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On 8/14/2021 at 1:11 PM, Versatile_Hunter said:

Thanks for waiting! 
My assessment that hydroxychloroquine is on average ineffective at treating or preventing Covid is based on well-conducted published clinical trials. 

It pains me to see see folks go so far out of their way to embrace absurd conspiracy theories rather than take the most parsimonious steps to protect themselves and loved ones (vaccination and masking when appropriate). 

Showers keep me squeaky clean but when it comes to your wife’s presumed lack of infection, perhaps the precautions she’s taken (masking) or your hiatus in the woods when you learned you had Covid helped minimize her exposure risk. There are also some paradoxical effects of having a suppressed immune system and getting Covid. Perhaps your wife did have Covid and was a symptomatic. Those antibody tests were terrible in the early days. Not sure how much better they are today. 

Or perhaps her meds helped although the evidence largely points agains that. I won’t comment any further on your wife other than to say that I’m glad she’s doing well and relieved that the CDC death sentence has proven to be wrong. Btw, how does the CDC state that someone should be dead? Does official notice arrive by mail?


I'm also appreciative that my wife didn't die, thanks.

The CDC has stated that anyone that is so immune compromised has a high expectancy to die from the highly transmissible Delta variant, especially an unvaccinated highly compromised individual.

She has taken two antibody test's, both negative, as well as several rapid and PCR tests.

Unfortunately, my wife's sister also has lupus and ITP, but she has taken a more holistic route to try and mitigate it's effects.

Meaning, she wouldn't take plaquenil or any other type of drug and she contracted covid, my wife didn't.

My wife was exposed to covid for at least a weeks time before my C19+ test result came back.

I was testing weekly, because I work in hospitals and I needed to have a fresh covid test for a post endoscopy checkup.

She took care of her sister and coworker for weeks, although she did take as many precautions as she could to not get direct exposure.

Not to mention the covid + patients she treated.

I'm grateful that she's taking plaquenil, as there's no other reason why she hasn't gotten covid.




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14 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Baseless?  The new talking point from leftists to discredit the truth. 

Tell me why it's baseless.


14 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Baseless?  The new talking point from leftists to discredit the truth. 

Tell me why it's baseless.


32 minutes ago, Grouse said:

May be an image of text that says 'nryetta Drumright shared.a photo The day our elected officials hid the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine, it confirmed they would kill us to beat President Trump. Never forget the evil we are fighting. Kathy Nelson'

This is precisely the sort of challenge that journalism faces. You get an ass clown like @Grouse sharing something he found online and the very act of countering it gives the statement life. Meme culture eliminates the possibility of making a nuanced point or a detailed explanation. I’ve actually switched my position and I’m now in favor of banning copy/paste trolls.

At the risk of breathing life to your BS meme, I’ll answer your question.
Your trolling meme is baseless because:

1- hydroxychloroquine is not efficacious for the treating/preventing Covid

2- elected officials did not conspire to hide the efficacy of an ineffective  therapeutic. The data are public information. The drug doesn’t work.

3- Trump’s failure in leadership lost him the election. His antics were tolerable to those in the middle until crisis hit and he was unable to lead. 

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8 minutes ago, Four Seasons said:

  So I would guess the vaccinated should be at the back with them. What the frig is the difference when they both have the same exact shit shot or no shot. Hence how stupid this really is. 

It’s not the same exact shit. Likelihood of being infected remains low if vaccinated. Symptoms are much less likely to be severe if vaccinated. This isn’t very complicated. 

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2 hours ago, Shoots100 said:

Maybe we should mandate a national diet plan and regulate food consumption, for the children's sake ?

Maybe Mandate a yearly mass body fat index and cardiovascular test ?

Ban smoking or alcohol consumption ?

Don't sound to appealing, but if it saves lives, why not ?

First the left has to install "Universal Healthcare".  Then they will implement all of these things and more.  Don't doubt it.

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1 hour ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

At the risk of breathing life to your BS meme, I’ll answer your question.
Your trolling meme is baseless because:

1- hydroxychloroquine is not efficacious for the treating/preventing Covid

2- elected officials did not conspire to hide the efficacy of an ineffective  therapeutic. The data are public information. The drug doesn’t work.

3- Trump’s failure in leadership lost him the election. His antics were tolerable to those in the middle until crisis hit and he was unable to lead. 

VH, I work in emergency medical services.  What do you do?

Journalism faces this stuff?  Name me one true "journalist" you get any info from?  There are none at all in main stream media.  They're all spewing opinion and even admit it.

You're in favor of banning opposing opinion because like all leftists, you're a totalitarian.  Oppress any opposing views with a vengeance before allowing your followers to hear it.

I know for a fact hydroxychloroquine DOES work and has NO negative side effects.  It has been used by millions around the world for decades and has saved millions of lives.  It has been PROVEN to have positive effects on CV-19 patient recovery.  I've seen it's use and effects with my own eyes.  Have you seen it not work?

Elected officials DID prevent the drug from being used for treatment, under threat of penalty of losing your medical of pharmacist license!  I know people who were afraid to offer it to people for that reason.  Many drugs don't work, but they don't get pulled from the shelves.  Pot doesn't work for many things they claim it does, yet the elected idiots pushing it want to tax it for their own benefit.  I expect you also believe Cuomo didn't put CV-19 infected people into nursing homes too.

The 2020 election was full of fraud and the Democrats used the pandemic to institute all sorts of election fraud and are fighting tooth and nail to stop the state audits, going so far as ignoring subpoenas that had to be ordered to get them to cooperate.  they amount of obstacles they are throwing in the auditors way is astounding and unprecedented, yet many fools really think Trump lost.

Notice how often leftists are using the term "baseless" these days.  As if claiming something is baseless actually makes it so.  There is plenty of evidence to prove many things are far from "baseless" when the left spews that manipulative word to control it's base.

I'm tired of all the lying, cheating, misinformation and propaganda spewing from the pie hole of leftist totalitarians in this land. 

Say what you like, but anyone who supports any of this bullspit, is a friggin idiot.

Edited by Grouse
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2 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

3- Trump’s failure in leadership lost him the election. His antics were tolerable to those in the middle until crisis hit and he was unable to lead. 


VH, tell me how the left gets away with calling these facts "baseless" regarding Trump not winning the 2020 election.

What follows are the facts surrounding the Nov. 3, 2020, United States presidential election.

1. Bellwether counties: In 2020, former President Donald J. Trump carried 18 of 19 “bellwether” counties (losing only Clallam County, Washington state). The term “bellwether” in the political arena refers to a county or state that aligns itself with the ultimate winner of an election.

Political realignments (gerrymandering of districts for instance) can cause some counties or states to lose “bellwether” status over time. From 1980 to 2016, 19 counties, most of them industrial counties in the northern and midwestern United States, voted for the winner of all 10 presidential elections. Additionally, since 1936, a key bellwether county, Luzerne County of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has gone to the winner of Pennsylvania, regardless of party.

In 2016 and 2020, Trump won that county handily. Any Republican winning Luzerne County in that time frame (since 1936) has also never failed to carry the state of Michigan.

2. Bellwether states: In 2020, Trump carried four vital bellwether states (Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina and Florida). These states represent a strong base consisting of urban, suburban, rural, union and ethnic minority voters. Additionally, these states have been won by the same candidate 13 times since 1896, and every single time, that candidate won either the presidency or their re-election.

Bellwether states also come in and out of existence with demographic realignments. For instance, in 2000, George W. Bush became the first Republican to win the presidency without carrying Vermont or Illinois. On all but two occasions since 1896, Ohio’s electoral votes went to the ultimate winner of the presidency. Trump overwhelmingly won Ohio in 2020.

3. Share of primary votes: Share of primary votes during the primary elections is a way to judge outcomes of presidential elections.

Since presidential primaries began in 1912, only four incumbents have lost re-election, all garnering 72.8 percent of the primary vote or less. Herbert Hoover lost in 1932 after earning 36.0 percent in the Republican primaries, Gerald Ford lost in 1976 after earning 53.3 percent, Jimmy Carter (a Democratic incumbent) lost in 1980 after earning 51.1 percent, and George H.W. Bush lost in 1992 after earning 72.8 percent.

The most dominant Republican landslide re-elections in this time frame were won by Dwight Eisenhower (1956, 85.9 percent primary share), Richard Nixon (1972, 86.9 percent) and Ronald Reagan (1984, 98.8 percent). Trump won 94.0 percent in 2020.

In contrast, Joe Biden was trounced in the 2020 Democratic primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada — the traditional indicators of general election viability. His running mate, Kamala Harris, dropped out before primary voting even began.

4. Incumbents who gain votes win: Incumbent vote gain is another key indicator of presidential race outcomes. Since 1892, and as the expansion of the United States slowed, only six presidents have lost re-election. All six had fewer total votes in their re-election campaigns than in their initial campaigns. All incumbents who gained votes won re-election.

In 2020, Trump gained a record 11 million votes. For perspective, former President Barack Obama lost 4 million votes nationally in 2012 and still won re-election.

5. Voter registration by party: Voter registration by party is touted as one of the most accurate predictors of determining presidential election outcomes. Not all states register voters by party, but for those that do, the evidence is plain to see.

As far back as records are publicly available, three of the key states in the 2020 election — Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina — have moved in favor of the same party that made overall registration gains since 2000. In Pennsylvania, from 2012 to 2016, 60 of 67 counties trended more Republican in registration, suggesting a major GOP gain in the state — consequently, Pennsylvania flipped for Trump in 2016.

A legitimate Trump loss in Pennsylvania would show a registration lead expansion for Democrats. However, from 2016 to 2020, 60 of 67 counties became more Republican in registration once again, with the GOP registering roughly 242,000 net new voters, compared to just 12,000 for Democrats.

This number suggests that the margin of victory for Trump should have substantially increased.

6. Down-ballot voting: House of Representatives down-ballot voting is an indicator of success for the top of the ticket.

When Obama won a landslide victory in 2008, the Democrats took 14 U.S. House seats away from Republican incumbents, while losing only five seats. When Reagan was elected in 1980, the Republicans gained a net of 34 seats. When Reagan was re-elected, Republicans clawed back a net of 16 House seats from the 26 lost in the 1982 midterms.

In 2020, with Trump at the top of the ticket, Republicans knocked out 13 incumbent Democratic seats, while not losing a single Republican-held seat. Common sense suggests a Biden electoral landslide would have taken at least a single Republican seat with it.

7. Florida as a key trend indicator: Why is Florida such an important indicator of presidential election success? Since 1932, Florida’s trajectory has correlated perfectly with the trajectory of Michigan and Pennsylvania as a reflection of working-class political sentiment.

In every single election since then, if Florida became more Republican from the previous election, Michigan and Pennsylvania did exactly the same. These three states also largely move together to the left when Democratic nominees make gains.

In 2020, Trump won Florida by a margin greater than 2 percentage points higher than he did in 2016. Despite a massive Republican registration advantage in Pennsylvania, both Pennsylvania and Michigan charted a separate direction from Florida for the first time in nearly a century.

8. Gaining everywhere but losing everything: Despite historic strength and gains of Trump in battleground states and battleground counties, Trump “lost.”

Maricopa County, Arizona, which casts nearly two-thirds of all votes in Arizona, has not voted for the Democratic nominee since it supported Harry Truman in 1948. In 1996, Bob Dole became the first Republican in nearly 50 years to lose Arizona, but he still won Maricopa County.

Trump carried the county by 3 percentage points in 2016 while receiving fewer votes than Mitt Romney had in the county in 2012. In 2020, Trump set a Republican record for net additional votes in Maricopa County by adding roughly 248,000 from his 2016 performance, only to become the first Republican nominee (and incumbent president) to lose the county in 72 years.

That was accomplished by Biden’s gain of nearly 338,000 net “new votes” from 2016, which is nearly three times higher than the all-time previous high Democratic vote gain in the county by John Kerry in 2004. Similar record high vote totals and increases for Trump were also eclipsed in 2020 in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and Minnesota, in “losing efforts.”

9. Victory goes to the minority vote-getter: Trump achieved historic improvements with minority voters across the nation.

Trump netted more than one-quarter of the non-white vote in his re-election campaign, achieving a level of minority support seen just one time since Nixon’s 1960 campaign. His progress was evident in urban areas in the Midwest, such as Wayne County, Michigan; southern Texas, where Trump won counties that had been in the Democratic column for decades; and perhaps most notably, in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Trump’s vote increases in long-held Republican suburban counties, and in working-class counties like Mahoning County, Ohio (which he flipped for the first time since 1972), indicate that his white support did not collapse as reported by the mainstream media. The absence of millions of core Democratic base minority voters raises considerable questions as to how Biden was able to surpass Obama’s popular vote record by 12 million.

10. 2020 was “the most secure presidential election in U.S. history”: Post-election behavior by politicians on both sides and their mainstream media and Big Tech allies is beyond contemptible.

In 2016, with narrow margins in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, Trump’s camp had no concern over recounts or potential audits in any of those three states that decided the election. Biden’s certified margins in Pennsylvania and Michigan are much larger than the margins in those states in 2016, but opposition to full forensic audits either statewide or in suspect counties has turned into an all-out legal and ideological war in 2021 (sometimes referred to as “lawfare”).

If Biden’s team was 100 percent confident they won the election fair and square, then they should feel there is nothing to hide. Audits confirming his certified totals would certainly solidify his administration and simultaneously deal an embarrassing defeat to election skeptics.

Instead, the establishment media insists that, despite thousands of affidavits and personal accounts describing fraud along with the recent Arizona state Senate hearing on Maricopa County’s audit, the 2020 election was “the most secure in U.S. history.”

Democratic secretaries of state are running cover as well. In one example of many, the Colorado secretary of state recently acted outside of her authority, effectively banning audits in the state. The single biggest question to ask all states’ legislatures is this: If your candidate won hands-down and there is nothing to hide, why not conduct a full forensic audit of several of your states’ counties?

A sacrosanct element within our constitutional republic is the privilege, the right and the act of voting for our elected leaders. The American people have taken many of our rights and responsibilities for granted far too long, and this past presidential election clearly woke us up to that fact.

Maybe what is needed now in America is for us all to stop taking our freedoms for granted.

What might be the eventual outcome of the 2020 election, only God knows. I can say, as one who is paying very close attention to it from the very outset, that the confusion, the complexity and the deception by many in the media and within our very own government doesn’t offer the citizenry of our great republic any sense of confidence.

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:


VH, tell me how the left gets away with calling these facts "baseless" regarding Trump not winning the 2020 election.


What might be the eventual outcome of the 2020 election, only God knows. I can say, as one who is paying very close attention to it from the very outset, that the confusion, the complexity and the deception by many in the media and within our very own government doesn’t offer the citizenry of our great republic any sense of confidence.

Fixed it for Ya !

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7 hours ago, Chef said:

So I agree it’s your choice but I feel that if unvaccinated need to go to the hospital they should go to the back of the line as vaccine could generally prevent the need to be there.

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If it did its job then why would any vaxed people be there . It's like a spare tire on a new vehicle that may or may not hold air.

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6 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

It’s not the same exact shit. Likelihood of being infected remains low if vaccinated. Symptoms are much less likely to be severe if vaccinated. This isn’t very complicated. 

Yeah so why are so many vaccinated taking hospital beds?  Same shit and same hospital beds. I guess it is complicated for some. 

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Truth be told ,I was so moved by biden and harris rejection for the vaccine when trump was still in office that I decided if these 2 well respected american heroes reject the vaccine then I will too.

Haha..their rejection is what influenced me to get it!!!

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If it did its job then why would any vaxed people be there . It's like a spare tire on a new vehicle that may or may not hold air.

They could be there of other things. Heart attack, car accidents, flu what ever. But if ur un vaxed and there for covid back Of the line

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16 minutes ago, Chef said:

They could be there of other things. Heart attack, car accidents, flu what ever. But if ur un vaxed and there for covid back Of the line

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How about if you're fat ? 80 percent of deaths were because people suck at life and couldn't be bothered to keep their overall health in some sort of realistic order ,being fat isn't contagious ,its a life choice.

Edited by Jeremy K
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18 minutes ago, Chef said:

They could be there of other things. Heart attack, car accidents, flu what ever. But if ur un vaxed and there for covid back Of the line

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Wow... Well, Ill tell you 1 thing: You are one unabashed Collectivist my friend!!  Through and through!! You know, I find it ironic that you claim to actually be "mostly conservative" on most issues (yes, he did say this before!!)- NOT!!  No conservative would espouse such public shaming, virtue signalling, "do what the govt tells you to even when theyre not sure themselves social control policies" and other puntive measures I may have left out- like you do in regards to the vaccine issue.  And what happens if it turns out that the vaccine , months or years down the road, cause major chronic side effects and/or other issues and need to be treated en masse and flood all of these same emergency rooms?  I hope they ensure that youre at the back of the line!!

Edited by Northcountryman
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How about if you're fat ? 80 percent of deaths were because people suck at life and couldn't be bothered to keep their overall health in some sort of realistic order ,being fat isn't contagious ,its a life choice.

Or due to medical conditions such as thyroid disease, hormone imbalance, genetics.

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Just now, Chef said:

Or due to medical conditions such as thyroid disease, hormone imbalance, genetics.

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Calories in , calories out . Thyroid disorder is easily treatable with medication. Genetics ?You mean showing kids how to eat like shit and never exercise ? I saw a 2 year old chugging from a bottle of pepsi at the monster trucks saturday ,there's your genetics.  

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27 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

Truth be told ,I was so moved by biden and harris rejection for the vaccine when trump was still in office that I decided if these 2 well respected american heroes reject the vaccine then I will too.


24 minutes ago, crappyice said:

Haha..their rejection is what influenced me to get it!!!

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Careful, they never rejected the vaccine: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/ 

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8 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

Well, Im not sure about Biden ,but Harris certainly did, see here:



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Here’s Twitter from the Pediatric chair of our local children’s hospital, which is currently full . He’s urging you to get the vaccine to help ease up over crowding

. They have 80 beds, TWO of which our occupied by covid PTs . 


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Here’s Twitter from the Pediatric chair of our local children’s hospital, which is currently full . He’s urging you to get the vaccine to help ease up over crowding
. They have 80 beds, TWO of which our occupied by covid PTs . 

Get out of here with those facts! It’s the message that counts!

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10 minutes ago, Nomad said:

Here’s Twitter from the Pediatric chair of our local children’s hospital, which is currently full . He’s urging you to get the vaccine to help ease up over crowding

. They have 80 beds, TWO of which our occupied by covid PTs . 


Wow, Really- Are you sure about the 2 COVID patients, though?  Why would he post that then?

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