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Over stepping neighbors?


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So our neighbor has a good chunk of property about 100 acres, we have access to the land but having a little over 200 of our own we don't use it. A kid I know and went to highschool with has permission to hunt their land and we gave him retrieval rights. He has hunted there for about 3 years no real issues other than people using the neighbor's property to get to ours. This year he has had a couple guys hunt with him and he has been using our property to access his stands and such to keep from spooking deer. Now I wouldn't have an issue except now he is blowing up some of our best bedding areas and managed to push a nice mature buck onto his property from ours because of him needing to access his stands from our property. He texted me a couple times about the buck at night feeding in the field and how spotlighted him almost daily. Now we have nothing on camera or in the fields in that vacinity.

Well hunting season starts my grandfather saw someone walking across the property on more than one occasion right through the bedding area of the known buck, and now had ATV pictures which we have never had in the past. The kid is nice enough but he or his hunting buddies are overstepping and starting to take advantage of the retrieval rights. We are thinking of revoking all retrival rights and telling him no access to the property period. Any input would be great, I'm talking to my father and grandfather to see if they approached him about it.

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9 minutes ago, ny hunter said:

Explain to him just what you said here.If they continue to over step you have no choice but to band them all together from your land...,

This. ^^^

If he denies it you have trail cam pics to prove it. He doesn't know you don't. He'll be too scared to do it again though 

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The age old problem.....give them an inch they take a mile!
We give all our neighbors permission to access our land to retrieve a downed deer, but they need to call first no matter what, and if find out they accessed the property without calling or texting they automatically lose all rights.....the only thing we ask if we have the right to retrieve as well on their property with a prior phone call.

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I agree with all above and from the sounds of it you guys are already pretty friendly so I would hope this would be an easy conversation to have.
Unfortunately sometimes a big deer can make people do stupid things they normally wouldn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I agree with Moog and Culver. I have retrieval rights on a few properties where they dont want to be bothered with a call beforehand. Some of them hunt, others dont. The ones that hunt get a text before I go over there just to make sure Im not screwing them up. I would never use any property that I just have retrieval rights on, as a path to my stands, and my ATV never sees their ground unless specific permission has been given.

I would talk to the guy, and let him know your concerns. I would make sure to emphasize that his permissions are only for retrieval, and explain why you dont want people tramping through the bedding areas and whatnot. I would also go to the actual landowner, and explain things to them, then let them know if the kid gives you any problems.

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So they know of the big buck and they would rather kick him back to their property via your land then visa versa... and they only have retrieval rights. hmmmm!  Way outta line in my book.  Yep have the uncomfortable talk and once again give them retrieval rights with a phone call/text and response first and clarify that doesn't mean accessing their land thru yours period.  

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40 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

To me "retrieval right" mean you call before you go. I have had land owners that wished to accompany me and that is fine. I liked how that worked becasue there were no surprises on either side. Treat it like a business. It isn't personal .  

Well we started that way but he is a good kid and never had any issues. I think we will be going back that, father is pretty pissed right now. 

We have never pushed deer on our property and during the middle of gun season we can see double digits of deer bucks and doe. They are a little more spooky but still walking around during daylight hours. It doesn't bother me if someone kills a big buck and would rather see him get it over the guy down the street that shoots everything that walks. But when/if you are doing it with bad intent it makes my blood boil.

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I feel your pain. I hunt my parents 35 acre lot a few times a year. Neighbor has 1.5 acres. Found a tree stand 50 ft on our side this year with scent wicks from last season hung all over. Found out he shot a nice 8 we had on camera. This year he built a big enclosed treestand 50 ft from the road overlooking a huge bait pile, keep in mind no where is he less than 200 feet from a residence. A week after finding last years stand we found a huge pile of corn and apples on our land with a camera over it. We called DEC and I am assuming he talked to the guy because the bait piles and camera disappeared. The treestand also disappeared but ended up right on the line facing our property. 

The sad part about all of this is if he had asked permission my dad would have granted it. Some people are just idiots. 

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before revoking retrieval rights i'd start with a conversation about their approach. Don't go 0 to 100 without at least having a convo. You never know when you may need his help with a deer of yours that dies over there. 

revoking retrieval rights hurts nobody but the deer who would become a waste life. in my opinion. 

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