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Bowhunter Sighting Log


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I have been getting and submitting the Southern Zone Bowhunting Sighting Log for the past 15 or so years . You track hours in stand , site location , bucks , antlerless , turkey , red fox , gray fox , racoon , coyote and grouse . The DEC gave me patches for 5 & 10 year participation . Does anyone else get this ? 

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So you sit on stand all day and see 5 deer. Write it in the log and tell the DEC. Then the DEC and their "interest groups" use it against you and deem there are too many deer and screw the bowhunter by making the first two weeks of archery season doe only.


Yeah, I don't trust the DEC to do the right thing with this type of information.     

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Mine was in my mailbox today. This is the 18th season coming up that the Bowhunter Sighting Log will be used. I fill it out honestly and send it back at the end of the season. The species are Red Fox,Gray Fox,Racoon,Coyote,Turkey,Deer Bucks and Deer Doe and Fawns. The numbers are calculated per 1000 hrs. and compared to a 10 year 1000 hour avg.  For example the 2014 Turkey sighting avg per 1000 hrs. was 256.52 compared to the 10 yr. avg. of 330.56 sightings per 1000 hrs. reported by bowhunters for N.Y.S.  This shows what many already know, the Turkey population is down. We can argue accuracy all day long but it is what it is.

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Thought I was being helpful to the DEC's efforts by doing these surveys, until a light came on!


When I'm reporting seeing numerous deer every hunt in a specific location, how is that data used other than deer sightings/1k hours??? Didn't think they could differentiate the fact I was seeing same 8-10 (ex.) most of the time and not far more (additive #) deer than were actually around! So I quit doing the survey and maintain a personal log with more specific input items!

Edited by nyslowhand
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talking with DEC, they have put up the whole front that all their crap is sound and works perfect.  however, they also had a list of stuff they really want to encourage.  one thing they slipped in is that they would really wanted us co-op coordinators to push participation in the bowhunter sighting log.  kind of funny why is was so important yet I don't feel they push it that much.  based on the conversation it came across as the log really really helps but we push it under the radar so it seems like we don't need it.  DEC already claims their thinly staffed and efforts are only put into what's necessary.  said that multiple times to the point it was annoying.  if they couldn't really use it they wouldn't have it.  it's one very helpful item they bring to the table in the initial "stake holder/citizen task force meeting".  I barely knew or bothered to request it before, but now knowing what I know I will definitely do it every year.  for those who have done it and still are, you have my respect.  giving DEC data as to really how many deer are around will only help.  agendas make them seem not so smart.  they're smart enough to take the info for what it is too.

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It doesn't cover just deer reporting . Fox , turkey , coyotes , etc ........


yea I didn't think was going to be all on one form until I got it.  also noticed on the front it has a much smaller more editable place for more rarely sighted things like yotes, bear, bobcat, etc.

Edited by dbHunterNY
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Again...How is the DEC's stat of deer sighting #s/1k of hours hunting interpreted? Do they really think it's different deer every time you report some sightings in the same location over a period of time? If the DEC is using the findings of the Bowhunter's Survey Log as partial input into determining deer density or populations, it's skewed or corrupted data,  at best! Same scenario as any of us that have trail cams near food sources. We know all the deer we're seeing are NOT what might look like an overpopulated herd of deer passing in front of our cams! In reality is some finite numbers that routinely are captured on photos/vids, repeatedly! My bad, almost forgot...the DEC has their infamous, "statistically sound" fudge-factor they apply to all their findings!


Granted, the DEC is understaffed and has asked for your boots-on-the-ground assistance. It gives you a warm-fuzzy feeling to be able to help them out! Hell, they even give merit badges for longevity of your assistance. Just be aware, you may be contributing to some of the misconstrued overpopulation estimates the DEC is reporting! I could see I was, so I quit!


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The part of the story that is not being told here is how does the DEC use the info gleaned from these reports. If it is being used as a generalized idea of whether the population is trending significantly up or down, I see no problem. Perhaps it is used as just one more piece of evidence that helps to verify their statistical efforts at deer management. I have no problems with any attempts at verification. Probably not enough on-the-ground verification going on these days as they worship at the altar of statistics.....lol.


But I hope they are not trying to go any farther with this kind of input than just examining rough trends.

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I've been doing the log for 15+ years, I don't know how the DEC uses the info but I have been seeing less deer in my area over the last several years (9f) and I always see more in the southern tier areas I hunt but they still went to does only for 9F? I keep a copy of the record before I send it in, I was planning on starting a spread sheet for my own records including weather/moon etc.but I still just have a pile of paper. 

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