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I dabble in the buying selling and trading of legal firearms. i have to admit i do like AKs and ARs(please dont flame me) but what is going on since the shooting and NOW with Cuomo gone wild, HOLY CRAP!!! there is mass hysteria amonst the gun buying community. Gun shops are completely sold out of everything and people are shoving and clamouring at the shelves for 7.62x39 and 5.56ammo and bushmasters and AKs.

On the private board classifieds they are listing and getting 1200 bucks for WASR10 Aks which sold for 600bucks last week?? SKSs are selling for 1000BUCKS! i bought one for 200 last summer. i know of a gun dealer that has just sold 7 Windham arms ARs for 2000 bucks apiece on fri afternoon!

Way to go Andrew!!

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I'm not sure what the psychology is of these gun-runs everytime the anti-gun crowd gets fired up. Perhaps it is a rush to make purchases before sales become illegal.

From an investment standpoint, I would think that buying something that you fear will be unsaleable in the near future wouldn't be all that wise. But apparently there is something there that I don't understand .... lol. Also, if laws are written such that possession is illegal, I see people losing money (big-time) on such purchases. Perhaps that was what was behind Cuomo's comment about confiscation. Maybe he was trying to stem these mass purchases through some scare tactics. Apparently it didn't work .....ha-ha.

One thing that I saw at Beikirch's the other day was 3 or 4 guns that were for sale but listed as "Pre-ban". That would lead one to believe that banned guns are legal to sell if they were made and sold prior to the ban. I didn't get a chance to ask about that because the place was totally mobbed and I felt lucky just getting my reloading order filled.

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Yea the preban thing means guns/magazines manufactured before 1994 do not fall under NYSs assault weapons 1994 ban. you can't own a 30 round magazine in NYS unless it was made before 1994, and you cant own a rifle with scary features like a flash hider, bayonet lug or folding stock unless it was manufactured before 1994. Im not sure of what Andrew is conjuring at the moment but i hear alot of crazyness coming out of his mouth so theres no telling what we will end up with law wise when this is all said n done..

The thing im seeing in this gunrush is thats it more of a mega gunrush, most likely caused by Cuomo and probably centralized here in NYS. And the people buying are those who currently do not own an assault weapon. So we have a vacuum of a very small percentage of black gun owners willing to sell even at the prices that they currently garner and lots of people who want them causing the price explosion.

I even see one guy offering silver for bulk 7.62 ammo. And the term cash in hand is now the norm. Also people looking for huge quantities of bulk ammo wanting to buy really, i mean really large amounts...

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It's not just NY it's nationwide. Unless they plan on going door to door asking for your assault rifles, they're putting more guns, ammo, and mags on the streets right now than there would've been for years to come. That's only increasing the likelihood that an incident involving an assault rifle will happen in the future. Obama won ammo salesman of the year before his first term. Now he and others are doing it again this time with anything that's scary.

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I stopped into my local sporting goods store a few doors from where I work. They carry quite a line of guns, excluding handguns. The rifle racks were nearly all full except the rack with the modern semi autos. There was just 1 in the entire rack, just 1. Yeah there is a run on them.

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One guy on my crew, just in time btw got 3 more pre ban mags for his new Glock 19 and 1,000 rounds of 9mm . Thats how you do it folks buy it cheap and stack it deep, then the run on things has little affect on you.2 days later the site he bought the mags was sold out of everything and then crashed to boot !

I guess if we have another ban, there will be preban I and pre ban II mags.... both easy to get like always, but some folks we feel better....

The parents of my youngest's boyfriend just bought their first handgun a Berretta (live and learn) just because of possible coming gun control.

They live in Texas (must have been the last non gun owners there) and both have Masters Degrees, smart normal folks .

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Yeah I think I'd be going out instead and buying up all the Hawkin style flintlock muzzleloaders I could find... can make your own gunpowder, patches, balls and flints. Might get to be a bit archaic but at least i'll have a firearm when the s%&t hits the fan.

Ha-ha .... No, the antis will look at muzzleloaders as just one more "loophole" to close.

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I was wanting for for the past couple years and after all the hype decided to go ahead and try and find one. Anywhere that sells guns within 200 miles of Buffalo are all sold out. Then I thought about some family in Kansas and Montana that might be able to get me one and send it up here to an FFL and they area all sold out. Nearly anyone who would talk about the supply would say that they are all backordered over 2 months. My feeling is that they will make the sale of them banned but not ownership, probably a federal level. Here in NY, I have a great fear that something worse will happen, like forced buyback or complete ban. If that were to happen I would just send it to my family to hold and use until whenever. Honestly, I don't see myself in NY for many more years, so I just want to get it while I can.

Just for kicks prices I have been quoted:

Mossberg MMR Hunter: $1200 (had been 850)

S&W: $1600 (had been 1100)

RockRiver: $1800 (had been 1200)

So the price gouging has really started. Too bad. I for one am not going to forget that when I need something else in the future. Not that I am vindictative, but I have always thought that the gun retailers/consumers have been on the same side. Sure everyone needs to make a buck.

Also, Dicks and GM have stopped selling any AR, including the airsoft look alikes.

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