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If you could move where would you go?

Geno C

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Man guys this has come up alot amongst friends and family since the big re-election alot. I can tell you if I leave NY its not going to be to another state its out of the country. ONe thing is keeping me here and that is family heritage. That is it. SInce the re-election of the great one into office I have had a friend pack up and move to Nicaragua where he bought an established coffee plantation for what we here in the USA would call dirt cheap. I have another one that is taking a 6 months at a time visiting different areas out of the usa to decide where his final resting place is going to be. Another one just sold all his stuff and is heading for ND by end of the month. If you do alot of research some of these places like Nicaragua are "undeveloped" vacation areas. They are being bought into right now cheap for future investments. People cant afford the luxury of Jamaica,Cancun and the likes for vacations and are heading to these places with just as much scenery but lack of development. Myself I have always been drawn to the glamour of New Zealand but have not looked into the taxes, health care or financials as Im afraid it will just entise me a bit more.

Switzerland looks sweet... as well as N.Z. also our family has friends in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras

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Maybe if you don't have kids. I plan to have kids someday and don't think I want to raise them in some 3rd world country.

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I here ya there but my kids college days are getting short. I think most of my future lies in there choices in life at this point though LOL they leave Im following, they stay well I guess Im stuck. I wont leave them to fight the battle that has been put in front of them without asking alone.

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I've had this conversation with my wife for the past 21 years living on LI, especially after sending out our check twice a year to pay the $11k in taxes on the less than 1/4 acre I live on. Over the last 21 years I've seen my taxes increase and the size of my property stay the same.

If it wasn't for family living all within a few miles of us, we would have been off LI a long time ago. I would like to stay in NY but further North perhaps closer to the Daks. The biggest fear of living on LI is how to escape in the event of a catastrophy, terrorist attack or some other disaster that takes out the bridges and tunnels. Perhaps the tunnel from the 135 to Connecticut may be built before I die but I wouldn't hold my breath.

If not NY then probably in the Southwest - Arizona, New Mexico or Colorado. May even have waterfront views once the big one hits Calfornia and it falls into the Pacific. But until my kids get older and start their own lives I guess we'll have to stay put.

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stayin put right here in NY, but will go back n forth between here and Fla in the future, or sell the Fla place and get something in another warmer state with better hunting perhaps. but i will never leave this state despite the crappy gun laws its still a great state for business opportunity and the place to make money for the younger generations of my family.

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Think this is everyone's reoccurring daydream!! Have thought about this most of my life and yet here I am retired & still in NYS. Must be some kind of idiot or glutton for punishment. LOL Did some serious research into where to move ~12-15 years ago using weather & hunting as my primary criteria. Really liked central to western Kentucky, Tennessee or Virginia. Out of the costal hurricane or tornado paths, summers didn't seem to be unbearable and very mild winters. Only problem was - not a lot of employment opportunities in Appalachia. Did have an opportunity with a large employer to relocate to the southern California area decades ago. Salary was 30% less, while the cost of living was 30% more. Just couldn't justify that, along with the horror stories of the freeway commuting out there. Now you throw any state's gun control laws into the mix & that creates a whole new set of criteria. Is there really a utopia? Doesn't every piece of paradise have it's dark side too? So, in the end pick your daydream - winning the lottery, moving out of state, 200" bucks, .....

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Nope! I am where I most likely to wind up forever. At my age, there is no way I would ever want to pick up and move. I got over the "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome a lot of years ago. I've personalized and customized my property to the extent that I don't have enough years left on this planet to do it all over again.

What I would consider would be to have an alternative seasonal location. That is if I were to suddenly win a lottery or something where I would have enough money to support two places. But any place I would ever consider would have to be free from floods, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, poisonous snakes, deadly spiders, excessive heat or cold, and terrain that was not too flat (boring), or so mountainous that I couldn't get my ATV up the hills. It would have to have plenty of green and not too much brown (Texas is out). It would have to be rural, but not remote (I'm past that kind of rugged isolation and a bit too dependant on ready access to medical facilities and other comforts of civilization). There probably is no such place ... lol. It doesn't matter..... it ain't going to happen anyway.... lol.

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I have left NY and lived in GA. I came back for my fathers health and he now going to FL for winter. I have always regretted i came back. Now i am married and ask every year if he is ready to leave state. I do not like NY or the winters, and my hate for it gets greater every year. Not sure where i would want to go

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Family is the only thing really locking me to this state.

If I had my druthers now, assuming a legit employment opportunity exists, I'd be gone to any of the following:







When I was younger, I was much more fascinated with east coast states...lived in Virginia and Florida, and while some aspects of living standards and what they offer are fantastic....the older I get, the less valuable they become to me. But, the ties that bind are here and I'm going to have major issue pulling the better half away from this state as she's not someone who deals with change of this kind well and cannot step out of a comfort zone.

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Had they not built houses on the prop I would move back to my childhood home.It was a very nice farm house that my parents rented on 600 acre's woods fields streams and ponds,Itryed talking my Dad into buying but he was happy with renting.I now own my little home for 6 years and dont think I could get a better deal any where else,so I'm going to stay here in Dutchess county.

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Unfortunately, NYS is a lost cause. Taxes in this state are insane. It’s a beautiful place with abundant natural resources.

The politicians (Republicans and Democrats) are all the same, they sold out to public sector unions. Union employees work 15 or 20 years and collect pensions that their neighbors have to pay. I don’t blame the union workers, I would take the $ if I could. But it’s not right that a cop, firefighter, garbage collector retires at 40 years old and collects $75,000+ for the rest if his / her life. Someone needs to pay the bill!

NYS has passed numerous nanny state laws. Most recently the gun control law. This law will never be over turned by assembly or state senate. Maybe a court will throw it out, but not an elected official.

As for a place to move, any right to work state will do. These states have low taxes and are mostly located in the south.

Vote with your feet, leave if you can!

Edited by mmkay
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some good responses here. i figured this was a topic we ALL thought about and i bet as we speak some may even be lining up there ducks to make a move out. funny how we all have pretty much the same states in mind. i would love to check out Iowa or Texas. i have a buddy who is relocating to Texas very soon...

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Iowa is obviously whitetail hunting heaven in the lower 48 and has good turkey hunting with some Ok to decent fishing opportunities.

The big draw for me is not only the whitetail hunting but the locale...it's central location makes ventures west for elk and mulies realistic without as much travel costs. It's also possible to head to other states known for whitetails (IL, KS, NE, etc.) and again northish for more stuff (Dakotas).

Certainly not a metroplis in-state worth much culturally, but it has some places to scratch that itch should it exist.

My employment would likely be tied to the cities as I'm not much of a tradesman/farmer. The better half would cringe at Iowa though...she's a rural-type, but I think Iowa would bore her to a degree. At least here, beyond the family component, she has seasons and topography changes.

I should have just moved there when I was 20 and said to h@ll with women. I ended up divorcing that bag anyhow...if I only knew then what I know now (not trading in the current one for anything though!).

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It's hard to find a more scenic state than NY. However, the taxes and political views obscure that beautiful scenery. I've had friends come and hunt here from other states such as PA, IL, AL, MS, the Carolinas and FL. They all leave with a totally different impression of they thought NY was. They all agree that it's one of prettiest states they have visited and or hunted. The were also impressed with the abundant wildlife and the kindness of the people they met. Of course they were mostly upstate people. I've often thought of moving and to where I would move to. Yet, I always choose to remain here. Yes it is very expensive to live here but it's a great state. If it wasn't we all would have left already. Maybe someday when I'll seriously think about moving but for now my family, my friends and my life is here.

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My girlfriend of nearly 6 years is from Iowa and her parents farm 800 acres there and in MN. She said she isn't marrying me unless I am willing to move there. Hmmmmm.... My ONLY hangup is the fact that my dad and I are partners on the farm I am on and have a significant amount invested.

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