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Shock gobbling already


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33 minutes ago, UpStateRedNeck said:

Same birds, gobbling their heads off this morning.  Couldn't have been more than 400 yards away.  Did I think to myself maybe I could have put that snow camo on and roosted em this morning?  Mayyyyyyyyyyyyyybe.

If you're hunting the same area, observe only from a safe distance.  Calling or bumping a big ol tom is only going to educate him. 

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1 minute ago, mowin said:

If you're hunting the same area, observe only from a safe distance.  Calling or bumping a big ol tom is only going to educate him. 

Oh, no.  This is down by my residence, not out at my hunting grounds.  That being said if the current nonsense is in place still in May I'd see if I could get them to come across the road onto my back 5 down here.

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With all these "hearing gobbling" posts, I took a ride this morning.  Seen a couple truck loads of deer, but didn't hear any gobblers.  On the way home, seen a flock several hundred yards out.  Couple Tom's in strut. 

Still waiting to hear that first gobble of spring.  

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Heard my first gobble this morning.  It was 23 degrees and frosty.  The tom was roosted tight behind the neighbor's house up the valley.  I will have hens feeding and nesting on our property in May, so I'm guessing I'll get a crack at him.  

My brother had toms strutting and gobbling and harassing hens in the snow the other day at the farm.  Lots more turkeys there and way fewer ticks, so that's where I do most of my turkey slaying. 

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Wed morn 3.25. 703 AM. Was sitting in my truck ready to go for a walk. BAM! BAM! What the heck! Sounded very close but it was calm. And then some cutting and yelping. Right where they re supposed to be - May 1st!

So the bumbling fool I am, off I go! Just gotta see em you know? A short walk and I see 3 stutters in a small gulley. Messin around for a pic I got busted by a hen and the race was on!  Prolly 15 - 18 birds, lots of hens, couple jakes in the back. 

I ll try hard to let them be. Hopefully have some new friends coming for the youth hunt. Tick tock it's getting to be that time of the year!


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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I don’t see gobblers often anymore. This year I’m going to go back out though. Anyone ever hunt out of ladder stand? I also used to blow a woodpecker call as a locator. Was very effective years ago. Anyone use one? 

I had one yrs ago.  Put it in my back pocket, and sat down on a root.  Instantly have a two piece call.  It worked ok.  I'd try it after trying a crow call with no response.  Had a coyote howler too.  Only used that once.  Didn't realize there was a group of toms at the bottom of the ridge. They didn't answer anything.  Think there still running today. 


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