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We as hunters often consider ourselves conservationists and as such should consider re-introduction of an animal (sub specis) made extinct by over hunting importing for restoring the natural balance of the landscape.

I for one am for a complete and balanced environment, except mosquitoes...and ticks... and those chigger things....

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Don't know? Will the compete with the deer for food, how would that work out? Is the Daks a suitable place for them to live, don't they need a lot of grazing areas to survive? I would love to hear the sound of Elk in the distance but they are one big animal up close. 

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Eh, I'd be more interested in moose.


Elk in PA are pretty neat to see from I've been told. I do have an immense desire to hunt elk out west someday.


this. love me some moose. would love to elk hunt someday too. i've heard its not as big a challenge as you think though? like they come right in when they're in the rut? i dont know if that's true. sounds like a rush to me.

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Like Biz said, it will be forever before the population gets to a point it'll be abundant enough to hunt but it'll at least be awesome to see one in the wild wandering around.  If I can't shoot it with my rifle, I'll be just as happy to shoot it with my camera. 


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I would not think the present old growth management of the Adirondacks could support many elk. I would love to have them but I would love more to see the Dacks managed properly first.

yep, they should invest the time and money into what needs fixing first...........not too familiar with the Adirondacks, but from what I hear they are well suited for moose.

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it would be cool for a new species in the area, especially something new to hunt. I worry that they would compete with deer and what problem's they would have with residential areas. I would rather see that money go towards management of the species we have now though. it would be nice to see more bears bobcats and so on. 

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I have no problem with some introductions, but unfortunately it seems that there are more than a few occasions where such "messin' with nature" has caused problems in the past. I only ask that exhaustive study be done first to be certain that any of these introductions are not mistakes. And verifying that a reintroduced species was once resident is not by itself adequate study. Many things have permanently changed over the decades and centuries regarding habitat and other conditions, so what was once appropriate may no longer still be appropriate.

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While I would love to hear the bugle while hunting, I am not so sure I like the idea.  I would refer to Doc's comments and the introduction of more threats to deer.  Disease, competition for food sources and habitat destruction would be issues of concern.  

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