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hunter shoots cop


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Is there anything about another hunter that even remotely looks like a turkey? Anything at all???


Put on a light blue ball cap, dark brown pants and shirt.

Then squat-down and walk like a duck.


...wait, that would be too big for a turkey. 


Maybe he fell asleep and took the shot all bleary-eyed.

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Is there anything about another hunter that even remotely looks like a turkey? Anything at all???

Does the fact that he's a cop have any bearing on the rest of the story at all?  If it was anyone else would the headline say "Local shoe shine boy shot by turkey hunter" for example?

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hunters that fail to identify their target species are also not concerned about another absolute rule. sex. how can you shoot turkey or deer for that matter when you have to identify the sex before you pull the trigger.

you also have to identify the vital area before shooting.

1st) species

2nd) sex

3rd) vital area

4th) shot angle

5th) distance


these complete jackasses fail on all counts; 1st being absolute before proceeding.

Edited by skyhunter
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Another prob w this story is in the spring you can only shoot toms so you need to clearly see them anyhow... Ive never been able to see how stuff like this happens... sure if its 500 yrds at sunset and you have a doe and buck tag and it looks like a deer i can kinda understand but 30 yrds!!!! ANYONE should be able to tell a human at 30 yrds!!!

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Well, sometimes I have to wonder whether it really is an accidental situation. If I was the cops, I would be looking real close at this one. There may be more behind the story than it appears.

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both are at fault mainly the hunter who fired the shot. the policemen should have been wearing orange if he was just scounting during season.. When I go walking around during turkey season I put on some type of orange and when I sit down I take it off. its just a matter of a little extra safety IMO

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I hope they throw the book at that dink,he is not a hunter in my eyes.A hunter knows his target and does everything he can to take a clear safe shot and make were the animal is put down safe,and be aware of his/her surroundings.I hate to think that this tool is lumped together with good respectable safe hunters like me and the majority of us on this forum.Throw his butt in jail,teach him and all the other slob touch holes a lesson!!

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This ticks me off for two reasons. One KNOW WHAT YOUR SHOOTING AT!!! It's plain and freaking simple!!! Second I dont buy into the whole "be careful you dont call other hunters in" type of deal. As Joesph said, its male birds only in the Spring, so why any idiot would go sneaking up on a "hen" is beyond me. Then again who am i to talk, this exact incident proves that anything can happen. Be safe guys!

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This ticks me off for two reasons. One KNOW WHAT YOUR SHOOTING AT!!! It's plain and freaking simple!!! Second I dont buy into the whole "be careful you dont call other hunters in" type of deal. As Joesph said, its male birds only in the Spring, so why any idiot would go sneaking up on a "hen" is beyond me. Then again who am i to talk, this exact incident proves that anything can happen. Be safe guys!


I still hunt turkeys ALL the time!!! its my favorite method!!! I just slowly walk thru the woods/field edges calling every once in a while... if i have time i will yank my decoy hen outa my backpack and set it up but usually I dont even use it...  thats how I got my second/biggest gobbler this yr... (see map)post-2634-0-62341000-1368112996_thumb.jp red line= my entrance to area

red box on left= first setup

blue box farthest north= first saw gobbler

blue circle= farthest I called him in... (couldnt get a shot, brush in the way)

blue line= he circled around through the woods...

red box on right= setup #2

yellow box= decoy

blue box near decoy= where he died

I came hunting/calling up thru the woods, spotted him and then played hide and seek for the rest of the morning... (darn jakes kept getting in the way) Till I nailed him...

However I might be a weirdo or something but if I hear a hen calling i NEVER try to sneak up on it... must be im kinda going wacky or something... lol


And Yes accidents DO happen so we all need to be alert and aware of our surroundings...

Play it safe guys!!!

Edited by josephmrtn
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Another prob w this story is in the spring you can only shoot toms so you need to clearly see them anyhow... Ive never been able to see how stuff like this happens... sure if its 500 yrds at sunset and you have a doe and buck tag and it looks like a deer i can kinda understand but 30 yrds!!!! ANYONE should be able to tell a human at 30 yrds!!!


Just as a clarification...the spring season is not limited to toms only.  The DEC lists that you are allowed to harvest "two bearded birds" which includes bearded hens.


Joe I agree that you should be able to identify your target before shooting...especially at 30 yards!!

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Normally I would only shoot a tom or jake in the spring so thats not an issue for me... plus you wouldnt go around stalking hens and checking if they are bearded...


and Yes you would have to be blind not to be able to tell someone from a turkey at 30 yrds...

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