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Retrieving Deer Question


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Permission is something that should be obtained far in advance of ever needing.

Part of the hunt prep just like scouting, hanging stands and practicing with your weapon.

Going to the woods without doing any of these is failing to prepare.

When you know recovery may be an issue, you make the decision and accept the responsibility of your actions BEFORE shooting. Then live with it.

One's decision to go hunting and attempt to kill an animal is just that and nothing more.

It does not give one the right to ignore landowners rights nor bestow some sacred duty to the animal to recover. The animal is dead and could care less. Again, someone's choice of recreational activities gives the zero moral, ethical or legal right to ignore another's right's.

I hunt public land because I don't have permission next door. All of this public land is surrounded in close proximity to private land. I clearly cannot get permission from landowners beforehand or else I would be there to begin with :)
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I think they can refuse you access even if DEC was with you.....


Yes . The land owner can refuse the DEC . Just like many things , Instructors don't always have the right answers . Better check with the DEC and if you ask 3 , one of them may differ from the other two . 

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I hunt public land because I don't have permission next door. All of this public land is surrounded in close proximity to private land. I clearly cannot get permission from landowners beforehand or else I would be there to begin with :)

Permission to recover - not hunt.

If you don't know you have it, be prepared for the possibility you may not be allowed to recover when you decide to take the shot. The shooter creates the situation - not the landowner next door.

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I thought I would be pro active . My SIL's property is maybe 250 yards wide in some spots . 3 new guys have sole hunting rights to hunt the adjacent property west of hers . Often when you get a hit on a deer , they will do a 180 and retreat in the direction that they came from as that had been safe . So , I looked up the address of the land owner and stopped by his house . I talked to his wife and told her I would like recovery permission in case it was necessary . She took my name and number and her husband called me when he got home and said no problem . He texted the cell number of the guy in charge of the hunting group and I will call that person in the next couple of days . No problem with the person on the east side of her property either and we have each other's cell number . So , if the occasion arises to need to do a retrieval , I am all set . 

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your post isn't even worth and answer Shawnhu


Now here again some of these replies just make me laugh and shake my head....for in a few threads someone will be bitching about how they can't find any place to hunt because of all the terrible landowners posting their property... and just not understanding why.....I mean all us hunters are so upstanding...until your not.... :rolleyes:

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form a landowners prospective I have encountered this situation many times and it's guys that don't pay a dime for taxes and don't know what an ethical shot is will never understand why the guy next door is an Ahole.

so I have 120ac that I bought for the puurpose of a hunting sanctuary for myself and kids it cost me an ungodly amount of money and the taxes would make most people puke. that being said I work a lot more then I hunt. but on the flip side when I get a chance to hunt it's usually loaded with deer because the lack of pressure. I porposly only hunt 1/4 of the property to maintain low pressure. with that said when I get a knock on the door from some guy I have never seen before and he say. hey we were doing a push on so and so 1ac Brush lot and we hit a 4pt in the guts and it ran right in to your woods can we go get it without guns. I say NO they are speachless. I go on to tell them that it's not my fault they took a **** shot. I said so you think I'm an as hole right.... here's my tax bill.. this is what I pay to kill deer. you want to split the tap to go get your 4pt... no.. OK bye bye

Edited by WNYBuckHunter
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form a landowners prospective I have encountered this situation many times and it's guys that don't pay a dime for taxes and don't know what an ethical shot is will never understand why the guy next door is an Ahole.

so I have 120ac that I bought for the puurpose of a hunting sanctuary for myself and kids it cost me an ungodly amount of money and the taxes would make most people puke. that being said I work a lot more then I hunt. but on the flip side when I get a chance to hunt it's usually loaded with deer because the lack of pressure. I porposly only hunt 1/4 of the property to maintain low pressure. with that said when I get a knock on the door from some guy I have never seen before and he say. hey we were doing a push on so and so 1ac Brush lot and we hit a 4pt in the guts and it ran right in to your woods can we go get it without guns. I say NO they are speachless. I go on to tell them that it's not my fault they took a shit shot. I said so you think I'm an as hole right.... here's my tax bill.. this is what I pay to kill deer. you want to split the tap to go get your 4pt... no.. OK bye bye

so you'd rather have that deer die and go to complete waste than allow them one time permission to retrieve ? FYI ***** shots happen to the very best ! So you've never made one ? :negative:

Edited by WNYBuckHunter
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your post isn't even worth and answer Shawnhu

Now here again some of these replies just make me laugh and shake my head....for in a few threads someone will be bitching about how they can't find any place to hunt because of all the terrible landowners posting their property... and just not understanding why.....I mean all us hunters are so upstanding...until your not.... :rolleyes:

Maybe, and that's ok. Couldn't really understand you anyway. Let me guess, kindle, right?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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so you'd rather have that deer die and go to complete waste than allow them one time permission to retrieve ? FYI shit shots happen to the very best ! So you've never made one ? :negative:

If the land owner doesn't want his land to be disturbed, he can reserve the right to say no. In this situation, the hunter has no one to blame but himself. Way too small a plot to hunt and poor shot placement put the hunters in a bad situation.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Maybe, and that's ok. Couldn't really understand you anyway. Let me guess, kindle, right?



Shawnhu PLEASE if you are going to make a feeble attempt to insult me,  AT LEAST engage your grey matter(brains) and come up with something original and not pulled out of Belos mouth...have some respect for your self.

Your take on what could happen to get a ECO to go in and retrieve a deer is fantasy...We have delt with this down at camp and the ECO will not go in and get a deer when the land owner says no...My sister inlaw was arrested because she had no gun and went to track a doe..owner called cops..she asked if, after he wrote the ticket , he would get the deer..NO land owner will not allow a retieval period.


I have all neighboring property owners Phone #'s in my cell They have mine on my posted signs if not on their cells..no call no deer period...caught ticket and no deer

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so you'd rather have that deer die and go to complete waste than allow them one time permission to retrieve ? FYI **** shots happen to the very best ! So you've never made one ? :negative:


again why is your problem now the landowners problem.. i just don't get it??  so now you don't like some one you don't know because you made a poor shot.. why is it so hard for people to blame them selfs for the situation?  why do people feel entitled to get their way.. so if i don't let you on my property to get your deer its my fault the deer rots? sound kind of selfish to me. 


    yeah i have lost deer but i didn't blame the land owner i blamed myself and guess what i learned from it . if you cannot fatally hit the deer you don't shoot. you may not understand what i mean but that's ok im not looking to change you or anyone else its something that you will have learn on your own.  

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again why is your problem now the landowners problem.. i just don't get it??  so now you don't like some one you don't know because you made a poor shot.. why is it so hard for people to blame them selfs for the situation?  why do people feel entitled to get their way.. so if i don't let you on my property to get your deer its my fault the deer rots? sound kind selfish to me. 


    yeah i have lost deer but i didn't blame the land owner i blamed myself and guess what i learned from it . if you cannot fatally hit the deer you don't shoot. you may not understand what i mean but that's ok im not looking to change you or anyone else its something that you will have learn on your own.  

so the deer I shot (shotgun) from the shooting rail of my tree stand, 70 yards broadside, breathed and had great cheek weld but managed to miss my mark by mere inches was indeed a poor shot . I could probably shoot with the best of them on this site. I didn't plan on not fatally shooting the deer. First and only I've ever lost. Won't shoot at a running deer and every deer I've ever killed has been one shot. Not a one going more than 30 or so yards tops. o what I've learned from your comment is I shouldn't have shot?!  No I did not ask permission to surrounding landowners . 2.5 feet of snow thru 3 different parcels on attempted retrieval. could have gotten  arrested for trespassing but you know what. Didn't give a rats ass. I was retrieving , not hunting .

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Owning land can be a pain in the A-- sometimes. I wouldnt walk on another persons property unless i had permission and wouldnt do it until i talked to them. You never know they might be on stand. I see the trespassing fines on Newsjunky. $25.00 for a trespassing fine what a joke.

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.I could have gotten arrested for trespassing but you know what. Didn't give a rats ass. I was retrieving , not hunting .

i guess if you are ok with breaking the law to get your deer then im sure its ok for you to bend other laws in your favor if it means getting your deer. sometimes people that follow laws are the ones that get **** on.. unfortunately

what is a fair price to pay for deer retrieval? - what if you asked a land owner and he said sure for $ 300 i would be glad to go get it for you. my self i have tossed a 30pk and a 50 just to show my appreciation and that was for a doe, by no means did this guy have to let me get the deer off his land and by all means it was his deer until he gave me the right to remove it.

so would you pay?

let it rot?

or just break the law and go steal it?

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 i guess if you are ok with breaking the law to get your deer then im sure its ok for you to bend other laws in your favor if it means getting your deer.  sometimes people that follow laws are the ones that get **** on.. unfortunately 



what is a fair price to pay for deer retrieval? -  what if you asked a land owner and he said sure for $ 300 i would be glad to go get it for you.  my self i have tossed a 30pk and a 50 just to show my appreciation and that was for a doe,  by no means did this guy have to let me get the deer off  his land and by all means it was his deer until he gave me the right to remove it. 


so would you pay? let it rot? or just break the law and go steal it? 

Passed on deer over the years as before legal/past legal shooting, one being one of the best deer I may have had an opportunity to kill,  got out of the woods at 11:45 during spring turkey hunting with bird coming on a string knowing I couldn't kill him in 15 minutes. I'm about as legit as they come but thanks for the accusation as I don't want that deer rotting . No posted signs but not public land. So who am I to contact ? I was in the woods way off where I ever wanted to be so wasn't going to try to get land records on Thanksgiving day.  I'm  a big fan of paying it forward and helping others out. So would I come back if I was granted permission (if I even knew how to locate them ) by so called landowner and do or bring him something, absolutely.  For being Odorless, your **** stinks :rofl:

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Accusations aside......I do not see how ppl can spend so much time and effort researching travel patterns ,equipment ect ect and the one huge thing they need is too dang hard to do...

That is find out who owns around you and get their numbers...IT is a basic must have when hunting in areas of contiguous properties owned by different ppl. EVEN deer search will ask you if you have permission ...and you are suppose to get it ahead of time...They are not suppose to track on lands with out it. I had to make several calls while we were tracking I also made calls before they even got there...EVERY SINGLE TOWN has a tax office and a clerk. I didn't know or couldn't find ...really does not work in this day and age especially when you have a whole year between seasons to do what you need to do...kinda like practicing...not one of you would let the  guy have a pass..... who made a bad hit then dumbly said after telling you about it.."Ya  I didn't have time to take the bow or gun out before season opener" come on!

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Accusations aside......I do not see how ppl can spend so much time and effort researching travel patterns ,equipment ect ect and the one huge thing they need is too dang hard to do...

That is find out who owns around you and get their numbers...IT is a basic must have when hunting in areas of contiguous properties owned by different ppl. EVEN deer search will ask you if you have permission ...and you are suppose to get it ahead of time...They are not suppose to track on lands with out it. I had to make several calls while we were tracking I also made calls before they even got there...EVERY SINGLE TOWN has a tax office and a clerk. I didn't know or couldn't find ...really does not work in this day and age especially when you have a whole year between seasons to do what you need to do...kinda like practicing...not one of you would let the  guy have a pass..... who made a bad hit then dumbly said after telling you about it.."Ya  I didn't have time to take the bow or gun out before season opener" come on!

Deer was shot smack dab in the middle of 70 acres. Highly doubtful one would think it would get outside that corridor I would say. So really doubting I ever needed such precautions.  Being on Thanksgiving I say I had zero chance of retrieving any information from town offices. I shot, got on blood trail and kept going, never thinking tracking would go on for so long but wasn't going to give up once I started.  I shoot a lot and am not one of those people who show up with zero practice thru the year on opening day.

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