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Yesterday was a crazy day at work visiting a few jobsites around Buffalo and the burbs...came home and mowed the lawn....then sat on the porch to reflect with a beer when the "no see ums" decided I was the ideal snack. Somewhere between lazy and determined I endured for a few minutes squashing them when they landed. Felt one on my arm, thumbed him and then noticed it was crawling. Instantly I knew it wasn't a fly after all and my fears were confirmed-- it was a tick. An adult black legged deer tick to be exact. Not engorged but creepy deal. I got nailed by one last fall that I think I picked up in the Alabama swamps (which is somewhat known for them).Not sure where this little bugger came from but be careful because I wasn't in any ideal tick habitat this week prior and every night has had a sudsy shower.

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Yesterday was a crazy day at work visiting a few jobsites around Buffalo and the burbs...came home and mowed the lawn....then sat on the porch to reflect with a beer when the "no see ums" decided I was the ideal snack. Somewhere between lazy and determined I endured for a few minutes squashing them when they landed. Felt one on my arm, thumbed him and then noticed it was crawling. Instantly I knew it wasn't a fly after all and my fears were confirmed-- it was a tick. An adult black legged deer tick to be exact. Not engorged but creepy deal. I got nailed by one last fall that I think I picked up in the Alabama swamps (which is somewhat known for them).Not sure where this little bugger came from but be careful because I wasn't in any ideal tick habitat this week prior and every night has had a sudsy shower.

Alabama swamps is the only place I have picked up ticks and I've hunted north , east , and south of buffalo ...

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What is the best way to remove an imbedded tick? I figured I better ask before I actually get one. The way everyone is talking it sounds like just a matter of time.

Edited by Doc
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I bought these things called "tick keys" for the guys at work and they're the best way to remove them. All the other methods may result in regurgitation which is not a good thing (nor is decapitation).

Had them at black lake- scary but painless. They essentially killed my lab and when team them through the nydoh 75% carried some debilitating disease. Got one in the swamps last year and did the antibiotics. Swelled to the size of a golf ball and was red for over a month.

Scary little buggers

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What is the best way to remove an imbedded tick? I figured I better ask before I actually get one. The way everyone is talking it sounds like just a matter of time.


don't under any circumstances use the "old tried and true" method of vaseline on a cotton ball.  it'll consequently make them puke up their contents, increasing risk of transmitting anything.  also just pulling them out you have to be careful part of them doesn't stay in you.  O'Tom tick twisters work great.  also can use a Q-tip to work the tick's body in a circular motion to carefully twist it free.  father in law is going through it rough the past couple years.  got to check yourself over good before getting in the shower.  you might dislodge one and never realize you were bitten until symptoms kick in.

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problem is even mice and other warm blooded critters carry deer ticks unless they're say a opossum eating them of themselves.  controlled burns about eliminate ticks in the area but make them flourish in surrounding areas.  ticks are impossible to reduce.  we can only take the right measures to deal with them.

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Be careful pulling off with fingers or tweezers because the slight pressures makes them spit out into you! I have one of these in the truck and another in the house.


After I paid $75 bucks to watch a vet pull a tick out of the dog with a similar item in 3 seconds I went and bought these. Used them a few times now and slick as a wet banana peel on a slip and slide!

Unfortunately the little worthless suckers are around to stay. My dog contracted Lyme this winter! At least dogs have a treatment. She went through the shots and seems to be fine now.

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Edited by Fletch
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  • 3 weeks later...

Be careful pulling off with fingers or tweezers because the slight pressures makes them spit out into you! I have one of these in the truck and another in the house.


After I paid $75 bucks to watch a vet pull a tick out of the dog with a similar item in 3 seconds I went and bought these. Used them a few times now and slick as a wet banana peel on a slip and slide!

Unfortunately the little worthless suckers are around to stay. My dog contracted Lyme this winter! At least dogs have a treatment. She went through the shots and seems to be fine now.

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My wife is a vet and just gave me one of these tools to stick in my little emergency pack for my hunting bag. I hope never to use it.

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My buddy just told me last night both his teenage children have Lyme disease.....they never knew they were bitten and new saw a bullseye.... they finally were diagnosed after tests for multiple problems and are now being treated by a dr. In Pennsylvania with a malaria drug...both kids have it pretty bad and have missed almost half the school year. Lyme disease is no joke...i make it a point to stress to all the nom outdoors people in my life how import it is to check yourself daily after being outside.

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Wow thats horrible.

I often mention it to people I see on a local trail, most act as if I'm nuts or something ( which may be partly true, but not relevant) .

I've pulled a few off our dog and cat as well as myself, know a couple people and dogs that have it , ours was bitten by a tick carrying it but it did not present .

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