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Fox den cam...


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Thanks guys! Since this post got brought back up to the top I figured I would load a few more pics and videos from my Moultrie I also ran at the den.

 First a couple quick still photos...
Every now and then I would drop off some "Scooby snacks" for momma in the mornings and watch her scoop them up and hide or burry them around the den throughout the day.




I threw an antler out there to see what they'd do with it. I got a few vids of the pups wrestling around with it, but I'm having a hard time finding those pics and clips among the 1000's of files.
The antler escaped with no damage even though they chewed on it a bit with those little needle teeth!




Every once in a while I'd catch momma coming back with some "fast food" for the kids!




****- these next images are video clips.
Click pic for clips.


Momma dropping off a mouth full of moles for breakfast.
One day I went up there and found 12 little mole bodies piled at the den entrance,lol




Here she is scooping up some of her special delivery treats I brought her.




Doing a little spring cleaning at the den entrance while the kids get in the way...




Fighting over that big fat squill momma brought home for them...




This little guy must not have gotten any squill so he decided to chew on my cam for a bit...




And finally after a long day of playing and eating everything in sight, it was time for a tall cold glass of milk before bed time.



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Great video!

She went from 5 down to 2 pups. The little bugers looked healthy too.

Thanks- she started with 6 and still had 5.

Only lost one that I know of. I got more clips of all 5 of them after those two were done nursing.

Never saw any fawns make it back to the den, but did have a few miscellaneous deer parts show up.

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I don't think so.

I've seen at least 3 other litters of 6 at this and another den a few miles away.

I wouldn't expect to see more kits then a fox has nipples, so maybe 9 kits would be considered one too many,lol

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I can't put my finger on why, but I think foxes are really cool animals

Because they are little doggies, and they are cool. However, I do understand why small game hunters may not be fans of foxes. I always get excited whenever I see one, but I never came across a den. That would really be something. What a great set-up for photography.

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