK AT IT !


If you want hunting topics , post them !


Maybe we want more new members and are concerned about the site's direction? Is it bad to care?


I think the 4 or 5 people on here who are protesting the most aren't upset with the political posts that support their views, as much as they're upset with the ones that oppose them.


I'm a Catholic registered republican, conservative voting gun owning red meat eating American. The extreme right embarrasses me, the conspiracy theories and "liberal this, liberal that" just gets old. It's just as bad as extreme liberals and tree hugging anti-hunters. You just don't see it because you're too far gone.


You're a solid member VJP. You have some great knowledge of firearms, trapping and hunting. You're active in all the right places here. Just get your buddy to tone it down and you'll be fine.

Edited by Belo
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Even in the off season, I find quite a bit of interesting topics, like shed hunting, trail cam pic's, food plots and gardens, fishing, camping, shooting of all types of hunting implements, talking about past and future hunts and a good deal of all around outdoor stuff. These are the topics that I find most interesting on this forum!

I also think the vast majority of the people who visit here feel the same. And I think this site is strong with the support of said people, and not going anywhere!

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It doesn't matter what you post, even when you are right, you're wrong in here. Some of the recent posts are just wrong. But, it it was it is. You either conform or get harassed and ignored. Every things an argument.

You add that to the FACT that there are people with more accounts and personalities then Sybil...You get what you get.

Want proof, people will attack me for posting this.



Oh, and it's a NY hunting forum/site ( ha ha ), but more people worry about what happens in other states then right here!

Edited by ....rob
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Seems posts to Political topics are no longer going to the recent topics list anymore.  The site has caved to the whiners I guess.


Can't help but see the parallel with the current state of Liberal demands for banning things in this country.  Cry me a river boys.


This is quite funny to me.  There are a very select few who flood this site with there conspiracy threads pasted from conspiracy theory websites, then there are interesting and factual political discussions, some relate to hunting in some form and most all do not.  I think what most see and this is my opinion is these few guys which includes you come across as the whiners.  You guys are whining in every damn post you make and call us whiners for not wanting to see this crap.  Hunting threads get jacked and turned political with almost always excessive name calling and whining about whiners.  Some things immediately come to mind.  First its the rubberneck effect, you know like looking at the bad car wreck knowing you very well may wish you never looked but human nature sucks you in anyways.  Second the name of this forum does say hunting in it but its turned into a non-hunting political conspiracy theory select few trolls who get there jollies of trying to ruffle feathers to get there last sentence in with there child like name calling cause you guys do not want, nor desire to actually have a decent conversation cause you are right and the rest of the world is wrong.  Third the liberal name you guys throw at anyone who disagrees is an absolute joke.  The obnoxious attitude of holier than though and smarter than 99.9 percent of all members makes you guys come across with more liberal tendencies than the very small amount of liberals who actually frequent this site. Fourth I would wager most all come to this site with out the intention of getting all political and rather escape it to enjoy the reason why we joined the place to begin with.  Fifth I find it absolutely appropriate for political discussion if it pertains to hunting, however the name and bewildering of other members who view things a little different further divides us rather than unite. The best part is when one is weak there best defense tactic is going all grammer police.   Sixth you want new members to keep the site active and new topics related to the name of the site going strong.  Flooding it for new members with politics non related to our sport and the constant bashing and child like attitudes certainly will make people really question whether or not they are going to participate in such a place.  This site use to be very enjoyable and full of great information and topics.  Thanks to Papist, MrVJP and a very small select others it no longer is any form of enjoyable.  Test it or look at the past history of the site and see what the real results are.  Lock the political forum or rid the site of any non hunting related political discussions for a couple months and view the activity logs.  If activity picks up or drops theres the answer to keep the site polluted or not. 

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I still don't understand why these guys don't just post these topics on political forums instead of hunting forums. Is there not political forums or something?

Again, I don't post hunting related things on a car forum or knitting forum etc

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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You mean, when your not trying to scam people on their electric bills? lol

I'm not involved. My father in law is still making over $3k per month on residuals, the direct deposits haven't stopped yet.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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A year ago grow, I would have said your open ended thread titles were annoying. Today I'd say they're a breath of fresh air compared to copy and paste nonsense. At least your posts are generally geared towards the outdoors and NY related events.

I knew i could not be the only one that took them there posts that way.  Humdingers at times!

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I thought the intent of that particular forum was to discuss pending hunting/fishing/trapping/ and other legislation surrounding those sorts of outdoor activities. I really believe that is an important function of this site, to keep people informed as to what the legislators are doing to for us.


But then, looking at the forum description, "New York Gun and Hunting Laws and Legislation and Politics Discussions”, there is an addition that if it were gone might just clean up the whole mess. That inclusion “And Politics Discussions” is the part that is totally unrelated to the theme of the site, and while some of that stuff can be interesting, it does have a tendency to get a long way from what people come here to talk about.


Most likely the perfect solution if we want to stay on theme would be to remove the “and Politics Discussions”, and after a short period of enforcement, things would immediately be re-focused back to the core themes of the site.


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I thought the intent of that particular forum was to discuss pending hunting/fishing/trapping/ and other legislation surrounding those sorts of outdoor activities. I really believe that is an important function of this site, to keep people informed as to what the legislators are doing to for us.

But then, looking at the forum description, "New York Gun and Hunting Laws and Legislation and Politics Discussions”, there is an addition that if it were gone might just clean up the whole mess. That inclusion “And Politics Discussions” is the part that is totally unrelated to the theme of the site, and while some of that stuff can be interesting, it does have a tendency to get a long way from what people come here to talk about.

Most likely the perfect solution if we want to stay on theme would be to remove the “and Politics Discussions”, and after a short period of enforcement, things would immediately be re-focused back to the core themes of the site.

While that's a good point but we do have other forums and posts in other categories not related to hunting. Perhaps a sub-forum of the politics one that is "general". This way the parent forum are just related to guns\hunting.

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