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Anyone else hunt squirrels with a handgun?

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My whole life I have picked out particular things that interest me and then it is full speed ahead until I get my fill and become as proficient as I possibly can. Hunting with handguns was one of those deals I delved into with an obsession. When I first got my handgun permit and my first handguns I joined a Bullseye target shooting league to learn how to shoot accurately and once I could hit something handguns were all I used for several years of hunting. Squirrels, Woodchucks, Rabbits, Coon and Deer were what I hunted mostly. Like a bow the range with handguns is limited which in my opinion makes for a better hunter as you have to learn skills and techniques how to get close. Squirrel hunting is the toughest, they are a small target and sharp eyed, I would say anyone that can limit out consistently with a open sight handgun on Squirrels (not me) is one hell of a hunter and a real good shot.


Edited by airedale
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11 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

This is another of my favorite recipes https://www.realtree.com/timber-2-table-wild-game-recipes/buffalo-fried-squirrel

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I tried them last year for the first time and fried em up like wings.  Taste was OK but boy were they tough.  I figured you need some slow and low cooking style.

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No, but I might try it for the first time with a pellet gun this weekend if it gets cold enough.   I did shoot the head off one once with my old side-lock 50 cal, open-sited Gander mountain "fox-river-50" muzzleloader which is almost as small and light as a pistol.   

For cooking squirrels, I usually just skin and gut, then throw them in the crock-pot with a can of cream of mushroom soup and a little water.   Sometimes, there will be a mix of rabbit and squirrel in there and the kids and I always like the squirrel better.   I like the squirrel back-straps the best (meat above the rib cage ahead of the hind quarters), but the back legs are also good and tender after the slow-cooking process.     

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25 yards is where I dialed my pellet gun (rifle) in at.  I think that is just about perfect for early-season "leaves on" squirrel hunting.  I always dialed my .22 rimfire rifles in at 50 yards, but most of that shooting was after deer season when the leaves were down.   

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