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Observation About Social Media

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1 hour ago, NockednLoaded said:

No facebook, Instagram,  snatchchat, or any of that. Life is so much simpler. I see some of the crap from family\coworkers on it and it's not for me.

" Snatchchat"..??....Hmmmm..Now you have my interest....

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My three offspring are grown now and they all live in different states.  The two grandchildren are 4 hours away.  I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers with lots of nieces and nephews all over the country.  I have cousins spread around this land too.  Still have a couple of uncles and aunts around as well.

Facebook is the best way to keep up with everyone's life events and see current pictures.

If you just stick to family on there, you won't have problems and it keeps everyone in touch.  It's also quick and easy to send messages or forward information.

I use it.  It's not a problem for me.

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On a side note this is my main site, love talking about deer!  This site gives me the needed fix for my deer passion!  Think we have a great group of core people who are willing to share ideas and thoughts which over the years has changed my view on multiple topics.  

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This is social media as others noted.

And, just like hunting, you can make it what you want. Tote the smoothbore and a box of sluggers or go all out with mobile set-ups and technology and land management.

Social Media for me is a tool to A. Keep in touch with people I want to keep in touch with OR B. An avenue to grow my business and stay current on related topics. I try to not to over-complicate it. Works well.

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15 hours ago, crappyice said:

Iceshanty was my first “social media” outlet hence the Crappyice name. See I was catching Crappies on the Ice and then they stopped biting so I found Iceshanty and asked some questions. I still pop over there for local ice reports cause I won’t ice fish until I am VERY sure it is safe

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am sure we have talked on Ice Shanty.. I am Slipperyfish on there... have not been on that site is a long time ... I was at Honeoye all the time years back.

I am only on Facebook for sharing the Family pictures... other than that, Facebook is a joke.

I will say that I use the video chat feature with my out of state family and that I really like.

Edited by Arcade Hunter
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