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2017 Goals?

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Just wondering what other hunters had for plans and goals in 2017, as far as land management or personal hunting goals.

My goals are to:

plant some apple trees for the deer and myself

establish a woods plot (or two)

expand my existing plot

try to do something outdoor or hunting related every day

get back to keeping a journal of my outdoor pursuits

maintain the wild apple trees on my family's property

shoot a 3.5 or 4.5 year old 10 pointer!


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I also would like to put in a few new Apple and pear trees. I'd also like to expand my food plots. I'd like to plant corn in one plot this yr. also I'd like to build a elevated shooting box for them nasty days. I'm very interested in ur woods plot. What r u planning on planting? I'd like to plant a woods plot also but what would really grow? 

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"Woods plot" may be misleading.  These are staging plots, as they aren't in the deep woods.  One is 50-60 yards from an ag field, and the other is 40-50 yards from an old pasture.  I cut firewood in these areas over the past 3 or 4 years to get them big enough.  One is close a 1/2 acre, the other is maybe 1/3 acre.

I planted a test strip of clover in one plot, just a log road that I widened out.  It came in pretty well, although it was a bit thin around the edges.  So I'm shooting for clover plots.  I may do a mix of all sorts of things the first year as an experiment.  I may plant radishes, since they help "till" the soil with their roots. I will probably try cereal grains, since they are easy to grow.  

I don't expect a full-on clover plot the first year. I think it will take a year or more to get the soil in shape, pH adjusted, but I bet it will be good enough to get attention from deer.  I saw lots of turkeys in one area I cleared, even without planting anything.  

I'm hoping to use some kind of disc harrow.  I've done plots like this with a walk-behind tiller, and it's slow and it' WORK.  I have a 5 foot tiller for my Kubota, but found out that it doesn't like big rocks, ledge, stumps, and roots. So that's the plan.  I'll be doing some finish work with the chainsaws this winter, and using a small stump grinder once the snow is gone.  We spring plant clover here (the experts gasp!) because fall planting often leads to winterkill.  Hopefully, I will be able to post pictures and results.  Seems like that's what the site is here for.  

I say go for it!  If you can clear out even 1/4 acre and get enough light, then it's worth a shot.  
Good luck!

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1.) Do some hinge cutting in sanctuary areas, and open up some white oaks in the woods and hedgerows (this winter).

2.) Put in 3-5 acres of field corn, fertilized a bit heavier than last year (this spring). 

3.) Trap and kill raccoons.

4.) Fill both buck tags with 2-1/2 year olds.

5.) Fill antlerless only archery/ML tag with a 1-1/2 year old doe.  

6.) Fill (3) DMP tags with mature does and (1) with a BB.      


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I want to build an enclosed, elevated  tower stand to overlook my food plots, so I can sit in there with one of my old fart buddies  in warmth and comfort...  That's MY idea of  deer hunting these days, or deer SHOOTING, if you will.... I  don't care too much about deer hunting anymore, but I still enjoy shooting them and eating them..<<grin>>....

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improve habitat and property value for landowners on the co-op i help "manage".  take one of three bucks that made it through this season that would make appearances at one stand.  that stand is one i took my first buck out of and those bucks would all be 4.5 yrs old.  help prevent the poaching situation where i hunt and in NY.  defend a 3D outdoor championship.  take some others beginner and youth on successful hunts.  i'm sure i forgot something.

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Goals:  hopefully hunt my brothers property as it hasn't sold by then

Get my daughter a first spring bird

Get my daughter her first deer

Shoot a deer with Springfield #1898 30-40 Krag

Shoot some coyotes

Figure out where the heck all the bucks we had on cams prior to season actually go during season

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I'm glad folks are into passing on the tradition, and that the old coots are still out there getting it done.  

I hope you don't croak too bugs!

I should make an effort to help out a younger person with turkeys or deer.  

Grow, I hope you keep doing what you love.  Your plots are an inspiration.

Buckmaster, I'm rooting for you.  Youth helps, and so does determination (obsession).  

Good luck all.

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First goal, is to welcome my 2nd (hopefully healthy) child into this world come June. Followed by getting an HD camera to start video taping my hunts and adventures into the woods again. I'd like to get my wife another archery deer but I doubt she'll leave the baby lol. As my season will be short again too I'm sure lol. Get some saw work done this winter to improve the whitetail home range, plant someone trees for cover as well as more hard and soft mass for eating. Etc..

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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