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How can we get illegal handguns off the street?

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Maybe not, but killing someone with a gun is a hell of a lot easier than slashing his throat, strangling them or killing by any other means. I as a gun owner have no qualms in admitting this, while everyone else here can't seem to understand it. If guns didn't make killing easier, why are most murders committed with them? There most definitely is a correlation between the two, and NO one will ever convince me that there isn't, so NO one need to even try. Sorry.

Tell Nicole Simpson that.

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New news out today, the guns were legally registered to the kids mother. How do we put gun laws into place to prevent someone in the household of a legal gun owner from going crazy and shooting up the place. Not going to happen. I am a firm believer that where there is a will there is a way and no law is going to stop someone from doing what they want to do.

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First lets take a moment for the familys that lost there loved ones ............. the people that did these sick crimes were just that sick no I am not going off on the lay blame thing did the school have a metal detector or a program in place I live in a very small town our school has only about 300 kids k-12 . WE have a main entrance that is closed in and you dont get past that with out some one coming to get you if there was some thing like that along with a metal detector these nut jobs would not get in the schools to begin with and NO i dont think the teachers should have guns BUT if there were a few more leagal carring people out there who knows how many might have been saved so no you can all beat me up and let NYBUCKBOY alone lol o and paying for the detectors would be us because the folks in Washington cant afford it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless its for there offices

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I have to say that with this event I am very torn between my beliefs and what should be done. As a NRA member and pistol instructor in CT, I sit here and wonder how this could be prevented. I ultimately support second amendment rights but feel we need to find a way to prevent the "wackos" from getting guns.

Born and raised in NYC I agree that if you want an ILLEGAL gun you will get it. The NYPD did a program in the past with gun turn ins and the person would get a gift certificate to Toys R Us and they would do this around Christmas time. Of course the people would only be turning in their deceased husband or fathers gun and they did not want them since they just were not comfortable with guns.

I encourage all my students from my pistol classes to bring their spouses or parents with them and usually will include them in the class free of charge as I feel more people need to be comfortable around firearms. This at least prevents accidents. I also encourage multiple levels of gun security to prevent then being taken. My guns are in a safe and also have a trigger lock with a combination lock.

It is a very complex topic and very hard to resolve. The liberals want the guns off the street and the gun advocates want no restrictions, but you have to admit when we are talking about humans in the the single digit age of their life it makes it hard to see what side of the fence you are on.

From what I understand from the events here yesterday the guns were not secured at the mother's house and I am sure we are going to find that this 20 y/p (not legalese age for a pistol) individual probably had an extensive physiological history.

I think educations is a big factor especially when securing them even in your house. I also feel people should be careful with their firearms when you have a family member with a psyc history, even distant relatives. Maybe guns should be allowed to be carried by teachers, just like pilots were allowed after 9/11. Maybe we need stricter laws, but they will not solve anything when an individual goes on a suicide mission either.

Anyway just my opinion. Please do not banter me in the blog as I just wanted to share my thoughts.

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WNYBuckHunter....Suggest you get a good dictionary and study it. Your use of the word ignorance doesn't fit. It only serves to prove that you are stupid! Opinionated and stupid make for a dangerous combination. We can only hope that people ignore you.

Maybe you should read it instead, the definition of the word ignorance perfectly describes your statement. I wouldnt expect you to be able to figure it out though.

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I wonder why she had these guns in the first place?? Also why have them in a house where a person has a mental illness? That is something that could be looked at and studied. My own opinion-I think the divorce of the parents had something to do with her ending up with the guns. My opinion but there will be more tk on that.

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People can't get guns in China and not once do they blame the knife!

March 2010

Main article: Nanping school massacre

On March 23, 2010, Zheng Minsheng (郑民生)[2] 41, murdered eight children with a knife in an elementary school in Nanping,[3] Fujian province;[4] The attack was widely reported in Chinese media (called 南平实验小学重大凶杀案),[2] sparking fears of copycat crimes.[4] Following a quick trial, Zheng Minsheng was executed about one month later on April 28.[3]

April 2010

Just a few hours after the execution of Zheng Minsheng in neighboring Fujian Province,[5] in Leizhou,[6] Guangdong another knife-wielding man named Chen Kangbing, 33 (陈康炳)[7] at Hongfu Primary School wounded 16 students and a teacher.[4] Chen Kangbing had been a teacher at a different primary school in Leizhou;[7] he was sentenced to death by a court in Zhanjiang in June.[8]

On April 29 in Taixing,[3] Jiangsu, 47-year-old Xu Yuyuan went to Zhongxin Kindergarten[9] and stabbed 28 students, two teachers and one security guard;[4] most of the Taixing students were 4 years old.[10]

On April 30, Wang Yonglai used a hammer to cause head injury to preschool children in Weifang,[3] Shandong, then used gasoline to commit suicide by self-immolation.[4]

May 2010

An attacker named Wu Huanming (吴环明), 48, killed seven children and two adults and injured 11 other persons with a cleaver at a kindergarten in Hanzhong, Shaanxi on May 12, 2010;[3] early reports were removed from the internet in China, for fear that mass coverage of such violence can provoke copycat attacks.[3][11] The attacker later committed suicide at his house; he was the landlord of the school,[12] Shengshui Temple private kindergarten, and had been involved in an ongoing dispute with the school administrator about when the school would move out of the building.[12]

On May 18, 2010 at Hainan Institute of Science and Technology (海南科技职业学院), a vocational college in Haikou, Hainan, more than 10 men[13] charged into a dormitory wielding knives around 2:30 am;[14] after attacking the security guard and disabling security cameras, 9 students were injured, 1 seriously.[14] The local men attacked the dorm in an act of revenge and retaliation against college students following conflict the previous day at an off-campus food stall in which 4 students were injured, for a total of 13.[15]

August 2010

On 4 August 2010, 26-year-old Fang Jiantang () slashed more than 20 children and staff with a 60 cm knife, killing 3 children and 1 teacher, at a kindergarten in Zibo, Shandong province. Of the injured, 3 other children and 4 teachers were taken to the hospital. After being caught Fang confessed to the crime; his motive is not yet known.[16]

August 2011

Eight children, all aged four or five,[17] were hurt in Minhang District, Shanghai when an employee at a child-care centre for migrant workers slashed them with a box-cutter.[18]

September 2011

In September 2011, a young girl and three adults taking their children to nursery school were killed in Gongyi,[19] Henan by 30-year-old Wang Hongbin with an axe.[20] Another child and an adult were seriously wounded but survived.[21] The suspect is a local farmer who is suspected of being mentally ill.[22]


Prof. Joshua Miller, chair of Social Welfare Policy at Smith College, attributed the attacks to stress caused by "rapid social change, mass migrations, increasing disparities in wealth and weakening of traditions."[23] Some sociologists believe some of these attacks may due to the PRC government's failure to diagnose and treat mental illness.[14] The perpetrators may feel victimized by stress due to the rapid social changes[14] in China during the last 10 years caused by the privatization and decreased social security of China's reform and opening period. During this time, more and more migrant workers from rural areas have moved to cities such as Shanghai to find jobs. However because they do not have social security (because of the hukou system), many of them do not have health insurance. Because of the financial crisis of 2007–2010, some have lost their jobs, which is stigmatized in China, and have had to return to their native villages jobless and unemployed. The choice of schools for most of the attacks means they could be copycat crimes.[14][23]

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I see posters here saying the only guns that get turned in are the ones from someones father or husband that died and they don't know what to do with them.

That is a start!! These same guns can fall into the hands of criminals and addicts who break into homes and find these guns. These same guns can end up being sold on the street as well.

A few posters here are actually thinking about ways in which we can, as a society, make things safer. Others seem to just repeat the same old rhetoric over and over.

We can be a part of the solution and take a stand toward a safer society or we can sit back and watch others who don't share our love of hunting, shooting and carrying make those decisions.

We need to form an organization that is a gun loving group of law abiding citizens who care that the same guns we love do not get in the hands of people who want to use them for crime and murder.

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I see posters here saying the only guns that get turned in are the ones from someones father or husband that died and they don't know what to do with them.

That is a start!! These same guns can fall into the hands of criminals and addicts who break into homes and find these guns. These same guns can end up being sold on the street as well.

A few posters here are actually thinking about ways in which we can, as a society, make things safer. Others seem to just repeat the same old rhetoric over and over.

We can be a part of the solution and take a stand toward a safer society or we can sit back and watch others who don't share our love of hunting, shooting and carrying make those decisions.

We need to form an organization that is a gun loving group of law abiding citizens who care that the same guns we love do not get in the hands of people who want to use them for crime and murder.

EXACTLY if everone had guns then the bad guys wouldnt want to do things like this and that is the ONLY solution that will work.... it has long been proven that outlawing things dosent eliminat them the black market is still there, and i can guaranty that there are ZERO gangbangers or druggies that will EVER turn in there guns no matter how large the reward so frankly i dont think that ur idea would work because there is no way to find ALL the illegal guns there are out there.... and taking the legal ones away is NOT what you want to do if you want to eliminate things like this from happening...

(political rant over.....lol)

(sorry man if im not helping in the way you wanted i really do wish i could but i cant seem to think of anything else than what i already stated)

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Criminals will always have guns.Look at the billions the Gov't spends on the war with drugs yet in probably most any community in this state if you knew the right people you could buy just about any illegal drug.

I don't know what the answer is but these shootings are happening more and more to the point where people are not safe at the movies, the mall ,work or at school but I do feel better knowing that I can protect my home and family because I own a gun.

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After all of the BS and theories this has only been mentioned Once.All of your fire arms should be locked up in a safe and not left out wherever for Anyone to have access to them.You are the blame if you leave any of your firearms where they can be had.

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After all of the BS and theories this has only been mentioned Once.All of your fire arms should be locked up in a safe and not left out wherever for Anyone to have access to them.You are the blame if you leave any of your firearms where they can be had.

Absolutely! My guns are kept in our bedroom, and that bedroom door is locked when we are not in it. I have not invested in a safe yet because of the ridiculous cost. Plus I want at least one gun readily available for home protection without having to turn on a light. But my guns were never just laying around unprotected.

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All my guns are locked up: They are cabled together inside locked gun cabinets. thus twice-locked. But, could they be stolen?...Hell, yes. Would I then be guilty if the thief committed with a gun he stole from me?....Hell, no! The blame for gun violence rests squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrator, no where else. To suggest otherwise is a serious mistake! (Note: I tried to not use any big words here so the Buckhunter could follow along!)

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So for those saying she had no rights to have guns with a mentally ill person in the home. If you end up with a child with a mental illness heaven forbid, will you get rid of all your guns? Bear in mind ADD and ADHD are in some circles considered mental illness.

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So for those saying she had no rights to have guns with a mentally ill person in the home. If you end up with a child with a mental illness heaven forbid, will you get rid of all your guns? Bear in mind ADD and ADHD are in some circles considered mental illness.

Got to define the illness first. I'm not an expert but and I don't know what circles your talking about with ADD and ADHD.

I would remove the guns from my house, it would be irresponsible not to.

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People what everyone fails to realize is that where there is a will there is a way. If your intent is commit horrible act like this then you will find a way to do it. I live near the city and i can guarantee you if i wanted to buy an illegal gun I am sure i can find someone selling one.

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well we have no clue what this guy supposedly have but you have rushed to justice that she should not have had the guns with a mentally ill person in her home. Studies are showing that add and adhd are becoming a precursor to bipolar disorders. How do you know what illness this guy had? umm you dont. But you are ready to pass judgement.

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