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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/13 in all areas

  1. i never received ONE email from you first off, secondly if your a MOD on another site then following the rules on this one should come second nature, end of discussion. if you feel so inclined to curse when someone says something you disagree with then thats on you. If its something that bothers you can easily PM one of us to assist you. this site is heavily watched, all day everyday... if you have such a problem with the site you do not have to stay here, you can simply use your "own" site. Us MODs dont like to feel like we have to come down on every person and regulate their words or what they wish to say every second of the day, ive been on site like that and its BS when post after post is deleted or edited due to an up tight group of mods on a power trip. Here you can say what you wish so long as it follows our rules here. Its quite simple really, keep it clean and enjoy the site. just a heads up people wont always agree with what you have to say. i have gotten called out here as well, you learn to roll with the punches. i certainly dont curse and act like an idiot tho. doesnt say much for you if you are a so called MOD
    3 points
  2. Hey guys, not sure if anybody knows about this site but i found it through the Fitzgerald s on Facebook. Seems like a great operation they are running and the price doesn't seem bad at all. Its $175 shipped for 50 4 year old pine trees. I'm going to split a box of 50 with my friend and use them to hide a new food plot that we are working on. Just thought i would pass it along to anybody interested in getting some pine trees for planting. http://evergreensforhunters.com/ John
    1 point
  3. I will be sitting in my blind putting the bead on a big ole Tom!!!
    1 point
  4. got a few Toms close to home. picked up this one April 8th. this looks like the same bird.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Agree 100%. A guy shouldn't have to be a lawyer to understand it.
    1 point
  7. Here are some guesses: Few people hunt them, there is little/no market for their fur, and hibernation protects them part of the year. Not sure, just another guess, maybe they cache food underground and stay there with their young until they can forage on their own.
    1 point
  8. Wooly ...doesn't it make you wonder....If the guys stepping on each others toes to turkey hunt are there because of........ the toes that were being stepped on in deer season...so they then switched to hunting turkeys not deer?...lol ironic isn't it?
    1 point
  9. It wasnt a victory because the bill did not get voted against, the vote was just delayed. Theres nothing vague about the bill, its the same exact one. It will give the DEC the authority to regulate crossbows as a legal hunting implement. Once the bill is passed and in the books, the DEC doesnt need many steps to include them. They have already done the leg work when they drew up the 5 year plan, they did the public comment thing back then. They will just need to put the new regulations in the book. You can live in denial all you want, but this issue is very close to being over and done with for good.
    1 point
  10. I watched the first show finally, it was interesting. Some parts were funny... I'd watch it again, its better then 90% of the shows on the Outdoor Channel.
    1 point
  11. For the people that dont get it, Belo originally posted this when the crossbow bill was removed from the budget vote. He thought that was some sort of victory for his anti-crossbow agenda. He was mistaken.
    1 point
  12. which one of the 6 she posts each day?
    1 point
  13. I'd say about the same around here. All i do know is that I have no intentions of giving it up. I'll be out every day of May until I kill two or season ends. Can't get enough of it!!!
    1 point
  14. Decrease... and I'm one of them. 12+ years ago, we had more turkeys than squirrels in my area! They were all over! In the past 8-10 years, there are very very few around. Some years, there are none, no tracks, no gobbling, no trailcam pics, no sightings, no nothing! Other years, I "might" have a couple move in during the spring, but they never stick around. Personally, I wouldn't shoot one in my area if it jumped me with a switchblade! What few we do have around, I would rather save, so my kids have something to hunt.
    1 point
  15. Well, that's a very nice advertisement, but I see an awful lot of this stuff put up by people that really have no monetary stake in these decisions. In fact some of them would have potential financial gain if they just kept their mouths shut and took the gas company's money. Whenever I look at these impossible to resolve issues, I let the motives help with determining who is lying. The one thing that I have not had explained to me yet is, "What exactly are all these people gaining by telling lies"? It's clear what the gas companies and others in that industry would have to gain by shading the truth a bit, but what are the motives of these farmers and residents?
    1 point
  16. i'm done with crossbow threads.
    1 point
  17. you are dead wrong Environmental Conservation § 11-0523. Destructive or menacing wildlife; taking without permit. 1. Owners and lessees and members of their immediate families actually occupying or cultivating lands, and persons authorized in writing and actually employed by them in cultivating such lands, may take (a) unprotected wildlife other than birds and ( starlings, common crows and, subject to section 11-0513, pigeons, when such wildlife is injuring their property or has become a nuisance thereon. Such taking may be done in any manner, notwithstanding any provision of the Fish and Wildlife Law, except section 11-0513, or the Penal Law or any other law. 2. Any bear killing or worrying livestock on land occupied or cultivated, or destroying an apiary thereon, may be taken or killed, at any time, by shooting or device to entrap or entice on such land, by the owner, lessee or occupant thereof, or any member of the owner's, lessee's or occupant's immediate family or by any person employed by such owner, lessee or occupant. The owner or occupant of such lands shall promptly notify the nearest environmental conservation officer and deliver to such officer the carcass of any bear killed pursuant to this subdivision. The environmental conservation officer shall dispose of the carcass as the department may direct. 3. Red-winged blackbirds, common grackles and cowbirds destroying any crop may be killed during the months of June, July, August, September and October by the owner of the crop or property on which it is growing or by any person in his employ. 4. Varying hares, cottontail rabbits and European hares which are injuring property on occupied farms or lands may be taken thereon, at any time, in any manner, except by the use of ferrets, fitch-ferrets or fitch, by the owners or occupants of such farms or lands or by a person authorized in writing by them and actually employed by them in cultivating such farm lands. 5. Skunks injuring property or which have become a nuisance may be taken at any time in any manner. 6. Raccoons, muskrats, coyotes or fox injuring private property may be taken by the owner, occupant or lessee thereof, or an employee or family member of such owner, occupant or lessee, at any time in any manner. 7. Whenever black, grey and fox squirrels, opossums or weasels are injuring property on occupied farms or lands or dwellings, they may be taken at any time in any manner, by the owners or occupants thereof or by a person authorized in writing by such owner or occupant. 8. No license or permit from the department is required for any taking authorized by this section. 9. Varying hares, cottontail rabbits, skunks, black, grey and fox squirrels, raccoons, muskrats, opossums or weasels taken pursuant to this section in the closed season or in a manner not permitted by section 11-0901 shall be immediately buried or cremated. No person shall possess or traffic in such skunks or raccoons or the pelts thereof or in such varying hares or cottontail rabbits or the flesh thereof.
    1 point
  18. Paula -- Sounds like your Tail Light Fluid might be low .........
    1 point
  19. Those "cuff links" are ridiculous.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, you better recognize Hung4wheeler. Nobody puts Baby, err uhh Virgil in the corner. He might be a liberal, but he's our resident liberal and he's speshul to us ok?
    1 point
  21. this looks like the same bird:
    1 point
  22. Yes, it is a bold statement. Like Biz said, read the 5 year deer plan, its right in there.
    1 point
  23. Oh good lord, look what i missed. Sorry if i didnt answer any emails or pms, ive been busy. The language is unacceptable, no bones about it. As for the length of time for a comment, its been covered. I will say that I didnt hear a darn one of the people here complaining about the 2nd ammendment references, calling out the liberals for starting the rhetoric before the kids in Sandy Hook's bodys were cold. I havent heard one of you condemn anyone for parading the kids parents around Washington, or use that and the Aurora tragedies as fodder for their agendas. Double standards are convenient, arent they?
    1 point
  24. Maybe people don't like it when every news story gets turned into a 2nd amendment argument. I actualy have a side bet with a buddy to see how long and who is the first to say "now we gotta ban ----" doc won this thread with a time of 36 minutes.
    1 point
  25. Sorry to be a killjoy, but I think it's pretty lame that some of you guys couldn't even wait 24 hours after this terrorist attack on our country to start making silly political wisecracks and ridiculous references to gun control.
    1 point
  26. In the second picture it looks like that deer has antlers?
    1 point
  27. Oh he went there! Do a little google search of Cannonsville,NY. The towns people were railroaded and forced to evacuate their land and homes when NYC offered miniscule amounts of money to buy them off their lands. When folks demanded more money, NYC bulldozed all the buildings and flooded this town and a few others to make a watershed and never paid them at all! I realize this is off topic, but since my grandparents grew up, lived and worked there, I feel the need to mention it. As a matter of fact, my kidneys filter a little bit of your water!. Drink up city slickers. Need a boost in water pressure? Hold on let me chug this glass of lemonade! lol
    1 point
  28. I reccommend some folks take a gander at this.http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/81531.html Specifically the "coyote" and "snakes" parts. Also don't forget to look @ the bottom of the page to see the definitions and differences between "nuisance" and "damaging" animals. It's actually a pretty straight forward section of the reg book. Obviously everyone here has access to the innanet, so there should be no excuses. Regardless of the legality of these scenarios, we should all be able to agree that no hunting skill was involved. Any local yokel equipped with a gun could sneak around the corner of their home and plink an unsuspecting animal and to do so just because it was looking toward the house is totally absurd! Education is the best method of prevention. This may have been an honest mistake or misinterpretation of the game laws, if so, ok $hyt happens, but if they're one of the "I simply don't care" people who choose not to heed warnings or laws then it's a blatant disrespect to those of us who do try our best to abide by the laws. It's the glorification of these actions by fellow hunters that sends a bad message.
    1 point
  29. Homesick Snowbird I was in Scottsdale Arizona the other day and I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that read: "I M iss Chicago ." So to make him feel better, I broke the window, stole the radio, shot out two of the tires, added an Obama bumper sticker and left a note that read, "I hope this helps!"
    1 point
  30. You got this voted up, congrats. Its like being safe with a gun, you have to think abstractly. Many people cannot, that's why in the past 48 hours a 5 year old shot a middle aged women and in a separate incident a 4 year old shot a 6 year old. You have to recognize the possibilities and coordinate your actions toward those possibilities... There are very strong possibilities minors will now or in the future read what you post... It wasn't the guns or the children that caused these deaths, it was the negligence of overconfident adults who due to that cockiness where unable to think about the possibilities...
    1 point
  31. Looking towards your house? I bet those outdoor "house"cats look a might tasty to a redtail or goshawk! Shoot one of those and you might as well kiss your wife and kids and tell them daddy won't be home for a few years. Reporting an illegally taken animal is not a choice, but rather an obligation. I could care less what it is, frogs, shad, kill a snake, foul hook a fish, or the f'n scourge of the woods, try me. This is a hunting site, not a point and shoot site. We have an obligation to care for our sport and nature so that it can be passed on to our children. I get that the original post seems out of the ordinary, but it's a shame to read all the hoorahs and high fives just because it was a coyote.
    1 point
  32. I was looking out my window yesterday and saw a Rhinoceros about 45 yards away sitting on his Rhino Ass, looking toward my house. I have 2 house cats and am always worried that the Rhinoceroses will get them. Anyway, I grabbed my shotgun and loaded 3 inch T shot HEVIShot Dead Rhinoceros rounds into it. I am using a HEVIShot Dead Rhinoceros choke tube. I snuck out my door and around the house, leveled the shotgun and let him have it. He hit the ground, twitched for about 3 days and died right there. That's one down and they are extinct.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Your "DOCTOR DOOM Power decoder ring" just came in the mail ?
    1 point
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