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So how many bows have you owned ?


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Hoyt Magnatec(2003 ish used from a cousin)
2006 Matthews Switch Back XT( current hunting setup)
Athens Ibex(that bow was an absolute jackhammer)
Matthews Z7 extreme
Elite Answer(current 3D BOW) target red with chrome cams....real looker just not suites for the woods.

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1st was a pse from bowhunters warehouse

2nd was a used onida strike eagle ( took my 1st deer amd 1st buck with this bow had it from 91 to 99)

3rd mathews mq 32. bought new . used it for quite a while . still have it and use as back up

4th and current mathews drenalin. taken many and my largest archey buck with this bow. 

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First bow was given to me when I was 12 yrs old... A PSE Nova

From there I bought my first at 14.. A PSE F2 followed by

Mathews Fx

Mathews Outback

Mathews z7(current)

Mathews MR7(Current)

I kept my fathers bow after he passed, a LH Mathews Outback in Brand new condition. I plan to try and learn to shoot LH so I can use his bow for a harvest sooner than later.. 

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Started in ‘88 .

Two bows.

Golden Eagle Turbo Hawk , shot it fingers, with a flipper rest ,feathers as well .

Reflex, something .

The last thing I want is to tinker with a bow ,never change  a thing .

Only used four broad heads , and the Rage I killed one buck and tossed the rest in the trash .

Edited by Stay at home Nomad
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I've bow hunted probably around 30 years now and have owned two hunting bows.


Bear Whitetail II taught myself to shoot it and bow hunt. Never even had proshop help the first decade.

6 years ago or so I upgraded to a Diamond Marques. Still shoots 305-310 and it is very comfortable to me.

I find something I like I keep it. Don't need a new model every 5 months. I got some buds that do that......


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1 Matthews I bought used from a guy at work and never really hunted with it.
Matthews Misson...that’s it. I also still play golf with PingEye2’s from ‘91...when I get comfortable with something and it ain’t broken, I don’t try to fix it!

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