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LIVE from the woods 2015 Edition! - Sixth Year Going Strong


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What a beautiful morning...but here I sit...the wind showed that it would be switching up right at the worst time...which had it bad going into most stands and bad once the sun started coming up in others....The buck are coming in at night and very early (predawn) mornings...preferr to hold off a bit.


I did have a very very close encounter last night with a doe...stayed in the stand past legal becuase I kept hearing foot steps...I was waiting it out all geared up with the bow on the ground,,,what ever it was never got past the young beech canopy and faded off...got down and had to walk my path to the end of lane way stand.Cleared I was quiet...too quiet because just as I got to the ladder there were a big doe and smaller,not fawn,doe feeding 15ft away Dang! well wind was in my favor so I decided to wait them out ...they closed the distance to 10 ft when the big doe spotted me...OH  man it went on for ever the head bobbing...pretend feeding the quick head jerk. She wasn't done it was I'll stomp and turn away..to swirl and bobb some more...by this time Having been frozen I was getting a cramp in my back and my arm was geting sore holding the bow...Now it's dark and the moon is out...but I really didn't want to bust this stand...then what sounded like a squirrel bark?It was dark? made her let loose and the stomping and twirling and snorting began she finally trotted off through the entire length of the woods snorting  at full volume...lol made the walk home uneventful :rolleyes:

PS.... did a drag rag and did watch a spiker run it through the woods nose to the ground like a blood hound...got to the lane way stand where I had to turn down the path to stand I was in, 200ft away. A fawn with him charged and bucked at him in play and off down the lane way they went. That was fun...

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I found a bucket I use in the woods about 50 yards away from where I had it placed. The Bears got playful and smacked it around. I got the bucket back with teeth marks all over it.

bear hunting in NB a few years ago and we were tracking a friends bear. We were about a quarter mile from the bait site and found about 30 buckets in a little clearing. The guide was psyched, he'd found where the bears take them on him and got his buckets back!
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We were about a quarter mile from the bait site and found about 30 buckets in a little clearing.


Hahahaha...I found something like that one fall hiking some properties I had permission to hike.....It wasn't from bear baiting though ;)

Edited by growalot
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Interesting morning. Watched a doe with two fawns feeding out in the field. One fawn kept jumping and running back and forth like it was being bothered by bugs but then it suddenly put its nose to the ground and started trailing like a mature buck. It followed the doe across twenty yards and tried to mount her! Momma put an end to that with a well-placed kick.

After some more jumping and running around the little guy repeatedly tried to mount the other fawn. I'm thinking it was his sister and she just kept running away.

Pretty darn funny to watch, kind of like the junior high students I taught...,

I'm thinking this little guy could be a real stud some day! If only he makes it through this year.

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Interesting morning. Watched a doe with two fawns feeding out in the field. One fawn kept jumping and running back and forth like it was being bothered by bugs but then it suddenly put its nose to the ground and started trailing like a mature buck. It followed the doe across twenty yards and tried to mount her! Momma put an end to that with a well-placed kick.

After some more jumping and running around the little guy repeatedly tried to mount the other fawn. I'm thinking it was his sister and she just kept running away.

Pretty darn funny to watch, kind of like the junior high students I taught...,

I'm thinking this little guy could be a real stud some day! If only he makes it through this year.


why was I hearing Banjo's when I read that LOL


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Has anyone use a wireless tail cam that sent pic right to your phone..was wondering how good they are.

I got mine from phade this year. I love it! Despite my terrible placement and tons of pictures of sunrise and shadows(totally my fault) I've been getting tons of nice pictures of deer, turkeys, fox its been a total blast to get pictures instantly. Highly recommend getting one

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

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Has anyone use a wireless tail cam that sent pic right to your phone..was wondering how good they are.

I got the same deal as jerkman, I love it ,super painless to get it all going and set up. I put mine in a bad spot and haven't gotten much activity from it except fox and coons.
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I got mine from phade this year. I love it! Despite my terrible placement and tons of pictures of sunrise and shadows(totally my fault) I've been getting tons of nice pictures of deer, turkeys, fox its been a total blast to get pictures instantly. Highly recommend getting one

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

What kind brand did u get

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