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Trump and his family have already depleted the Secret Service's funds because of their frequent travel

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I don't support everything he does but have no regrets voting for him when it came time to.  for face value i think he should scale back the golf outings.  on the other hand, how many of those were related to actually conducting activities related to his presidency?  also the director was quoted as saying it's been an on going problem that's gotten worse in the last decade, not really anything to do with Trump's "needs".  the really topic for discussion isn't that in the headlines.

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"How many times has Trump played golf as President of the United States? Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses 58 times since becoming President, and that's as of August 20."
Lets see, at over a mill per day that tallys up to over 61 million. 
Been on the grounds of a golf course.... So what your sayings is since the the Whitehouse is under construction ( Obama legacy) Hes not allowed to go home or Camp David???

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Those are shrinking too. If he could come though on some promises maybe his numbers would go back up but it doesn't seem likely. He flip flopped on a big one last night.
"The numbers reflect a troubling trend for the White House - a drop in support among those considered Trump's base of support. The poll shows big declines in support among Midwesterners (down 7 percentage points); middle-income families (down 13 percentage points); white men (down 7 percentage points); and those with a high-school diploma (down 11 percentage points). Trump also lost support from those 45-64 years old (down 10 percentage points).
Among Republicans, Trump's support fell 12 percentage points from 83 percent in July to 71 percent in August. His numbers among Democrats remain almost the same (4 percent approval rating) and independents (30 percent approval rating)."
Same poles that had Hillary winning in a landslide?

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I'm just saying that simply because some yokel comes on here and brays about every whiney, picky, gotcha that they think they have found from who-knows-where, does not make it fact anymore than when Papist does it. Apparently you people do admire Papist's posts because you lefties are doing your best to emulate him with the same kinds of posts. 
Part two: And even if your stats did somehow have some credibility, where is it written that the President is not allowed whatever amount of time that it takes to de-compress. As far as I am concerned, he is getting the country's business properly taken care of and deserves some recreational time. And what he does with the meager amount of time required to regroup against all of the roadblocks that the libs (Democrats) are throwing up with their anti-U.S. obstructionism of the government is perfectly justified. Presidents have been golfing for decades ...... so what? Relax guys and go find something that really warrants criticism. You're starting to get silly now.

So should he have posted some far out site as evidence to support his claim like your boy papist does?

The problem isn't that he's taking time off, it's that he publicly criticized Obama for golfing instead of working. Somehow he figured that when he does it, it's all alright. He's just a big hypocrite

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Technically she won the popular vote and the last minute polls were reflecting that and the Trump victory. Let me guess, Fake news?
lets just say unreliable sources.... Most people who voted for and support Trump really dont give a crap or want to hear the winning from the left or establishment, so when some asks what do you think or how will you vote, its easier not to say anything than to deal with the winning and crying.

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9 hours ago, tuckersdaddy said:

Same poles that had Hillary winning in a landslide?

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9 hours ago, Doewhacker said:

Technically she won the popular vote and the last minute polls were reflecting that and the Trump victory. Let me guess, Fake news?

Many poles had it a dead heat and I never saw any that had her winning by a landslide..

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17 hours ago, ATbuckhunter said:

So should he have posted some far out site as evidence to support his claim like your boy papist does?

The problem isn't that he's taking time off, it's that he publicly criticized Obama for golfing instead of working. Somehow he figured that when he does it, it's all alright. He's just a big hypocrite

Or maybe he was just recognizing that Obama was only golfing and not really doing the nation's work at the same time. Although for me, I wish Obama had spent all of his time golfing. We wouldn't have such a mess today.

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8 minutes ago, Doc said:

Or maybe he was just recognizing that Obama was only golfing and not really doing the nation's work at the same time. Although for me, I wish Obama had spent all of his time golfing. We wouldn't have such a mess today.

now we get it.  when obama golfed it was for fun.  when trump golfs its for business.  thanks for giving the details otherwise we all could have got this all mixed up.  

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17 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

now we get it.  when obama golfed it was for fun.  when trump golfs its for business.  thanks for giving the details otherwise we all could have got this all mixed up.  

No, I'm afraid you really don't get it. Trump is displaying that there is no relationship between golf and actually doing your job effectively. You libs are determined to concoct issues that really don't exist, but you are not all that difficult to see through. Your braying and whining are still recognized as a bad case of being sore losers, but the obvious fact still embarrassingly remains that you are still losers.

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56 minutes ago, Doc said:

No, I'm afraid you really don't get it. Trump is displaying that there is no relationship between golf and actually doing your job effectively. You libs are determined to concoct issues that really don't exist, but you are not all that difficult to see through. Your braying and whining are still recognized as a bad case of being sore losers, but the obvious fact still embarrassingly remains that you are still losers.

Spoken like a true virtue signaler.  

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Or maybe he was just recognizing that Obama was only golfing and not really doing the nation's work at the same time. Although for me, I wish Obama had spent all of his time golfing. We wouldn't have such a mess today.

That is a matter of opinion! I have zero interest in discussing it since it has nothing to do with the topic we're discussing. The FACT is that Trump publicly criticized Obama for golfing and he is golfing even more than Obama did. Take it how ever you like, you can't get away from him being a hypocrite.

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15 minutes ago, ATbuckhunter said:

That is a matter of opinion! I have zero interest in discussing it since it has nothing to do with the topic we're discussing. The FACT is that Trump publicly criticized Obama for golfing and he is golfing even more than Obama did. Take it how ever you like, you can't get away from him being a hypocrite.

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He can golf everyday for all I care as long as I got the conservative Supreme Court Justice.  If we are lucky and Ruth kicks and we get two I hope he sends Melania to a spa on us too. 

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On 8/23/2017 at 0:09 PM, fasteddie said:

So trump's 1st 8 months in office compare to Obama's last year during the election?

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Well, at least our tax $$$$ won't be lining Trump's pockets for secret service protection at Trump Tower anymore.



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Obama's 2018 expenses will cost US taxpayers $1.1M: memo



Former President Barack Obama will cost taxpayers $1,153,000 next year, according to a Congressional Research Service memo.

That amount will make Obama's expenses the highest of the five living ex-presidents, the Washington Times reported.

The Former Presidents Act, which became law in 1958, provides former White House occupants with lifetime benefits after leaving office. Each ex-president receives a base pension of $205,700 annually, but the budget requests they submit to Congress may also address additional expenses, such as for staff salaries, office allowances, travel and Secret Service protection.

Obama’s $1,153,00 budget request for 2018 is nearly $100,000 more than that of former President George W. Bush, and around $200,000 higher than for former President Bill Clinton. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
59 minutes ago, philoshop said:

How many of Trump's 'golf outings' involved hosting foreign dignitaries? Japanese PM Shinzo Abe requested golf outings as part of the diplomatic process because Trump owns some very nice courses and he wanted to play. Trump got work done for the country during that outing.

Come on. Stop confusing the issue...lol. We are one heart beat away from a second SCOTUS appointment and at 30 mill per appointment I can take that. 

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