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5 hours ago, Just Lucky said:

I agree with you.

With more mandates coming, it is going to be important to have a vaccine passport. 

A new study I saw says natural immunity last longer works better then the vax  so why don't they have free testing to see if people already had it and don't need the vax  ? Whole thing is just out of control now ?

You going to force people  to take a vax when  you  may already be more protected naturally?  Take a shot once twice is one thing but every  few months  for life ? Crazy  

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A new study I saw says natural immunity last longer works better then the vax  so why don't they have free testing to see if people already had it and don't need the vax  ? Whole thing is just out of control now ?
You going to force people  to take a vax when  you  may already be more protected naturally?  Take a shot once twice is one thing but every  few months  for life ? Crazy  


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46 minutes ago, phantom said:

A new study I saw says natural immunity last longer works better then the vax  so why don't they have free testing to see if people already had it and don't need the vax  ? Whole thing is just out of control now ?

You going to force people  to take a vax when  you  may already be more protected naturally?  Take a shot once twice is one thing but every  few months  for life ? Crazy  

You sitting on the crapper while making this post, LMFAO!!


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A new study I saw says natural immunity last longer works better then the vax  so why don't they have free testing to see if people already had it and don't need the vax  ? Whole thing is just out of control now ?
You going to force people  to take a vax when  you  may already be more protected naturally?  Take a shot once twice is one thing but every  few months  for life ? Crazy  

Just think if it wasn’t for a year of shutdowns this would all be over, between vaccinations and natural immunity everyone would have some protection.

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2 hours ago, phantom said:

A new study I saw says natural immunity last longer works better then the vax  so why don't they have free testing to see if people already had it and don't need the vax  ? Whole thing is just out of control now ?

You going to force people  to take a vax when  you  may already be more protected naturally?  Take a shot once twice is one thing but every  few months  for life ? Crazy  

Don't care about the vaccine,  it is the passport that is gonna be needed. The mandate for the vaccine isn't being forced on every American yet. One small group at a time is being attacked. 

If it makes someone feels better, than they should get the vaccine. But if you don't get the vaccine,  then you better find a way to get a passport. 

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9 hours ago, Chef said:

A friend who is a DR explained it to me. And what he said is they should have been more upfront from
The beginning. When they give two doses like that up front so close together it is not conducive to lonh term immunity but is for fast immunity. So they took a gamble that getting antibodies in enough people fast could slow the pandemic. They always knew a 3 more spaced out dose would have to be given for longer immunity they just didn’t know how fast it would Wayne.

This is from a friend not media or anything

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I appreciate your reply and the information from your friend. The marketing of the covid treatment has been terrible from the start not only from Biden but also from Trump as it has been politicized . But the biggest issues is the marketing from people that should have known better from the start and have ruined their credibility ( Dr Fauci etc). As these same people cancelled the people who where being honest. I believe this is a major cause of hesitation from people like myself.  But I still believe this seems like a new loose definition of a vaccine that is more of a pre treatment or per therapeutic with the low efficiency and the 6 month subscription and I am looking foreword to a breakdown of the FDA’s definition from someone in this Iine of work. As I have always tried to lean on those more informed on any subject that has my interest the same as when I joined this forum. But at the same time the saying is true screw me once shame on you screw me twice shame on me so I remain hesitant. I can send you studies of those with consistent hesitancy the highest number are those with a PHD  “way more educated then myself”.

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I suspect that much of what we think we know now about the vaccine, we learned over the past eight months. Short term studies with small cohorts of people rarely provide a full picture, and often miss effects that are constrained to select populations. Unfortunately, the situation was bad enough that long term efficacy wasn't the primary goal, just a safety profile and short term protection - but I'm reasonably sure that the uncertainty over how long immunity would persist was conveyed loud and clear from the beginning, so the booster push should not come as a surprise.

The flu shot is a vaccine, but requires a new shot every year. Perhaps this will become the norm for COVID? I just don't know. I'm not convinced myself yet by the data on boosters, but I can tell you that the number of breakthrough cases among the population that was vaccinated back in January is substantial. I can also tell you that I'd rather acquire protection, albeit incomplete, from a vaccine than from the disease itself, regardless of persistence. As the numbers evolve the secondary consequences of infection seem IMHO to far outweigh those of the jab.

I will freely admit that the data is accumulating so fast now that even an expert has trouble staying on top of it, and I'm no expert in either vaccine biology or immunology. The tidal wave of papers on pre-publication servers, which haven't undergone peer-review, make it very difficult to separate the wheat from the chafe, and everyone engages in confirmation bias by cherry picking the data. 

I certainly don't trust pencil pushers to be able to decipher the emerging issues, but it seems that the public has lost trust in scientists, and perhaps with cause given the poor communication and emphasis on consistency of the message trumping accuracy during the worst of the pandemic. I wish there were clear answers - I am in the same boat as everybody here, trying to figure out what's best for me and mine.

But Alaska rocked, and two weeks removed from the daily grind has given me renewed hope. For today at least.

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Don't care about the vaccine,  it is the passport that is gonna be needed. The mandate for the vaccine isn't being forced on every American yet. One small group at a time is being attacked. 
If it makes someone feels better, than they should get the vaccine. But if you don't get the vaccine,  then you better find a way to get a passport. 

You realize getting a fake vaccine passport is a felony. Guess breaking the law is ok when it suits your narrative.

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Flu shots are offered every year, but they are not mandated.  I think that is the big problem with the vax.
Besides, the flu doesn't exist anymore.

That’s where you are wrong there are plenty of jobs that mandate a flu shot

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