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What will cause you to drop a dime on another hunter?


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I think what sets most guys off is if they feel they were personally wronged.


For example, we're neighbors and you take a 150 class buck and I know you were violating a game law or 2. If I knew you were violating a game law or 2 but never shot much of anything I believed was a deer I could also shoot, well then my opinion changes right? If you don't agree with this statement then just think about what angers you more. A dead doe or a dead 150 class that could have been yours?


I know hunters who do dumb things but have no bearing on my success so I give them a hard time, but not enough to ruin a friendship. I have also blown guys in who I know crossed the line and done some real dumb stuff even if it didn't directly impact me.


I think we as a society are too interested in what the other guy is doing and too quick to call for action before we even know all the facts some times. We need to spend more time bettering our own houses, leading by example and making it unpopular to violate laws of any kind.


I follow all game laws to the best of my ability, I've probably broken one or 2 inadvertently, and at the end of the day it's deer hunting. Losing sleep over anothers actions is silly. Particularly where you can cross an invisible state line and what's legal is no longer legal or vise versa. In those cases where baiting, 30 minutes after sunrise/sunset, dog running etc are all man made rules, then is the crime really so bad as to rat out your neighbor, friend, family member, coworker?

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ECO's out here said biggest problem with respect to prevalence is putting food out for deer, to hunt over or otherwise.  why some think a little pile of corn, not far from a standing ag field with corn or beans, will create this hunting utopia is beyond me.  the deer know where it came from and the smartest/biggest ones are mostly coming into them at night.  in states where I could legally bait I've had better luck without it than with it.


known some to use an ATV for access, no round in the chamber but clip in the gun.  some have gone hunting with their tag forgotten back at camp or the house.  I think playing by the rules takes minimal effort so I do but small things like those I mentioned don't leave me shouting for the paddy wagon.  most other stuff I would call someone out on that negatively effects mine or others hunting or safety.  most of the time I call the person out first.  if they have an I don't give a crap attitude then DEC will get a phone call when they do it again.  poaching a deer on property you don't have permission to be on is an automatic DEC call.  hunters make some sacrifice to get permission and landowners pay too many taxes to support your free loading a**.  serious other stuff... why should any of us buy tags and deal with DEC regulation headaches if you're going to do as you please?  reporting your deer is maybe a minimal one that I better not find out you neglected to do.  want to be the hunter that took a deer and didn't bother to make a phone call or report online?  you better not be in 4C and it's a buck.  you better not be in an "over populated" WMU and it be a doe.  otherwise, you took away from all other hunters in the crowded room.  know there's consequences to your actions.  retaliation I'm not worried about.  word travels fast in small towns.  won't get caught so it doesn't matter?  sometimes bad reps can haunt someone throughout day to day life more than any jail or fine could.  I've seen it.

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I've made a baiting/trespassing call once in the past few seasons and the ECO went out there and resolved the situation despite not being able to "catch" the guy doing it. Word spread, the corn disappeared, and the stand was gone.



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Two officers hunt the farm and a third lives nearby , I generally meet with that one each year or at least email him. We exchange info on what's going on in the area.

They have been very good to us, switching work hours to nights when we report single shots at 2 AM Setting up the robo deer and the like .

Poachers and trespassers are my big thing. When you grow big bucks and you have miles of fields open to the roads you'll get poachers .

Trespassers has been much easier to control although a couple years back we had two really bold ones on my small slice of the farm on opening day no less. They were kids and us adults explained things to them, along with taking pics of them and their truck.....

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I keep my mouth shut and out of other peoples problems. I don't do the tattle tale thing. There are plenty of people that can't wait to rat someone out for something. Not for me.


 I don't know if you own land and actually do not care. That said, if you had to  put up with the absolute crap that many here have had to...while paying high taxes and some mortgages I would have to think you'd tone that statement down. It's not tattle tailing (what a high school statement) and when dirty bags ...yes scummy dirt bags do things like trespass and steal and poach ect..ect ...ect...they will only continue to do so and worse, over time if not stopped. It may not be for you but don't look down your nose at others for doing what is RIGHT!

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LOL...Yeah if its not your soul that goes first,  I have seen a few retaliations in the past.  Up in South Colton at our Barney Pond camp  have seen camps burnt, Trucks trashed and one night at Hamm's Inn watched a local off duty ECO get just a total beat down by someone that i guess lost hunting time for a few years because of.


If it has nothing to do with me and mine i will let it be. If someone crosses the line and brings me into the picture then its all fair game.


Lets just hope your luck continues to run true...


really??... lol... apparently you haven't had any "fall-out" or "collateral damage" effect you or anyone you know.  here's a situation... you walk out of some pit stop just doing your deer farm duties (your job, much like the ECO) and some nut job decided to beat the crap out of you and whomever you were with, because they didn't like deer farms.  you notice people standing around watching, and one guy says "not me and mine.  glad I'm not him."  then when questioned by cops they let it be and don't know anything.  I'm not going to ask if you'd be pissed.

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 I don't know if you own land and actually do not care. That said, if you had to  put up with the absolute crap that many here have had to...while paying high taxes and some mortgages I would have to think you'd tone that statement down. It's not tattle tailing (what a high school statement) and when dirty bags ...yes scummy dirt bags do things like trespass and steal and poach ect..ect ...ect...they will only continue to do so and worse, over time if not stopped. It may not be for you but don't look down your nose at others for doing what is RIGHT!



I do not personally own my own land yet. I have family that owns land that we hunt, go to on the weekends, work alot at and so on. So I can relate.


But with all do respect Grow cause I like a lot of things you say and add on this site. You're kind of reaching here. The original post is a broad question and didn't mention anything about someones personal land being violated at all.



My statement still stands. There is a huge difference in someone violating your land vs someone that calls DEC at the sight of a few apples laying somewere or a shot that rings out at a time they dont like.


And the " Tattle tale " statement was a toned down version of just calling them other things.


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Actually I feel you are reaching:


I didn't want to sidetrack the "salt lick" topic, so I decided to build a new one. That thread made me wonder what it takes to stir us into action when witnessing illegal hunting activity (not necessarily related only to neighbors).

Now you actually went there the shooting out of hours? with me...I have been on the end of that and when 20 mins, before legal shooting on a west facing slope,sun no where near rising over the eastern ridge, which is something you guys fail to realize. what are you all flat landers? ,,,Any who when you have a slug whistle past your ear and the branch in front of you, slaps you in the face as you see that slug ricochet and cut a dog wood tree in half...then you tell me when the line should be drawn. Or you are walking out of your woods and it is dark with only the moon shining because you had a herd of deer under your stand...and as you are 400 ft from your house a shot rings out 50 yards away from you...or you hear a bow twang...you tell me where to draw the line. Hey I have a camp in 8X where getting a second tag has always been tough...Tell me in such an area how many guys and how long it would take not tagging deer or poaching deer as it where, for years to really screw things up for everyone in that or units worse than that...where do you want to draw the line?....

By now you do realize I could go on and on..I'll spare you with saying THINK ABOUT IT!

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really??... lol... apparently you haven't had any "fall-out" or "collateral damage" effect you or anyone you know.  here's a situation... you walk out of some pit stop just doing your deer farm duties (your job, much like the ECO) and some nut job decided to beat the crap out of you and whomever you were with, because they didn't like deer farms.  you notice people standing around watching, and one guy says "not me and mine.  glad I'm not him."  then when questioned by cops they let it be and don't know anything.  I'm not going to ask if you'd be pissed.

Thats not even close to the point of this discussion and no i would not blame them if they did not call the cops...I would be pissed if they did not tell me if asked, yes.


If your little story played out as was written you can bet your sweetest shotgun that there would be no phone calls made to the cops to retaliate on my end of things.... I would take care of that problem myself in my own ways,


To rat someone out will get you your little story to come true real fast and that was the point i was trying to relate to the other poster. Sounds like so far he has ratted on people that do not know it was him that ratted or he has been lucky enough so far not to rat on the wrong one.


These days you stick your nose in the wrong business of someone else and you will get that nose broke. Simple as that!

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I do not personally own my own land yet. I have family that owns land that we hunt, go to on the weekends, work alot at and so on. So I can relate.


But with all do respect Grow cause I like a lot of things you say and add on this site. You're kind of reaching here. The original post is a broad question and didn't mention anything about someones personal land being violated at all.



My statement still stands. There is a huge difference in someone violating your land vs someone that calls DEC at the sight of a few apples laying somewere or a shot that rings out at a time they dont like.


And the " Tattle tale " statement was a toned down version of just calling them other things.

Very true...It does not involve you and yours...You are better of staying out of it!  There is a very good chance that it will come back and bite ya.


Did you not read the post on the other thread where the guy even left a note whom to call and get their trespassing stands back but they decided to break into buildings to look for them instead????   


Do you think these people are done with the guy that took their stands?   I highly doubt it..They will be back and now this guy that did no wrong will be looking over his shoulder forever.


The above post is a very good one... It does not involve you...Get a life!

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only thing that pisses me off is people road hunting...I would not call the cops but I would say something to the person if it was done by my house.  The people playing cop and quick to call are asking for trouble, like FSW said keep your nose out of it, if not it may soon be broken.  

I love to see the people who want to put food plots in tiny spaces getting pissed about the guys who bait.  To me there is no difference in planting some seed and dropping corn...if you ask me the idiot who dragged 50-100 lbs of corn in the woods probably did more work then the guy who kicked some leaves away and dropped a few lbs of seed.

Some of you guys must be next to saints....do you really drive the speed limit everywhere too and come to a complete stop and never run a changing light?  Id be willing to be some of the guys who call the ECO and police every time they see something have done their fair share of law breaking.....GROW UP

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Most of you by now know my feelings about breaking the hunting laws... I am the guy who will definitely turn you in... having said that I NEVER interrupt my enjoyment of hunting to search out wrong doers. I am not going to spend my hard earned time in the woods on patrol. I give all hunters ( friends included ) the benefit of the doubt and assume you're doing the right thing. I draw the line ( with anyone) when you just can't help telling me or showing me that I was wrong in trusting your integrity when it comes to hunting. If I know about it ( and can prove it ) so will the authorities. I will never let anyone put me in a position where I know of or can be considered in anyway a part of something that could put my hunting in jeopardy. I wouldn't do that to them and I expect the same courtesy. Pretty simple.


The only possible exception might be in the case of a young kid making a young kid mistake that may not have been a blatant attempt to break the law... in which case I would let that kid know what the "mistake" was and let him know that the next time wouldn't work out as well for them.

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Its a sad day in America when we brag about our freedom and rights, and then choose not to get involved. And yes, I have gone toe to toe with perpetrators, not just calling in a poacher/ scofflaw, but with parents of local kids vandalizing property, beating up other kids, etc. If we know what is right and say we practice what is right, we promote anarchy when we say "not my problem".

And...no , I am not without sin, but have grown wiser.

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Called the DEC on someone don’t know who when I was hunting Letchworth state park. I was hunting in some pines so I could see into the pine and the edge. When I walked out of the pines I found a permanent tree stand with both cob and cracked corn around it and I made the call don’t know if they got caught or not.

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Thats not even close to the point of this discussion and no i would not blame them if they did not call the cops...I would be pissed if they did not tell me if asked, yes.


If your little story played out as was written you can bet your sweetest shotgun that there would be no phone calls made to the cops to retaliate on my end of things.... I would take care of that problem myself in my own ways,


To rat someone out will get you your little story to come true real fast and that was the point i was trying to relate to the other poster. Sounds like so far he has ratted on people that do not know it was him that ratted or he has been lucky enough so far not to rat on the wrong one.


These days you stick your nose in the wrong business of someone else and you will get that nose broke. Simple as that!


my point is relevant.  most people don't make it there business to be sticking their nose in someone else's business.  however, if you're breaking enough game laws it's effecting other people so you're making it their business.  also, if you're doing something so brazen while breaking them that you put me in a position to be questioned by an ECO then I'm not going to lie to cover things up if it means I'd incriminate myself in some way.  it may happen on rare occasion.  maybe more often out your way because it's the same repeat offenders.  I'm not going to remotely entertain the idea that we live in a "wild wild west" type of world where peoples camps are burned down and their trucks destroyed.

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my point is relevant.  most people don't make it there business to be sticking their nose in someone else's business.  however, if you're breaking enough game laws it's effecting other people so you're making it their business.  also, if you're doing something so brazen while breaking them that you put me in a position to be questioned by an ECO then I'm not going to lie to cover things up if it means I'd incriminate myself in some way.  it may happen on rare occasion.  maybe more often out your way because it's the same repeat offenders.  I'm not going to remotely entertain the idea that we live in a "wild wild west" type of world where peoples camps are burned down and their trucks destroyed.

You can entertain any thoughts you like..I can only tell ya what i have seen myself and trust me..There are many out there that will show ya just how much that their business is none of yours. At the drop of a dime!

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You can entertain any thoughts you like..I can only tell ya what i have seen myself and trust me..There are many out there that will show ya just how much that their business is none of yours. At the drop of a dime!

I'd like to know how breaking game laws right underneath another hunter's nose can not become his business... and how acting like a pussy about it is better than doing something about it. The more you take the cowards route towards law breakers the easier it becomes for them to do what they do. Must be a terrible thing to always be running scared and not be able to stand up like a man (or woman) for what is right

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I'd like to know how breaking game laws right underneath another hunter's nose can not become his business... and how acting like a pussy about it is better than doing something about it. The more you take the cowards route towards law breakers the easier it becomes for them to do what they do. Must be a terrible thing to always be running scared and not be able to stand up like a man (or woman) for what is right

If it has nothing to do with me,my family or my property i am not getting involved.  There is no pussy or coward involved in anything i personally do.  Come anywhere on the 4 properties that i pay taxes on and see what the outcome will be.


I was brought up taught to keep my nose out of others business and i expect the same from other. If i need your help for something i will ask for it.


As far as deer go....Thats a joke.  There are plenty of them to go around and if some joker thinks a salt block or bag of apples is going to get them a new record buck or something is foolish.  They will kill the dumbest deer in the woods, fill their tags..if they want..and be done.


I am not going to hold or slap someones hand for breaking a law.....I guess you ride around taking down plate numbers of people talking on their cell or running a stop sign?  A pussy i am not and a snitch i will never be.  If thats your thing...Carry On!

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I do not personally own my own land yet. I have family that owns land that we hunt, go to on the weekends, work alot at and so on. So I can relate.


But with all do respect Grow cause I like a lot of things you say and add on this site. You're kind of reaching here. The original post is a broad question and didn't mention anything about someones personal land being violated at all.



My statement still stands. There is a huge difference in someone violating your land vs someone that calls DEC at the sight of a few apples laying somewere or a shot that rings out at a time they dont like.


And the " Tattle tale " statement was a toned down version of just calling them other things.




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I love to see the people who want to put food plots in tiny spaces getting pissed about the guys who bait.  To me there is no difference in planting some seed and dropping corn...if you ask me the idiot who dragged 50-100 lbs of corn in the woods


this comment infuriates me every time i read it. i see it multiple times, every year. If you don't understand the difference between a bait pile and natural growing crops than you need to do a little reading.


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1. So you're browsing facebook and an associate but not a close friend posts a pick of a nice buck they got with a bow. In the picture you see a rage 3 blade. Do you send the pic to the dec? He hunts nowhere near you and everything else is legal.


2. So you're browsing facebook and an associate but not a close friend post a pick of a nice buck but it was shot on 10/9 in a doe only area. Do you send the pic to the dec? He hunts nowhere near you and everything else is legal.


3. So you're browsing facebook and an associate but not a close friend post a pick of a nice buck with his bow. You have already seen a nice buck he shot earlier. Do you send the pic to the dec? He hunts nowhere near you and everything else is legal.

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Snitch...Wow I wonder how many ppl have watched the news and made comments on the fact that the big city shootings or just beatings ...What's that Game they have now? knockout? Where random people are knocked out on the streets...Why? Because it's those communities own fault....they won't get involved and they won't co-operate with police...I hear snitch in those reports a lot......I can now see why a few of Papists postings bother some...I suppose the "snitching" theme is what bridges some ppl across racial,economical even political  lines. :rolleyes:

Say that has nothing to do with hunting laws...BS if a person can look at things that way on something as non threatening as hunting laws.... that they could walk past a street beat down and say the same ...not my problem...IMO

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